Chapter 289 Contradictions (1)

In the evening, Yaoyi Street went out with a phone call.The room was empty, and she felt a little uneasy, as if something was about to happen.

No wonder she thinks too much about what happened recently.One Yao Wei would be annoying, and another Yu Zhengyi would be added.Without thinking about it, I took a shower and fell into a deep sleep.

Yao Yi on the other side, a few friends asked him to go out to play.He also felt depressed in his heart and simply came out.This time it was because Yu Bin and Li Qianqian had a quarrel, and as soon as they sat down, they could hear Yu Bin complaining all the time.In fact, it is not difficult to hear, in fact, this is also a kind of happiness.

The men at this table are all excellent, but they have a very intimidating feeling, no one dares to go up and strike up a conversation with them.

"Women are troublesome, it's better for us to be single."

After Yu Bin complained for the nth time, Ren Xun said gloatingly.

Yao Yi glanced at him, if he was in favor of such words before.But now he wouldn't say that.He now thinks it is best to have a woman in the family, someone to leave a light for you when you come back at night, and you can eat hot meals every day, this is the best.

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth hooked up unconsciously, even he didn't notice it.It was very strange for everyone to see such a scene.Originally, I was surprised to see Yao Yi's smile, and it was so weird. Could it be that something happened that they didn't know?

All of them stared at him with wide-eyed eyes. Only then did he realize that he withdrew his emotions in embarrassment, and pretended to be drinking as if nothing had happened.

Sure enough, Yao Yi laughed for no reason, it must be their illusion, it must be like this.

"Hey, it turns out that married men are different." Pei Zhenya said with a smile after taking a sip of red wine.

Yao Yi didn't care, in fact he also felt that he had changed, and he was happy for such a change.

When they were talking, a woman staggered over and fell into Yao Yi's arms.The woman was dressed very sexy, wearing a red suspender skirt, the skirt was very short, and it covered the place to be covered just now.Yao Yi pushed her viciously, but the woman was like brown candy and couldn't be shaken away no matter how hard she tried.This push also happened to see the woman's face. Chen Xi'er was Jing Yu's friend. He had always had a good memory, and he couldn't forget it even if he wanted to.When he saw this woman, he pushed her away even more disgusted, so hard that Chen Xi'er fell to the ground in an instant.

"I'm not your man, don't come close to me casually." He didn't know when Jing Yu was the only one in his heart, and he didn't feel much about other women even if they got married.

Chen Xi'er raised her head and looked at Yao Yi mockingly, "Do you hate me that much? Or do you just like that woman Lin Jingju so much? What's so good about her, except for her family background, I have nothing to compare to her. "

Some people are lucky, they are born with a golden key in their mouth, everything is thought out for them, and they don't have to suffer any hard times.And some people are destined to be poor, and they have to do everything by themselves.The former is talking about Jing Ju, and the latter is talking about Chen Xier.

Her family was very poor, she didn't know who her father was, she was raised by her mother alone.The mother is a wine accompaniment in the bar, and to put it bluntly, she is a romantic woman.The warmth of family she could feel was simply nonexistent.She has always grown up looking at other people's eyes, so she has always worked harder than others, hoping that she can live a good life one day.Why, why does she have to live such a life, but Lin Jingyu is the princess of the Lin family, married to someone like Yao Yi.She felt very reconciled, why she had worked so hard for so long and still hadn't gained anything at all.

(End of this chapter)

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