Chapter 280 is a big pervert

"Although this way is a bit rude, but I am also very anxious. Yao Yi really protects you so well that I can't even see your face."

"I don't think we have anything to meet. I don't know you well." She didn't want to see the man in front of her at all, and felt very uncomfortable every time she saw him.

"I'm not familiar with you, we can just meet each other more, as long as you give us a chance, then we can be very good too, right?" She suddenly approached her, wanting to kiss her on the lips, she turned her face away quietly, he He paused and kissed her face.

"Why do you do this? If you try to accept, maybe you will really fall in love with me." Why, they obviously met her together, but why did she choose Yao Yi? Yat is engaged.He didn't know if his love for her was true, anyway, he just wanted her.

She smiled silently, now she seriously suspected that this man was released without taking medicine because of his illness. "You haven't woken up yet. I will only love Yao Yi in my life. Even if I am separated from Yao Yi, I can't be with you." Even if there are no two people in this world Impossible to be with this man.

"Really? But I have plenty of time. I will keep you locked up until you are willing. One day you must belong to me." He believes that one day this woman will really accept him, even if he has Yao Yi can't get it if he doesn't get it.He is really not reconciled to why he owns all the good things.

She opened her mouth wide and didn't know what to say. She really felt that she had no common topic with this man. He was like a pervert. "Then just wait, I will never fall in love with you even if I die." She obviously has a face similar to Yao Yi's, so why do they feel so different to her?She misses Yao Yi so much now, wants to return to his side quickly, and act like a baby in his arms.Only now did she realize that nothing could make her feel at ease in his arms.

"Say it again." He has never seen any woman in his life, and ordinary women seem to eat people when they see him. He didn't care about anything before, but now Jing Yu said that and he felt very angry.

Stretching out her hand to pinch Jingyu's chin, she lowered her head and kissed it. She closed her mouth tightly and stared fiercely at the man.He went all the way down, kissing her collarbone, no, it should be biting, and soon her fair skin was bruised.

"Let go of me, let me go." She kept pushing and pushing him, struggling constantly, but unfortunately there was a huge difference in physical strength between men and women, and he was still like a mountain, motionless.

"Let go of me, you let me go. You rascal, let go." She doesn't want to do this, don't.She can't be sorry to Yao Yi, she can't die, and she can't.If this must be the case, she really would rather die.

But she was really reluctant, the relationship between her and Yao Yi had just eased, they had just discussed about wanting to have a child, they hadn't had time to do it yet, could it be that they were really going to die?
Thinking of this, tears flowed down the cheeks, and then dripped and bloomed on the pillow.Yu Zhengyi stopped moving, her tears burned his heart.What she hates the most are women's tears. Like a certain woman in her impression, she cries at every turn.

"It's disgusting." He turned over and got down without looking at Jing Yu, straightened his clothes and went outside.

It was only when she saw him leave that she began to cry. Fortunately, she didn't. Fortunately, she didn't.She is still whole.She still belongs to Yao Yi, woo woo.

After crying for a long time, she went into the bathroom. She didn't want to smell like someone else, she only belonged to Yao Yi, and she would only do such things with Yao Yi in her life.

(End of this chapter)

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