Chapter 275 Jealousy, Envy

Watching their interaction Zhang Feifei felt a little unhappy, she felt as if she had been left out.After quarreling with Jingyu that day, she went back and thought about it, it seemed that she was too extreme. Although she really wanted her to be with Yao Wei, she shouldn't let such a method.You should let Jingyu see his goodness more, and then accept him slowly.

Chen Xier also heard about what happened between Zhang Feifei and Jingyu.She also knew that it was wrong for Zhang Feifei to do so.But she is also happy to be the peacemaker.

"Feifei, don't think too much, I believe Jingyu won't be really angry." Chen Xier grabbed her hand and said softly.Although Zhang Feifei still felt a little uncomfortable, she didn't feel so uncomfortable seeing Chen Xier's words like this.

"Jingyu, why don't you say something, this girl has been very sad for the past few days because of the previous incident, if you don't speak, she must be thinking wildly again." Chen Xi'er said.

She just gave a soft "um", she really didn't know what to say, in fact, she felt a little resentful in her heart, blaming Zhang Feifei for saying such words.She loved Yao Yi for so many years and gave so much for him, she didn't need others to question anything, she knew very well whether it was worth it or not.And she doesn't like people talking about Yao Yi like that at all. Now they are living a good life and don't want this kind of life to be ruined by others.

"Really?" Zhang Feifei asked in disbelief: "I'm really sorry about what happened that day, and I said that because I was too anxious."

Jingyu waved her hand, indicating that she understood.After all, they've been sisters for so many years, it's not good if they really become stiff, how could the relationship of so many years change because of a man. "It's okay. Anyway, I didn't take it seriously, but I still want to tell you that Oh and Yao Yi are really living happily now?"

Chen Xier's complexion changed.Ask: "Really?" Is it true happiness?
"That's good, that's good." Zhang Feifei said a few words to conceal the sadness in her heart.She felt heartbroken for Yao Wei.He is so heartbroken for Jingyu, she can see that he is really in love with Jingyu.It's just that it's not easy for him to fall in love with someone, but he fell in love with someone who shouldn't be loved.

"The two of us have discussed that we want to have a child. You will be happy for me then, right?" She completely ignored the pale faces of the two women in front of her.She didn't know what they were thinking, whether they were happy or unhappy for her, anyway, it was decided that she and Yao Yi would be together now.

Well, the two nodded one after another, their faces were pale and they didn't know what they were thinking. Anyway, they must be happy for Jingyu in their hearts.

"Jingyu, do you really think that man Yao Yi will treat you sincerely?" Chen Xi'er asked, probably not, who is Yao Yi? How could it be possible for others to let Jingyu conceive his child? It is impossible and must be a lie.

"Yes, I would have said no in the past, but now I will." After getting along with Yao Yi these days.She really felt that Yao Yi really loved her, and she was very confident in this.

When talking about Yao Yi, her face always glows, making people know that she is a happy little woman.But in the eyes of Chen Xier and Zhang Feifei, she seemed to be showing off.

When Zhang Feifei heard this, she felt more and more lost. She was thinking, maybe she really shouldn't match Yao Wei and Jingyu.She knew that the person Jingju had always loved deeply was Yao Yi, and she really shouldn't be so selfish as to force Jingju to accept Yao Wei.If Yao Yi really changed his mind and wanted to be nice to Jing Yu, then she would also bless her.

(End of this chapter)

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