Chapter 290 Contradictions (2)

Since she's not having a good time, she doesn't want Lin Jingju and Yao Yi to have a good time. If it wasn't for Lin Jingju, she wouldn't be like this now.She is so miserable today because of them.

"Yao Yi, don't you think you are ridiculous? You think your Lin Jingju is so noble, and you think she loves you so much. Let me tell you, I called Yu Zhengyi over that day, but Jingyu herself I know. Have you forgotten the person from ten years ago?"

She knows about the whole process of meeting Jingyu and Yao Yi, and she also knows that Jingyu didn't tell Yao Yi that she is the person she was ten years ago, so she doesn't care, as long as it makes Lin Jingju feel bad, she doesn't care. too much.

Yao Yi didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but he was still a little moved when he heard the latter sentence.He knew that Jingyu knew about "her", and he never asked, it didn't mean he didn't care.In fact, he also cares, no one knows how important that person is in his heart, and many of the reasons why he has achieved what he is now are because of her.Seeing her at that time was like seeing the sun, and he felt as if he was full of hope.That's when he thought, he wants to be with that girl.If he wants to be with her, he must have a certain status, so he has been working hard all these years, just to give her a good life.

But not long ago Lin Wenzhong told him in the study that she was married.He believed it without even checking it.Is it really not?Jingyu knew that Chen Xier was her friend, so could it be that Chen Xier also knew?
At this moment, he was moved and believed.Chen Xi'er looked at him and knew that he was also puzzled.She knew that Yao Yi was a very smart person.

After a long time, he asked: "Do you want to say that you are her? She is already married, what's the point of saying this?"

"Of course I'm not her. But I know her. I can tell you that she is not married. If you don't believe me, you can go back and ask Lin Jingyu. If she tells you that she is married, she must be lying to you. She may not be so Love you, all she wants is your identity as Yao Yi."

He took a look at her, stood up and was about to go outside, but how could Chen Xi'er let him leave so easily.It doesn't matter whether Yao Yi heard the loud voice saying: "The last time Lin Jingju was not kidnapped by Yu Zhengyi at all, she actually had a relationship with Yu Zhengyi early in the morning. It's just that you were so naive and deceived by her outside. You don't want to believe it." Me, you can check these things yourself and you will know."

Yao Yi was already very suspicious, and he was very self-conscious, so he definitely wouldn't investigate, even if he did, it didn't matter, Yu Zhengyi would definitely not ignore it.

Yao Yi's body just paused, and he walked outside without stopping.The few people who stayed behind looked at each other, they were not very unfamiliar with what kind of person Jing Yu was, of course they would not believe Chen Xier's words, but they didn't know what the person concerned thought.I just hope that Yao Yi will not be confused by these.

Yao Yi, who was full of worries, returned home, but he dared not go back, and kept smoking in the car.Looking from this direction, the light in the room was still on. He knew that Jingyu was still up, and he obviously wanted to go up and ask her, but thinking of getting along with her these days, he still didn't want to break the tranquility in his heart.I don't know how long it took for the lights in the room to go dark, and he lit a cigarette again, not sure which one it was, to dispel the restlessness in his heart.

After a long time, he thought that Jingyu had already fallen asleep before he left and went back to his room.Looking at the sleeping face, he soon fell asleep himself.

(End of this chapter)

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