Chapter 273 Different Statues

Well, she doesn't understand at all now, is the power of love really that great?Seeing how my sister is now, I can't imagine that she will become like this in the future.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of people, they finished eating quickly. At first, Yao Yi was a little afraid to eat.Thinking of him as the eldest son of a rich family, he is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, so he really doesn't like these things.But this is just what Jing Yu thought, she completely forgot how Yao Yi experienced it.

After dinner, Dong Mingming left first because he had to go to work.Yao Yi Jingzhu and Yao Yi went shopping in a nearby busy market together.

Along the way, the two sisters are like little birds, wanting to play and eat everything, full of curiosity about everything.All the while chattering non-stop, Yao Yi was quietly not far from them, watching them having fun and raising the corners of his mouth from time to time.

They didn't say goodbye to Jing Xun until after nine o'clock in the evening, and Jing Yu was already tired and fell asleep in the car.Yao Yi stopped the car and smiled helplessly when he saw the sleeping state.I thought to myself, is this woman really that tired? Probably because he was really too impatient.I still feel a little guilty thinking about it.He wanted a child, so there was really no need to worry about it.

As soon as the car stopped, he carefully carried her out, went back to the room and gently put her on the bed.Although it was a slight silence, he still woke up.When he opened his eyes, he saw Yao Yi turned over with a smile and continued to sleep.

"I told you not to play so crazy, you are exhausted now." He complained while helping her take off her shoes.Although the mouth is to complain, in fact, I still feel sorry for her in my heart.

Only now did he realize that this woman had actually integrated into his life.Maybe it was this period of time or it was an earlier time, anyway, their lives have been integrated now, and they will never be separated again.

"But I haven't gone out to play for a long time. I always feel that everything changes after I get married, and I always feel that when I get along with my sisters, it changes." She turned around and hugged the quilt, tears flashed in her eyes, Even she didn't discover it herself.

Yao Yi hugged her, wiped her tears gently with his thumb, wanted to say something, but finally opened his mouth and said nothing.After all, he didn't know what she was thinking, but he still felt sorry for her.

Jingyu reached out and hugged his waist, rubbing against his arms.I don't know what's wrong with me, I always think of something inexplicably, and then feel very sad inexplicably.She didn't know how she thought of this, she was not such a person before.

Yao Yi hugged her and groped her body again, because he didn't want to make this woman think wildly.Jing Yu was startled, and quickly pushed him away, "I, I'm going to take a shower first, you, you can do whatever you want." She said and rushed to the bathroom like a gust of wind.Yao Yi looked at her back and curled his lips, thinking that he would let her go, but that was impossible.

Once in the bathroom, she quickly patted her chest and let out a sigh of relief. That stinking man Yao Yi was in heat all the time, and she couldn't bear it if he could bear it.

She took off her clothes and began to shower, and the bathroom door was opened halfway through the shower.She turned around and saw Yao Yi walking in naked, she forgot for a moment how she reacted, and when she realized it, she quickly pulled the bath towel to wrap herself up, Kashgar
"Why did you come in, get out quickly."

As if the man hadn't heard her, he continued to stride towards her.The fluffy hair was still splashing with hot water, and the whole bathroom was covered with a layer of mist. I don't know why seeing such a situation made it even more ambiguous.Because she had just bathed, she had a honey color on her body, as if luring others to bite her.

(End of this chapter)

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