Chapter 278 Jingyu is gone

Ren Xun over there was having a good time with a foreign beauty in his arms. It was strange to receive a call from Yao Yi.Now that Long Yan has also started to grow stronger, there is no need for him to step in.He thought that something serious happened and Yao Yi called him personally, but he didn't expect that his wife had disappeared.

Damn, he really wanted to be rough.Why don't you go find your wife when she's gone? It's not like he abducted her.

Of course, he was just complaining in his heart, he didn't dare to say such things to Yao Yi.Even if you feel uncomfortable, you still have to do it.He took the clothes on the side and put them on.

It's disgusting for women to see him pouting his lips in dissatisfaction, flirting with others, and walking away with his pants up when he wants it. "Xun, is there something so urgent? Can't you wait a while?"

He also wanted to wait for a while, if it was someone else, he would definitely not care about it, the problem is that this person is Yao Yi now, if their boss gets angry, the consequences will be dire.He kissed the woman's red lips, and coaxed softly: "Hey, I'll be back soon, you wait here for me obediently."

The woman could only nod her head obediently. It is impossible for her not to know who Ren Xun is. It is good that she is by his side. If she offends him, the consequences will be serious.

It was already the next day when I received the news. Ren Xun had been busy all night and only found out that Jing Yu and Zhang Feifei had been together and then disappeared.So he has every reason to suspect that this matter has something to do with Zhang Feifei.

After Yao Yi received the call, he invited Zhang Feifei to the restaurant where they had dinner together yesterday.Zhang Feifei rushed over quickly, but Yao Yi was faster, and Yao Yi was already sitting there when she arrived.

"Is there anything you want from me?" She sat on the opposite side of Yao Yi tremblingly.

Yao Yi looked much more decadent than before, with some stubble still showing under his chin.There is a black layer around the eyes, and it can be seen that he has not rested all night.

"Were you with Jingyu yesterday?" He asked instead of answering her.

"Yeah, we're going to eat here." Seeing him like this inexplicably, she felt terrified.

"Really? What proof is there?" She obviously didn't believe it.The only thing he doubts now is whether Yao Wei will take Jingzhu away.His liking for Jingyu has always been so high-profile, and she is likely to do such a thing.And it is more likely that Zhang Feifei asked Jing Yu to go out, and then Yao Wei came out and took Jing Yu away.

"We ate here yesterday, and Xi'er and I were there, you can ask Xi'er if you don't believe me." She shouted anxiously.But after knowing something, I thought of something.

"What do you mean by that? Could it be that something happened to Jingyu?"

Yao Yi ignored her, picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Chen Xi'er? Were you with Jingju yesterday? Then were you with Zhang Feifei?"

She hung up after just a few words, and then looked at Zhang Feifei with a deep expression, "No."

"Ah?" Zhang Feifei was puzzled.

"She said no, what else do you have to say." He really didn't expect that she was Jing Yu's friend, and she would treat her like this.In fact, he also knew about the fact that he came to Jingyu that day, even what they said.He really admires Zhang Feifei's love is really great, if he would definitely not be able to do it.Based on what she said, he had reason to believe that Zhang Feifei was the one who captured Jingyu to help Yao Wei.

"Impossible. I'm obviously with the two of them." Why did Chen Xi'er say that, they were obviously together, why did she say that?

"Just keep pretending. You love Yao Wei so you want to help her catch Jingyu. You tell Jingju to come out and Yao Wei to come out and take him away. Do you love him so irrationally?"

(End of this chapter)

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