Chapter 279 Suspected Kidnapped

After he said so much, it took her a while to realize, "I didn't, I really didn't do that." She might have said so before, but she gave up such thoughts after yesterday. After hearing Yao Yi, she would really treat her sincerely. She, she understands that feelings really cannot be forced.

Why did Chen Xi'er say that, why did she say that.Aren't they very good friends? Why did she say such things?

"Who can prove that?"

Yao Yi was smiling all the time, in fact, this was when he was most dangerous.If Jingyu is safe and sound, he will let them die more happily, otherwise he will definitely make their life worse than death.

"I can prove it." Tang Jie walked over and said.In fact, she was already not far away before they came. She didn't want to get involved in their topic, but when she heard that Jingyu was missing, she was also anxious.

Yao Yi was very displeased to be interrupted by someone like this all of a sudden, he looked up and saw a strange face, but he seemed to be very familiar with Zhang Feifei.

Received the questioning look, Tang Jie shrugged and introduced herself to Yao Yi: "Hello, I am one of Jingyu's good friends, named Tang Jie. We had dinner together yesterday, so what Feifei said is correct .”

Zhang Feifei looked at her gratefully. Although she didn't have a good impression of Tang Jie, she was the one who proved it for her this time.On the contrary, it was Chen Xi'er who actually denied it. Why did she deny it? Could it be that Jing Yu's disappearance had something to do with her?

"I believe what you say? Maybe you are colluding to act in front of me." Who is Yao Yi, how could he believe them so easily.

Tang Jie was not in a hurry, brushed her hair, and said, "Mr. Yao has the right to doubt, but you can inquire. There were four of us in this restaurant. Afterwards, Chen Xier left first and only the three of us were left." One. Later, because Feifei and I had something to say, Jingyu left first."

For some reason, he believed what Tang Jie said, and he didn't need to do any more research. He glanced at Zhang Feifei, who was pale, and then turned around and left.

"I advise you to check the one who left first, maybe you will have a windfall." According to that woman's style, she will definitely do such a thing.

Yao Yi paused, then walked out in strides, the most important thing right now is to find out where Jingyu should be.

Jingyu opened her eyes, and what she saw was a strange room, everything was strange.Different from the plain colors in her room, here are all bright red colors, the blood-like red looks really disgusting.

Her clothes have also been changed. She used to wear a beige skirt when she went out, but now she is wearing a long red dress. Red, red, and this wink again. Don't you know that this color is what she hates the most? ?
Soon she understood what happened to her. She remembered that she was fainted just after she came out of the restaurant, and then she woke up like this. Who on earth wanted to treat her like this.

At this moment, the door opened and a tall figure walked in. Suddenly a beam of bright light came in, and her eyes couldn't adapt for a while.The man walked up to her very quickly, and only then did she see his face clearly?

"It's you?" It's Yu Zhengyi, "What exactly are you trying to do by bringing me here?"

"Nothing, I just invited you to my house to play for a few days." He hooked his lips and said evilly.

"Please, is this how you f--- invite someone?" Obviously, he took her away without her consent.I don't know if Yao Yi has disappeared, is he in a hurry to die now.

(End of this chapter)

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