Chapter 293 Provocation
It's this topic again, every time I talk about this topic, my heart feels like it's bleeding.However, what Chen Xi'er wanted was this effect. Seeing Jing Yu's face turning pale little by little, she felt an indescribable joy in her heart.Why is she, Lin Jingyu, able to live such a happy life but she has to bear so much.If it weren't for Lin Jingyu, she wouldn't be what she is today.

The pure Jingyu didn't think much but thought that Chen Xier was just caring about her. She was completely immersed in her emotions and didn't even notice that Chen Xier's face was slowly covered with a smile at this time.Soon she recovered, pretending that nothing happened and said: "It's rare for us to come out today, so don't talk about these unhappy things."

Chen Xi'er knew that she was looking for an excuse to avoid this topic, but how could she let her go so easily? She put away the smile on her face and said eagerly: "Lin Jingju, you still have to speak for that man until now. , Are you out of your mind? In fact, there are some things I really don’t want to say. I have seen Yao Yi with other women several times. Just last night I saw Yao Yi with that woman with my own eyes. , do you still want to say that this is a misunderstanding?"

Hearing this, Jing Yu's face turned pale, and she wanted to speak to explain something, but found that she couldn't.Maybe that's it, she has been making excuses for him, herself, and this relationship all along.Up to now, she really didn't know what to say in such a field.

Zhang Feifei also felt very uncomfortable seeing her, and said: "That's right, Jingyu, how long are you going to escape? Why do you do this? If you don't leave him, you will only be hurt. If I were You must leave.”

She really loves Jingju, and she admits that half of the reason why she asked Jingju to leave Yao Yi is because she wants Jingju to be with Yao Wei.That's why she thinks that only Yao Wei can give Jingyu happiness.

Compared to Zhang Feifei, Chen Xier didn't think so, she wanted to leave Yao Yi quickly.In fact, she didn't happen to meet Yao Yi in a nightclub last night, she just ran after him on purpose.She just didn't give up, how could she give up so easily with such a decent man like Yao Yi.She just wants to get Yao Yi, even if she can't get it, she can't let others get it casually, especially Lin Jingju.There are already many contradictions in their relationship, as long as she heats up again, she believes that Jingyu will definitely divorce Yao Yi.

Jingyu was silent for dozens of seconds without saying a word, and Chen Xier didn't know what she was thinking, just when she was about to say something, Jingyu who had been silent all this time suddenly said: "I have decided to talk to you. He's divorced."

Hearing these words, Chen Xi'er was overjoyed but didn't dare to show it on the surface.Pretending to be worried and comforting Jingyu, she said: "I know that you can't let go of the feelings you have had for so many years. It's just that Yao Yi hurt you so much, you forgave him again and again, and what did you get later. You always In this way, he will only hurt you more and more, Jingyu and we are good sisters, I don't want to see you so sad, so I support your decision."

Jing Yu was very moved when she heard that, "Thank you, don't worry, I'm fine, this time I really want to understand."

"Yo, dare I miss something."

At this time, a woman's voice came over, and she didn't need to look back to know that it was Tang Jie.But instinctively, they turned their heads together and looked at the refreshed Tang Jie with different expressions on their faces.Zhang Feifei and Jingyu must be happy, only Chen Xier had a dark face when he saw the person coming.

"You woman, what are you doing here?" Seeing Tang Jie's appearance, she couldn't help being frightened. She was really afraid that what happened before would be exposed.And she knew with certainty that these Tang Jies must have come to seek revenge on her when they came back.

When Jing Yu came here, she also asked Tang Jie together. In fact, she and Tang Jie had the best relationship among the four of them.They grew up together, from kindergarten to university together, and if Tang Jie didn't suddenly form a group, they would definitely be better.She knew that there was a misunderstanding between Chen Xi'er and Tang Jie three years ago, but she didn't know what happened.She had never seen Chen Xi'er's gawkish side before, it seemed that all this was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

Tang Jie ignored her, curled her lips and sat down elegantly beside Jing Yu, and said with a smile, "Why can't I be here? Is it because I look so scary that you are so scared?" She knew that Chen Xi'er was instinctive. That's why he said such things out of fear.

fear?hehe..Why was there no fear when he framed her, but now he is afraid.All of this is just the beginning for Chen Xier, and she will definitely repay what Tang Jie received three years ago.Although it is an easy thing to kill her with her ability now, what she enjoys is watching her life is worse than death.

Only then did Chen Xi'er notice that she had lost her composure, she snorted coldly and did not speak again.Jingyu felt a little embarrassed, she didn't expect it to become like this, and said softly: "Don't be like this, you two, can't we sisters be together so rarely? It's the same as before. We were so happy at that time. "

Once upon a time?Tang Jie sneered, it was just a distant legend that they will never go back, and it is true that she will never go back.She used to be so pure, just like her name.In the past, she also yearned for love and a bright future, but later all of this was ruined by this woman named Chen Xi'er.For her now, all of this is just an extravagant wish.

"In the past, we can never go back." She seemed to be sighing, seeming to regret, her light words made people feel inexplicably sad.

Looking at her, Chen Xi'er wanted to laugh a little, she was not noble, everyone said she was a lowly criminal, she had to have sex with men to meet her material needs.She disliked herself so much, she had always been, and now seeing Tang Jie like this, she felt a little comforted in her heart.It doesn't matter if she is unclean, isn't this Tang Jie the same?

"Xiaojie, don't say that. If there is any misunderstanding between you and Xi'er, let's talk about it." Jing Ju persuaded.

Zhang Feifei looked at them without speaking, and when she saw Tang Jie, she thought of Jingyu being taken away by Yu Zhengyi.She really didn't do anything that time, and it's impossible for her to do such a thing.If it wasn't for her, then there is only one possibility, and that is...Xier did it.But she really couldn't understand why Xi'er did this, it seemed that there must be something she didn't know about it.

(End of this chapter)

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