Chapter 281 Red Red
In the bathroom, she rubbed her body fiercely, and she didn't stop until it was all red.Tears smeared her face.She didn't want to, she didn't want to have traces of other people on her body.

It took an hour to take a shower. She threw the previous clothes in the trash can, wrapped in a towel and walked out of the cloakroom.The clothes in the cloakroom were all in various shades of red, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes, does he like red that much?Only Yu Zhengyi would like such heavy clothes.She had to put it on even though she really didn't like it, or she wouldn't.

There are even underwear on it, she was worried about whether she wanted to wear it, but she was relieved when she saw the trademark on it that hadn't been removed.

She walked out of the room and looked at the room seriously.The room is not big, there is only a table, a bed, and a large balcony with red curtains.When she walked to the balcony, it was still red. There were many red roses planted in the yard, and the faint fragrance entered her nasal cavity, and she felt a little more comfortable in her heart.

Soon a man who claimed to be a servant came in and asked her to go downstairs for dinner, she hesitated for a while and followed.She had the strength to run away when she was full, so she had no choice but to follow her.

When she arrived, Yu Zhengyi was already waiting for him. Even though the incident just now hadn't happened at all, he still felt very scared seeing him now.

"Miss Lin, please sit down." The servant politely made a gesture of invitation.She bit her lip, hesitated and sat down.Anyway, he is here, and the food will still be poisoned.

She sat down and looked at the man in front of her, picked up the chopsticks and ate, and probably made the eating look very ugly, trying to show her bad side in front of this man, so that he would not treat her badly What are you interested in?

Yu Zhengyi's face was deep and he ate slowly. He ate very quickly, but his movements were very elegant. After eating, he put down the bowl and went outside.

After eating, Jing Yu wandered around, but she was always followed by people, and she could go anywhere except where she was not allowed to approach the door.Although the yard was beautiful, she was not in the mood for someone following her.She went back to the living room and watched TV. In order to prevent people from watching her, she deliberately asked them to do various things.

Taking the phone secretly, she returned to the position just now as quickly as possible, and a servant just came over, holding some fruits.

"I suddenly have a craving for jujube porridge, go and make it for me." Anyway, didn't they say that Yu Zhengyi told her before that they must agree to whatever she wanted.

The servant was a small woman, she cast a resentful glance at Jing Yu, and reluctantly walked to the kitchen.No matter who told others to be the master, she had to do everything accordingly.

When she was gone, Jing Yu took out her mobile phone and pressed the number that was deeply remembered in her heart.

"Hello." It was quickly picked up by someone, Yao Yi's deep and familiar voice.

"My husband is me."

"Jing'er, Jing'er, where are you now?"

"Listen to me now, I was captured by Yu Zhengyi, and I don't know where this place is, I secretly used their phone to call."

Speaking of which, Yao Yi understood, "Be patient, baby, I will come to you soon, you must be careful."

"Well, you too. Well, I won't tell you, so as not to be discovered by them later." She hung up after saying that. She had never done such a thing and was very scared.She quickly put the phone back.She just put it down, and the servant who went out to buy just came back. Seeing this scene, she thought that Jingyu was taking the phone.

"What do you want to do?"

She turned her head and looked at her in horror. Could it be that she was discovered?It wouldn't be so unlucky, if that perverted man Yu Zhengyi found out that she was calling secretly, he would definitely kill her.

(End of this chapter)

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