Chapter 288
It's not that she doesn't want Chen Xi'er, she really doesn't understand why Chen Xi'er said such things.She didn't believe that she had forgotten something for a while, and she really couldn't do what stumped Jingyu this time.

Of course, Jing Yu didn't know what happened to them, nor did she know what happened to her and Chen Xi'er.If she knew, she would definitely feel bad.

Tang Jie glanced at her ignorantly, and slightly curled her lips.She knows who Chen Xi'er is better than anyone else.When something like that happened back then, no one would have believed her, even had no chance to explain.She vaguely remembered how Zhang Feifei and Chen Xier scolded her back then.Now it's time for Feng Shui to turn around. Zhang Feifei never thought that she would have such a day.Seeing Zhang Feifei like this made her feel a little happy, and she felt so happy to be close to a pervert. She wanted to try again what she had tried before.Except for Jing Yu, she no longer has much affection for these two people.

Seeing her pale face, Yao Wei frowned, and he also felt uncomfortable seeing Zhang Feifei like this.Jing Yu was captured by Yu Zhengyi, and he also knew who asked Yu Zhengyi to go there.He really didn't expect to hurt Zhang Feifei in this matter.

"Then what are you doing here? Didn't you just come here to have a chat?" Yao Yi raised his eyes and looked at Yao Wei coldly. His cold eyes were no longer as friendly as before.Ever since he knew his mind for Jingyu, he was no longer as kind to him as before.They are no longer ordinary brothers, they are still rivals in love.

"I'm just here to check on Jingyu, to see if he's okay, and it has nothing to do with you." Yao Wei didn't mind either, and turned to Yao Yi with a cold face, as if the person in front of him was not his brother, but a stranger .

Jing Ju pursed her lips, she didn't care at all whether she cared or not, the man in front of her eyes was really not interested at all.Now she began to miss Yao Wei in the past, when she saw him for the first time, she was like a child, with a face as immature as a child, and he felt very comfortable at that time.Now he gives people a completely different feeling.He has been filled with ambition, he is no longer the Yao Wei he used to be.

"I'm fine, there's nothing wrong with me in my own home. And my husband is here, everything is fine."

Yao Wei didn't seem to care about her indifference at all, but seeing Zhang Feifei felt even more uncomfortable.Obviously Jingyu treats him like this, why should he post it so shamelessly.Does he know that Jing Yu doesn't like him at all, and it's impossible for him to like him at all.Why is he still so clingy to Jingyu.She really wanted to scold him and wake him up severely, but she knew that no matter what she said or did, he would not like her.

"Really? I don't think you're safe around him at all, otherwise you wouldn't have been captured."

"If it weren't for some people's scheming, we would have been very happy." Jing Yu said dissatisfied.Is it true that she and Yao Yi can't be together well?Why do these people keep coming and disturbing them.

She is really unhappy about such a thing. She has worked hard for this love for ten years. Why can't she get her own happiness all the time? Is she really not worthy of happiness?

Yao Wei glanced at her, turned around and walked outside without saying anything.Yao Yi narrowed his eyes slightly as he watched his leaving back and didn't know what he was thinking.

Tang Jie and Zhang Feifei also left after saying a few words. After they left, Jingju and Yao Yi didn't speak, each thinking about their own affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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