Chapter 282 A Tool

"Miss Lin, you have good food and a good place to live here. I advise you not to play tricks, especially call someone to save you."

Jingyu pretended to be calm and said: "I have to stay here if it's delicious and easy to live in. My Lin family also eats and lives in a good way. Our family is not so poor that we have to live and eat in other people's homes." At home, she wanted to go back to Yao Yi's side and want him to hold her.

In fact, practical people don't know Jing Yu's identity at all, they only know that she is a woman who doesn't know good or bad.Unexpectedly, she was the daughter of the Lin family, and she naturally knew who the Lin family was.

"So what about the Lin family, it is already a great gift to be able to follow our master, don't be ignorant."

She couldn't help laughing, Yu Zhengyi is the emperor or something, it's a great gift to be with him?But she didn't need such a gift at all, she just wanted to return to Yao Yi's side.

"If you think it's a gift, you can just follow him. I have a husband and I'm not interested in other women." After she finished speaking, she turned around and walked upstairs.After turning around, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she just thought she wanted to make a phone call.Fortunately, she had already finished talking to Yao Yi, otherwise if someone found out, she wouldn't know what that man Yu Zhengyi would do to her.

She went back to the room and got ready for a good sleep. Who knows what would happen at night. If she was killed at night, it would be so wronged.Anyway, it's broad daylight and it won't be so rampant.It was with such a mood that she tossed and turned for more than an hour before falling asleep.

I didn't wake up until after five o'clock in the evening, and was still called up by the servant to eat.When she reached the first floor, she found that Yu Zhengyi was not there. She ate in a hurry, fearing that Yu Zhengyi would come back suddenly.She is not afraid that medicine will be added to the food, if she is very hungry, it will be fine even if she is poisoned to death.

After a hasty meal, she quickly returned to her room.The rest of the servants really looked down on her seeing her like this.Their master is so nice, rich and handsome, why is he just such a woman, except for that pretty face, there is really nothing good about it.Besides, there are so many beauties in the world that don't necessarily have to be her.

In their hearts, Yu Zhengyi is excellent in every way, but in Jing Yu's heart, only that person is the best, and she is also the only favorite in her life.

The night slowly deepened, and at the same time in another villa, Yu Zhengyi looked at the old man in front of him with a cold and gloomy face. This man was none other than his father, and he was the only one who made him both awed and afraid.

Yu Sheng is now a man in his fifties, and some gray hairs have grown on his temples.Although he is already a few years old, his body will give people a great shock in the future. It can be seen how powerful he was when he was young.

"Father, when did you come back?" The previous rumors about Yao Yi were probably caused by his father. He was very displeased with his father's behavior. Even if he wanted to clean up Yao Yi, it was his business. He didn't want anyone to Go for it and include him.

Yu Sheng could see his emotions, his expression was still indifferent. "Nani is only thinking about himself recently, how could he think of me." He has never had any feelings for this son. In his eyes, he is a tool for him to raise, a tool for revenge.At that time, when the woman said that she was pregnant, he planned to not want it, because in his eyes, she was just a tool for him to take revenge on someone.

"I'm doing it now." It's not the first time he heard his father's cynicism, and now he is numb.He actually understood in his heart that he was nothing in his heart, perhaps just a tool to use.

(End of this chapter)

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