Chapter 276

Unlike Zhang Feifei's Chen Xi'er, she only has resentment now, why she has been trying to climb to a high place but can't do it.As for Jingyu, she can only rub her hands with her hands, but she still has so many complaints. Sometimes she feels that these are all showing off to them in disguise.It seems to be belittling them as people from the lower class.She was already married to Yao Yi, and Mrs. Yao's position was already hers, but she was always dissatisfied and still wanted Yao Yi.Obviously it was a difficult task, but she did it, she really won Yao Yi's heart.

What to do, she felt really uncomfortable in her heart, the flame of jealousy seemed to swallow her whole.She actually didn't want to think about Jingyu like this, but she really couldn't control herself.It seems that there are two people in my heart, one is very envious of Jingyu, while the other is very jealous, wishing that I am Jingyu and run to Yao Yi's side to enjoy all her tenderness.

"Hey, you guys are really sisters. After so many years, I thought you had seen each other clearly." At this moment, a sharp female voice came over, and when she saw the person coming, her face showed a smile. different faces.Chen Xier and Zhang Feifei were white, and they obviously didn't want to see anyone appearing, while Jingyu smiled and looked excited.

"Tang Xiaojie." The person who came was none other than Tang Jie, one of their other good friends. The relationship between the four of them had always been very good before.Later, I don't know what happened, Tang Jie seemed to have some unpleasant things with Chen Xi'er, Tang Jie left, and Chen Xi'er would get angry every time he mentioned this name.It's just that they are still good friends in Jingyu's heart.

Tang Jie sat down next to Jingyu without any politeness. They used to go out to eat together like this. At that time, they were still young and their hearts were not polluted by the world.Now they are still sitting like that, they are still them, but there is no way to go back to the past.

"Lin Xiaoyu, do you welcome me when I come back?" She used to have the best relationship with Jingyu, and now the only one who doesn't have any grievances with her is Jingyu. They have always maintained the appearance of good friends.She opened her arms to give Jingyu a big hug.

"Of course, you will always be our good sister." Jing Yu also reached out to hug her. What she said was that they still longed for them to be like before.

"Tang Jie, how are you doing abroad these days?" Zhang Feifei asked with concern. It has been so many years since what happened back then, and now she has no feeling for that person.In fact, she later realized that it was just goodwill and not love at all.

"It's good, but I often think of you." What she said was gnashing her teeth, and her eyes fell on Chen Xi'er full of warning.

"Well, I remembered that I still have some things to go back and deal with first, you guys are slow." She said and left here as if she was running away, because she was really scared now.

Inexplicably looking at her with that look made her heart shudder, she deeply knew that the current Tang Jie was no longer the original Tang Jie, the original Tang Jie was so cowardly, she would not look at her with such eyes of.

Looking at her back, Tang Jie pursed her lips in satisfaction, Chen Xier, do you know how to be afraid? Why didn't you feel afraid when you framed Jia Ai? She came back now to take revenge. How did he treat her back then? How she treats people. "Why are you leaving in such a hurry? We haven't seen each other for a long time. Don't you have anything to say to me? And I haven't told you about me and the senior. Are you not curious at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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