Chapter 294 He Said Divorce
Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't dare to show it on the surface, and said along with Jingyu: "Yeah, everyone eat well today and don't mention those who are unhappy."

Chen Xi'er gave Zhang Feifei a displeased look. She didn't understand why Zhang Feifei said that. Didn't she hate Tang Jie in the past? Every time she mentioned it, she would get very angry. Today, she didn't know why she actually helped her.Her intuition told her that Zhang Feifei seemed to have changed, becoming less innocent.

Tang Jie didn't find it surprising that Jingzhu would say such things, but it was surprising that these words came from Zhang Feifei's mouth.But yes, Zhang Feifei was not a fool in the first place, and she must have understood it after such a reminder.Some things don't need people to say that their eyes can see clearly.

Tang Jie stopped talking, and Chen Xi'er naturally wouldn't say anything, and the things between them couldn't be explained in a few words, besides, there were two outsiders here.

Several people were eating quietly. During the period, Jing Yu, Zhang Feifei, and Tang Jie occasionally talked about the past, and they laughed happily. Only Chen Xi'er was quiet, and she seemed to be an outsider.

Suddenly she saw two familiar figures at the gate through Jingju, the corners of her mouth curled up, and then she pretended to be surprised and said, "Jingju, isn't that Yao Yi?"

He was chatting and stopped and turned his head to look at the door, and he saw Yao Yi.There is also a sexy woman beside him, this woman is none other than the heroine of this morning's news.At this time, she was holding Yao Yi's hand with a happy face, as if she was explaining to others that she was Mrs. Yao.

Jingyu sneered in her heart, is Yao Yi really that impatient, eager to tell the world that he is going to be with other women?I still want to quickly drive away her, an eyesore, as soon as possible.

At this time, Yao Yi and the others happened to be looking at this side. When Yao Yi saw Jing Ju, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he glanced at the woman next to him displeasedly and strode towards Jing Ju's direction. go.It wasn't that he was showing off, but that the box he reserved had to pass by them.

His actions like this are undoubtedly Zhong Li's favorite. It seems that this Mrs. Yao is not so popular with her husband.Men like the new and dislike the old, she doesn't want to be the hostess of the Yao family, she can be by the side of someone like Yao Yi, even as a shady wife.Of course, it would be the best if Yao Yi really fell in love with her and married her.Thinking of this, the smile on his face grew brighter.

Of course, Jing Yu didn't miss her smile at the moment. This woman was undoubtedly complacent, and she was undoubtedly just laughing at her.That's right, I'm afraid many people are laughing at her now, she is just a famous young mistress of a wealthy family.She has paid so much for this relationship, and it is a great irony to watch her husband swagger with others.

At this moment, how much she wanted to go forward and ask him what he meant. He had clearly said before that the two of them were together, but now he meant something else.But she won't, her self-esteem tells her not to do that, even if she wants to lose, she will lose beautifully.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on her face, and the three women around her didn't know what she was thinking, and all three showed worried expressions.Not for Chen Xi'er, the other two were really worried about what would happen to Jingju, but she was worried about whether Jingju hated Yao Yi in her heart.

"Isn't this Mrs. Yao? It's a coincidence that I can see you here." Zhong Li said with a smile on her face, but she really wanted to tear Jingyu's beautiful face into pieces.If it weren't for Jing Yu's relationship, she wouldn't be forced to work in the bar.But she still wants to say thank you to Jingyu, if it weren't for her, he wouldn't have met Yao Yi in the bar.

Saying this is undoubtedly telling Jingyu that there is no silver 300 taels here, so she will not believe that the encounter between them was just a coincidence.She continued her words and said, "Yes, what a coincidence."

Seeing that Zhong Li was peaceful, as if she really didn't know that Jing Ju would come here, Yao Yi immediately dismissed this as a scene arranged by her.Seeing Jing Yu's calm face without any waves, his face changed to dark, and even Zhong Li beside him couldn't help shivering.

"Why are you here?"

"What? Are you only allowed to come here and not me?" Jing Yu said with displeasure, of course he didn't want her to come here so as not to disturb his good business.At this moment, she has never been so happy with Yao Yi.

"Where does the smell of foxes come from? It smells really disgusting." Tang Jie said suddenly, pinching her nose pretending to be really smelly.She just can't see such a scene, although she hates Chen Xi'er, but she really regards Jingyu as her good sister in her heart, so she can't see Jingyu being wronged.

Zhong Li was a little embarrassed, but when she looked at Jing Yu's calm face, she was a little at a loss.How could she be so calm, as if it wasn't her husband who was with someone else in front of her.This extinguished her original gloating mood in an instant.

Yao Yi raised his eyebrows in displeasure, and looked at Tang Jie.He had never seen this woman before, but he felt very familiar to him, but he didn't have any affection for her. "What are you? You'd better pay attention to your wording." He didn't speak for Zhong Li, but simply couldn't understand this woman.

"What's wrong with me?" Tang Jie said, "I mean she smells like a fox, if you don't like it, hit me."

Yao Yi's face was extremely ugly, Zhong Li was someone he had brought along after all, isn't this a slap in the face for him?
"Don't think that I'm a person who can pity and cherish jade. It's easier to deal with you than to crush an ant."

Zhong Li feigned fear and leaned against Yao Yi, but she had a smug smile on her face, watching them put on a victorious look.Seeing all this, Jingzhu became angry all of a sudden, and was even more annoyed when she heard Yao Yi talking to Tang Jie like this.

"Yeah, you are Yao Yi. In this city of S, you can cover the sky with one hand, but I, Lin Jingyu, are not easy to bully. If I hurt someone I care about, I won't let him go so easily. "Yao Yi actually helped other women to speak, which made her feel very sad. She had thought about leaving him, but she never thought that there would be hatred between them, and now she hates Yao Yi.This man gave her hope and longing, but now he only hurt her, deeply hurt.

"Lin Jingyu, you are capable now." Looking at the entire city of S, who would dare to talk to him like this, and in front of so many people, this somewhat made him feel very humiliated.Besides, Jingyu had always been quiet in front of him, like an obedient cat. She never thought that she would resist one day.

(End of this chapter)

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