Chapter 285 Believe
"Really?" he asked again.

Jingyu blinked her eyes, and quickly realized that she pushed away Yao Yi who was on her body and said, "What are you doing, don't you believe me?" She had already said so, but he didn't believe her at all , what does he mean by this.She pouted displeasedly, turned her back to Yao Yi.

Yao Yi felt his heart softened, and he didn't care whether it was true or not, but he believed it, and believed that what Jing Ju said was true.He lay beside her and hugged her from behind. It was still the smell he was familiar with without any impurities from other people. This kind of her was his favorite.

"You think I have it, anyway, you don't believe me in your heart." She didn't want to explain so much, if you explain too much, people will think you are covering up something.

Yao Yi didn't speak, and Jing Ju didn't speak. In fact, neither of them meant to blame the other, but they felt somewhat uncomfortable.And Yao Yi just felt a little guilty because he misunderstood her just now, Jing Yu is such a beautiful woman, how could he not believe it.

He forcefully pulled her back and made her face him. Seeing her small red lips, he couldn't help kissing her, and said hoarsely, "I didn't mean it, and that's because I care about you."

Jingyu moved her body, hummed softly, her eyelids were so heavy that she didn't want to say anything more, and fell asleep after a while.In the past two days at Yu Zhengyi's house, she couldn't sleep well at all, so when she got home, she was really sleepy.

During the two days when she was missing, Yao Yi hadn't closed his eyes. He just encouraged him to exercise again, but now he is really tired.He quickly fell asleep holding Jingyu.

The two of them woke up at noon, and after another cloud and rain, they went to the living room to eat together. At this time, the servants had already prepared the meals.

At the dining table, Yao Yi has been showing great hospitality to pick up a lot of dishes for Jing Yu. This woman has lost weight obviously in the past few days when she is not at home.

Jingyu has always been eating quietly, she has always been like this, and she doesn't like to talk so much when eating.

"Lin Jingju, you will be less with Zhang Feifei and Chen Xier in the future." He always felt that this incident had something to do with the two of them.He didn't understand why Chen Xier lied, if it wasn't for making people want to misunderstand Zhang Feifei.And there is Zhang Feifei, she may not have done this matter.She wanted to match Jingyu and Yao Wei before, but she might not be like this in the future.If such a person was placed by his wife's side, he would not say anything.

Jing Yu paused the hand holding the chopsticks, Yu Zhengyi had told her about this before.You can't believe Yu Zhengyi's words, but you can't help but believe Yao Yi's words.Could it be that the two of them really did what happened this time?But why do they do this, they are best friends.

"Yao Yi, why did they do this, and why did they help Yu Zhengyi?" All these things are really incredible.They were good friends in the first place, why did they have to become like this, I really felt very uncomfortable.

"People don't stay the same, this world is just like this, you just need to be more open." Yes, it's just like this, this world is just like this.But he still didn't want to see Jingyu so uncomfortable, not at all.

That's right, forget it, she shouldn't think so much.Maybe not.Even if they did it, she had some correspondence in her heart, but there was still nothing she could do.

"That's it, but I still feel a little uncomfortable."

"Don't think so much, I won't treat you like that, I will be by your side all my life."

(End of this chapter)

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