Chapter 274 Chapter 284 Change
She walked over to hold her face, kissed it, and soon the bathroom started a new round of ripples.

After taking such a bath for two full hours, if it wasn't for the fact that Jing Yu's body was already too soft, he let her go, hugged her to the bed, and covered her with the quilt.

He also lifted the other side of the quilt and got in to hug her.She turned around and hugged his waist as well, they were not wearing anything now, and soon Yao Yi reacted again.

"Why don't you know restraint? Do you really want a child so much?" Jing Yu's voice came from under the quilt.

"En." He replied casually, but in fact, what he wanted more was her body.Since being with her, he can't be with other women.There are many women with him, but none of them fascinated him so much.

"You are really scary like this." Since that day they started doing this kind of thing almost day and night.She really doubts whether his body is iron or not. She really wants to do nothing the same, and getting up so early every morning to work is really terrible.

"If it's not scary, you're complaining about me again. Don't you like me like this?" He laughed, don't all men like people saying that he is amazing?He is the same.

"Can you stop being such a hooligan? If you continue to behave like this, I will leave you alone?"

Is this the Yao Yi she knew? She really doubts it?In her impression, he has always been cold and cool, but it all changed at some point, and she found that he seemed to be a different person.Occasionally, he would be ruffian, would tease her a few words, and sometimes say a few nasty words.This kind of him made her heart move even more.

Yao Yi smiled and said: "Okay, I must be exhausted today, go to bed early."

She nodded slightly, and fell asleep quickly.I was very tired after shopping today, and I was dragged by Yao Yi to exercise, and now my body is very weak.

Hearing the soft breathing, Yao Yi knew that she had fallen asleep, so he turned over and walked into the bathroom. Soon there was a sound of water in the bathroom.

Quietly slept well that night, it's hard for someone to flush cold water several times in one night.

Before Jingju got up the next day, she received a call from Zhang Feifei asking her to go out.When she received this call, she was still a little hesitant. After all, there was some unhappiness between them that day, and she felt slightly that the relationship between them seemed to have changed.Zhang Feifei has lost her mind because of her love. Although she won't be very sad, she feels somewhat uncomfortable.

Yao Yi was still sound asleep when she went out, she just told Mama Zhang that she had a dinner date with a friend, asked her to tell Yao Yi, and then hurried out.

When they got there, Zhang Feifei and Chen Xier were already waiting there, she greeted them with a smile, and sat down opposite them.

She looked at the two of them a little bit, it seemed that they hadn't seen each other for a few days, and they seemed to be more haggard than before.Especially Chen Xi'er, her eyes became dull, and she had long since lost the energetic look before.

"Xi'er, are you sick? You have a good face?" She looked at her worriedly, her brows were wrinkled, and she was really worried about her.

Chen Xi'er touched her face, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I guess I have a little cold." Although there was nothing wrong on the surface, in fact, she hated Jingzhu to death in her heart, wishing to tear the smile off her face .Why can she be so dignified, as if she cares about them.In fact, what she doesn't know is that she actually hates her like this the most, and has always been.They are not from the same world, it is impossible to become friends.

(End of this chapter)

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