Chapter 284 Yao Yi Comes

sisters?She was with Zhang Feifei, Chen Xier, and Tang Jie that day.Although she subconsciously felt that Tang Jie was the biggest suspect, the other two people were also possible.But this does not rule out that Yu Zhengyi may be lying, she has every reason to believe that this is just a conspiracy.

"Why should I believe your words? Who knows what your plan is. Let me ask you, do you hate Yao Yi that much? Will he do anything to get revenge?" What kind of grievances did she really have between them? I don't want to get involved.No matter what the reason is, if a woman is pulled into it, she really looks down on such a man. "Don't you love Yao Yi very much? Don't you want to experience it with him when you love him? I thought your love was so selfless, but it turned out to be nothing more than that." He said disdainfully, he didn't believe in love at all, Anyway, he is such an emotionless person.

"We don't need you to care, please don't make such moves behind your back." Thinking of Yao Yi's previous things, this man probably did it.

"Oh? Tell me what I have done?" He looked at her with great interest and said

"Stop pretending, you found someone to kill him and made those news before, you are really despicable." Thinking of how scared Yao Yi was when she almost died before, what should she do if he really had something to do? what to do?
"It was me in the scandal, I admit this but I don't know about the shooting." He is not afraid to admit what he has done, but in fact he has not done two things, and the scandal was only made by his father.He believed that his father would not do anything to kill Yao Yi, he had promised him that he would deal with Yao Yi himself.Father is a very hot person, but what he said will definitely be done.

Jing Yu snorted, she obviously didn't believe what he said.Even if he didn't say it, her opinion of him would not change.She remembered that he almost did that to him yesterday, and she would never forgive her until she died.

Just when they were not talking and preparing to eat, a servant came in in a panic. This person was the woman who quarreled with Jingyu yesterday. Looking at the man opposite him respectfully, "Master..."

Before she could say anything else, a tall figure walked in calmly step by step, whoever it is if it's not Yao Yi.Jing Yu was dumbfounded, she had never found Yao Yi as handsome as this moment.I was overjoyed, and I didn't care about the man opposite who had already turned pale, so he threw his chopsticks and threw himself into Yao Yi's arms. "Husband, you are finally here, I miss you so much."

With his beloved in his arms, his heart slowly softened. Fortunately, she was fine and nothing happened. "Are you okay, did they do anything to you?" Why did she feel that the woman seemed a little thinner, and this red skirt was so ugly that it didn't suit her, she still suited white, so she went home and bought more white skirts.

Jing Yu shook her head, it should be nothing, except that she almost got hit by something yesterday.Although it was nothing in the end, she was still a little scared when she thought about it, and she felt very sorry for Yao Yi.

"It's fine, just stay by my side obediently in the future and don't run around." God knows how anxious Fang was when he found out that she was gone, and he was really afraid that something might happen to her.Fortunately, fortunately, she has nothing to do now.

"Hmph" Yu Zhengyi sneered, "Do you think you can take her away? Do you think this is your home? You can come when you want, and leave when you want?"

"I, Yao Yi, no matter where I go, I am completely free to leave and come whenever I want." Such an arrogant tone, but such a man is the most handsome.

(End of this chapter)

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