The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 277 No Misunderstanding, Only Calculations

Chapter 277 No Misunderstanding, Only Calculations
Chen Xi'er crossed her foot and almost fell, but soon she stabilized her body and left quickly.I'm afraid that if I don't leave sooner, this woman will tell the story of the past, and then how will she face Jingyu.

What's going on, Jingyu was very puzzled, why did the two feel weird.At that time, she thought that Tang Jie and her senior had gone abroad to get married, because they disappeared together at that time.After Tang Jie left, Chen Xi'er changed. Every time he mentioned this name, it was as if he had taken gunpowder.At that time, she also asked the reason, and she finally said that it was because she also liked seniors.According to this situation, it seems that Tang Jie should be sorry for Chen Xi'er, but why did Tang Jie say such things again.

"Is there any misunderstanding between you and Xi'er? Why do you seem to be enemies when you meet?" After all, they are sisters for so many years, and she doesn't want their relationship to become so rigid. The way it was before is naturally the best.

"There is no misunderstanding, she just can't pass the test in her heart." There was no misunderstanding between them at all, the previous thing was planned by Chen Xier early in the morning, so it was not a misunderstanding.She doesn't say it in front of Jingju now, she and Jingju haven't seen each other for so many years, while Chen Xier has been by Jingju's side all the time, so Jingju naturally believes in Chen Xier more.If she said such things so casually, there would definitely be some estrangement between the two of them.What she has to do is to let Jingyu get to know this person slowly, and she must expose that false woman.

"Then why haven't you showed up for so many years after you left?" For so many years, because there is no explanation for that incident.Even if it is falling in love, there is no shame, but why did she just leave without an explanation.

In fact, very few people know that she once liked Senior Oak, but it's not really like, she just admired him.At that time, Ouk had always liked Jingyu very much. This is something that everyone knows, only the woman Jingyu doesn't know.At that time, Tang Jie was obviously already with the senior, but she went to hook up with Oak again, which she saw with her own eyes.

Tang Jie pursed her lips. Could she say that she had her own reasons at the beginning?She knew that even if she said it, no one would believe it.

After that, no one spoke, and the three former friends just had an unpleasant lunch.Soon Jingyu came out from inside.Seeing that there was still some time, that's why she thought about going for a walk nearby, and sorting out her thoughts by the way.

Thinking of Tang Jie's current state, she felt a little uncomfortable, and thinking of Zhang Feifei before, she felt even more uncomfortable.Could it be that they really can't go back?
Just as she walked out and was thinking wildly, her mouth was suddenly covered from behind, and a pungent smell came into her nasal cavity, and soon she passed out and fell into darkness.

It was getting dark, and Yao Yi prepared the dinner himself, waiting for Jing Yu to come back, and he didn't see that familiar figure until after seven o'clock.The greater the anxiety in his heart, didn't he say that he would go with his friends?He only knew Zhang Feifei and Chen Xier as her friends.

He didn't think too much about it, he just thought that Jing Yu was playing too much.Doesn't this dead woman know that he is waiting at home?When she comes back later, she must be punished well.He has been waiting with such a heart until nine o'clock in the evening and there is no news of Jingzhu, he is completely angry.

Quickly took out his mobile phone and called someone Xun. As soon as the call was connected, before the person over there began to speak, he said first: "Xun, take some to find out where Lin Jingju is? Remember to be quick, I don't have that patience." After finishing speaking, he hung up before waiting for the other side to say something.

(End of this chapter)

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