Chapter 292 Contradictions (4)

I don't know how long it has passed, but the TV screen has been broadcasted elsewhere, and she still hasn't recovered.

"What are you doing?"

She was startled by the sudden voice, and when she looked back, it was Yao Yi and who else it was.She wondered when he came back, but she didn't know at all.

Putting away the emotions on his face, he pulled out a satisfied smile, and said to Yao Yi: "It's nothing, you're exhausted after working all night, go to rest after lunch."

When she spoke, she smiled calmly on her face, but her heart was bleeding.She clearly knew that he was with another woman last night, but she still cared about him.To be honest, she hated herself like this, but she didn't want to show her wounds in front of him. He knew he would laugh at her, and she would never allow such a thing to happen.

Yao Yi looked at her normal expression and thought that she probably didn't know what happened this morning.I secretly breathed a sigh of relief.I don't know why he didn't want Jingyu to know, he was afraid that she would feel sad.It's just that he didn't know that she knew it long ago, and he was indeed very sad.

She walked past him and ordered his servants to prepare lunch.She tried her best to behave as usual, not wanting him to see any flaws.

Yao Yi didn't look carefully either. If he paid attention, he could see that Jing Yu looked normal but slightly alienated.At this moment, his heart was tangled, whether he should do this or not.Obviously, he desires to have such a beautiful woman in his heart, but when he thinks of what she has done behind his back, he resents her.

She walked past him and ordered his servants to prepare lunch.She tried her best to behave as usual, not wanting him to see any flaws.

Yao Yi didn't look carefully either. If he paid attention, he could see that Jing Yu looked normal but slightly alienated.At this moment, his heart was tangled, whether he should do this or not.Obviously, he longed to have such a beautiful woman in his heart, but when he thought of what she had done behind his back, he hated her.

He really wanted to ask her who she loved and who she wanted to be with. If she chose someone else, he would rather let her go.

But he didn't dare to be cowardly anymore, he was really afraid of hearing that sentence.He was really afraid that the person in her heart was really not him.

Soon the servants prepared the meals, and the two of them were silent while eating, but they both had their own concerns. At this time, it seemed that they had returned to their most ordinary time.Both of them left the dinner table without speaking.In the end, Yao Yi couldn't help but speak first. "Jingyu, is there something on your mind?"

She's so normal today that it's almost abnormal to be too normal.He was a little uncomfortable with her like this, and he was even more unsure whether she had read today's news or not.

Jing Yu took a sip of tea, deliberately not letting him see the emotion in his eyes.Putting down the cup was another piece of calm. "It's nothing, what can I do."

Yao Yi frowned, even if she said that, he knew she must be hiding something from him.Since she didn't say anything, he wouldn't ask, although he didn't say he was very familiar with who Jing Yu was, but he knew a little bit about it.

He was about to get up when the clothes that hadn't been opened suddenly opened to reveal patches of red marks.Jingyu naturally saw it too, her eyes darkened, she was someone who had experienced it, so of course she was no stranger to these things.He used to do this when she and Yao Yi were exercising at night.It seems that they had a very intense fight last night.Jingyu was a little desperate, why did he have skin-to-skin contact with another woman last night, and he could still be so calm when he came back in the morning, as if nothing happened.She couldn't act like nothing had happened, but she didn't want to question her loudly and make herself look like a shrew.

"It's fine, I think your complexion is not very good." Yao Yi said.

"Are you worried too?" She underestimated in a voice she could only hear.

After that, the two of them didn't talk anymore, Yao Yi went back upstairs, and Jing Ju watched TV in the lobby.When it was almost noon, she received a call from Zhang Feifei and went out.Originally, the time was for afternoon tea, but she didn't want to have lunch with Yao Yi, so in the end, she made an appointment for dinner.Zhang Feifei and Chen Xier sat on the side, and Jing Yu was opposite them, waiting and chatting while ordering food as usual.

This day was a bit unexpected. Several people had their own thoughts in their hearts, but no one spoke.In the end, Jingyu couldn't stand the atmosphere.

"Well, we haven't eaten together for a long time, but our friendship is still the same."

I don't know when they started to change, maybe they can't go back to the past, but she doesn't want them to become strangers or turn against each other.

Zhang Feifei froze for a moment, then smiled and replied: "Well, the friendship remains the same." Since she forced Jingju to accept Yao Wei last time, she knew that the relationship between them had really changed, and maybe they would never return to the past.

No matter what, she actually wanted to be quiet and happy in her heart.A man like Yao Yi doesn't know how to cherish her at all, that's why she helps Yao Wei.If she had known that doing so would create a gap with Jingyu, she would not have done such a thing.But she also felt that it was worthless for Yao Wei, he liked Jingzhu so much.

Chen Xier didn't even dare to say a word, she only said that to Yao Yi after drinking too much that night, although she didn't regret it at all, even if she was hated by Jing Yu for it.She clearly hated Jingju in her heart, but she still wanted to please her as much as possible in front of her, because she knew that without Lin Jingju, she would be even more sad than now.

Jing Yu smiled knowingly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes. Although she said so, even though she felt uncomfortable in her heart, she still knew very clearly that they would never go back to the past.Ever since she was with Yao Yi, she had lost a lot. In the past two years, she really wanted to ask herself what she had gained.Although Yao Yi is her husband, she has never belonged to her.This time, she really felt that she should do something. If this continues, it will not be good for everyone.The thought of leaving her suddenly felt very uncomfortable, and she didn't want to leave at all.

"What's the matter with Xiaoyu, you must tell us sisters, don't take everything to heart." Zhang Feifei suddenly grabbed her hand and said with concern.Things about Yao Yi are flying all over the sky outside, she doesn't care at all whether Yao Yi is with anyone, what she cares about is Jingzhu.

Jing Yu froze after hearing Zhang Feifei's words with a smile on her face, but soon she returned to her original appearance.Just when she was about to say something, Chen Xier took a step forward and said: "Yes, Jingyu, we are all sisters, so don't carry it alone. Actually, I think a man like Yao Yi is really It's not suitable for you, if you don't want to feel so uncomfortable for yourself, I advise you to leave him earlier."

(End of this chapter)

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