Chapter 291 Contradictions (3)

This man is so good-looking, she has never seen such a good-looking man.Now he is less rigid and more gentle than usual.There is less coldness and more affinity.

She touched his face unconsciously, Yao Yi moved, and she withdrew her hand as if frightened.Yao Yi also woke up at this moment, looking at her with clear eyes.

Jing Yu was looked at furiously, it's not like she had never seen Yao Yi like this, it was Yao Yi's eyes like this a long time ago.Confused about what happened after he went out last night?Otherwise, it won't be like this when I come back.

Soon Yao Yi came to his senses, put away the coldness on his face, and said softly, "Why don't you sleep more?"

Suddenly he became so gentle, she was not used to it.As if his cold appearance just now seemed to be her illusion.Maybe it was really her illusion.

"Go to bed first, I'll get up and make you breakfast."

As she spoke, she was about to get up, Yao Yi knew what she was going to do, and held her tightly, just not wanting her to get up.

"No, you can sleep with me for a while."

Mingming felt very angry last night before, but for some reason, seeing him this morning, he couldn't get angry at all.Suddenly he didn't want to know whether those things were true or not. At this moment, he just wanted to be with her, even if there was only a moment of tranquility, he wanted to live a good life with her.

Jingyu turned over and found a comfortable position next to Yao Yi.This time they were obviously so close, but she felt that the distance was so far away.

Yao Yi let her be next to her, but his face was icy cold without any warmth.If Jingyu looked up at this time, she would be shocked by such a scene.

After some time, the two of them finally fell into a deep sleep, and when Jingju woke up again, Yao Yi was no longer around.The location next to him had lost the temperature for a long time, and he didn't know when he left.In fact, she is used to such a situation, but today she feels particularly lost, as if she really has to leave in the future.This time she clearly felt that their distance was getting closer, but their hearts were even further apart, and she didn't know how long they could go.

After getting up and washing up, she walked to the living room, and the servants told her that lunch was already prepared for her.They are all her favorite dishes on weekdays.

The servant who prepared the meals for her looked at her with a slight smile and said, "The young master is so kind to the young mistress. The young master specially prepared these for the young mistress." How restrictive it is.Jing Yu smiled slightly after hearing this, although she didn't say anything, she still felt sweet in her heart.It was the first time that Yao Yi did something for her, she was the one who silently paid for it before, and now it's finally his turn.

It seems that there is something really different during this time, but they seem to have changed, as if they will be separated at some point.Forget it, if it comes, let it be, there are some things that really should come, and nothing can stop them, just don't come too fast that day.

Jingyu didn't go anywhere that day, and Yao Yi never came back after going out.She didn't even come back for dinner, and she tried to call him but no one answered.She didn't think much about it, she just thought he was busy, and finally fell asleep first.

In the presidential suite of the hotel, Yao Yi was standing in front of the window with his mobile phone in his hands.He has been suppressing not answering her calls, God knows how uncomfortable he is, how much he wants to go home and hug her.But he can't, as a man, the most unbearable thing is his own woman's betrayal of him.What's more, who is he, he is the famous Yao Yi, a person who likes black and white, he will never allow such a thing to happen.That's why he wanted to escape. Now he doesn't know that he has fallen in love with Jingyu a long time ago. Now he just thinks that he just has a good impression of her.In order to get rid of his addiction to her, he can only find another woman now.He believed that he was only interested in her for a while, not really in love.

Just when he was thinking about something, the two snow-white arms hooked his neck forward from behind, no need to think that it was a woman's arms.

"Boss Yao, you've been here for a long time, what are you looking at?" This woman is none other than Zhong Li, who used to be the receptionist in Yao Yi's company.Zhong Li didn't have a lot of culture in the first place. After being introduced by others, she went to Yao Yi to work as the front desk. Later, because of Jing Yu, she went to the bar to accompany drinks.Because of her outstanding appearance, she has also attracted many rich men. Even so, she still feels that no one can compare to Yao Yi, and she will never forget Yao Yi.When she went to drink with her tonight, she did not expect that the other party was Yao Yi, and what was even more unexpected was that he brought her back.She felt that her future was bright, and her life had rekindled hope.

Yao Yi moved and didn't push her away, yes, now that the decision has been made, he still thinks about what she is doing.Besides, there is a big beauty in front of him now, he has always been a person who will not wrong himself, and now he will not suppress himself.

Thinking of this, he turned and picked up the woman and walked to the bed.He is Yao Yi, a godlike man, he will never be tempted by a woman.Even if it was Jing'er in the past, he could clearly know that it was not love, but just an unbearable nostalgia for childhood.

The next day when I woke up quietly, I still didn't see Yao Yi's figure, and I was inevitably a little disappointed, so I didn't eat much for breakfast.

After breakfast, he turned on the TV in a bored manner, switching the channels non-stop, obviously absent-minded.The servants didn't know what to say when they saw her like this.Suddenly the screen changed, Yao Yi appeared on the TV, she stared blankly at everything on the TV, her heart ached overwhelmingly.

It probably means that Yao Yi and the young woman spent the night in the hotel last night.The two of them walked out of the hotel arm in arm, and answered all the reporters' questions calmly, without any intention of avoiding suspicion.The woman had a bright smile, no matter how she looked at it, it was dazzling, and she felt like she was showing off.

She suddenly felt that she was so stupid, she thought she could change, but Yao Yi, even Yao Yi, could not change.It was she who was naive, she had clearly told herself not to fall, but in the end she still fell, she was such a stupid person.Just last night, he really thought he was busy and didn't think much about it. Unexpectedly, he was so eager to show his true nature.

I recommend my friend Yao Xiaojing's article "Healing the Heart with Simple Hands: The Miracle Doctor Prince Kills the Concubine" and everyone must give a lot of support.

(End of this chapter)

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