Chapter 295 You are just the same as them

"Lin Jingyu, you are capable now." Looking at the entire city of S, who would dare to talk to him like this, and in front of so many people, this somewhat made him feel very humiliated.Besides, Jingyu had always been quiet in front of him, like an obedient cat. She never thought that she would resist one day.

"When it comes to who is better than you, look, as long as you pamper anyone, anyone can walk sideways. I don't care who you are with, as long as you don't bother me."

Yao Yi snorted coldly: "Mrs. Yao is really generous, is this how you treat your husband indifferently?" Sometimes he really wanted to see if this woman really had no experience, obviously he had worked so hard Why does she still act nonchalantly after wanting to be with her.He is also an ordinary man and he also wants to find love, but why is it so difficult?
"Don't listen?" Jing Yu sneered, "Please find out who is ignoring whom, don't tell me you seem to be wronged, I am more wronged than you in this marriage." Her The loud voice attracted many people's attention, but she didn't care that she felt a lot better when she said it now.

"Since you've been wronged, let's leave." Yao Yi said coldly and pulled Zhong Li to the box inside.

Jingyu's hand holding the chopsticks trembled for a long time and she didn't come back to her senses. She never thought that Yao Yi would say such a thing.He has really changed, he is no longer the Yao Yi of the past.Her love for him is obsession, and sometimes letting go may not be a bad thing.

Thinking of this, I felt less heavy in my heart, and smiled, but there were more vicissitudes in the smile.This made Tang Jie, who was sitting beside her, a little distressed.It's just that these things are other people's affairs, and it's hard for her to say anything.

After eating, Jingyu and the others went home separately. Originally, Jingyu wanted to go shopping with them at first, but after being disturbed by Yao Yi, she lost that mood.Might as well go home early.

Yao Yi hasn't come back yet, she is sitting in the living room watching TV.The huge living room is quiet except for the sound of the TV.She was nestled in the sofa and could hear her breathing quietly.I have to say that this Yao family is really luxurious, you can have whatever you want.Many women wish they could live here. If they knew how lonely they were, would they still live here?To her, the Yao family was a gorgeous birdcage, where she imprisoned her beautiful youth for several years.Now that I think about it, I really admire her for living here for so many years.

Thinking back to what Yao Yi said today, he said he was going to divorce her.She thought that she had already understood what she thought, and that she would be very strong after hearing such an answer.It's just that I didn't expect to overestimate my inner endurance.Admit it, you just can't let it go, admit it, you still don't want to leave.But so what, everything will be accepted soon, not because she doesn't want to be with him, but because he has forgotten the promise between them.

In fact, she didn't tell Yao Yi that she had asked a lawyer to draw up a divorce agreement, and that she didn't want a penny of his money, nor would she take anything from him.She just needs to get better.Thinking of this, she stroked her belly with a kind look.

Yao Yi didn't come back for several days, but Jingyu could still see him.Every entertainment channel, every entertainment headline is his shadow.Which star will you be with today, and which supermodel will you be with tomorrow.Even if she doesn't want to inquire about it, it appears in her realization.

She went to the hospital early that day for an examination, even though she already had the answer in her heart, she still wanted to confirm it again.It's bright outside, just like her current mood.Holding the report card that just came out, she was still indescribably excited.The doctor said that she was 14 weeks pregnant, and a lot of things happened in these few months, and she forgot that it hadn't come for a long time.

No matter whether she wants to be with Yao Yi or not in the future, this child belongs to her and she can take good care of it herself.Maybe it's just that God is pitying her. She has paid so much for this relationship, and it can only end like this in the end.Now that there is a little life in her stomach, it can be regarded as a comfort to her.

Standing on the road, she suddenly didn't know whether she should be happy or unhappy.However, it seems that she is more confused, she doesn't know where she should go now, she will definitely not be able to go back to the Lin family, and she doesn't want to go back to the Yao family.She really didn't know where she could go and how to survive if she left Yao Yi.

"Ding." Just as she was dreaming, the mobile phone in her pocket rang for a while, it was the sound of mobile phone information.She took it out and saw it was an unfamiliar phone.The superior told her to go to Room 1188 of the Hyatt Hotel.She thought it was a mistake, so she didn't pay much attention.Just when she was about to put down her phone, a message came.

"Lin Jingyu, you must come, there is something you want to know here."

I am very depressed who sent her such a message. Everyone knows her name and probably knows her.She didn't know what purpose this person had, but she still wanted to figure out what was going on.

I took a taxi to the Hyatt Hotel, and went all the way to room 1188. Before I got close, I heard a blushing and heartbeating sound.She could hear it more clearly at the door, and she didn't dare to go in even though the door was only half closed.She looked up and could see inside.Seeing those scenes inside, she suddenly felt a piercing pain in her heart.At this time, a woman was sitting on the man's body on the big bed in the room, and the man's head was buried in the woman's chest.This man is none other than Yao Yi, her husband whom she has always loved deeply. Even if she can only see his back now, she can still recognize him at a glance.

"I don't want it." The woman pushed Yao Yi away with red lips, and said coquettishly to him: "Yi, tell me first, do you love me or not?"

"Of course I love you." The man said without hesitation, regardless of whether the woman was willing to kiss her neck.

The woman pushed him away again and asked, "You lied to me."

"Baby, when have I lied to you, I can give you whatever you say you want."

"Well, I want you to divorce and marry me, will you?"

"Of course, as long as you want, I will satisfy you."


As soon as Yao Yi's words fell, the door was pushed open from the outside.The door slammed against the wall and made a loud noise, which showed how hard the person came, and it could also be seen that the person was really angry now.

The sound quickly aroused the reactions of the two people in the room, and they both stopped and looked towards the door.Yao Yi was furious when he was interrupted suddenly, and looked at the visitor displeased.A trace of surprise flashed across his face when he saw that the person who came was Jing Yu, but it was quickly replaced by coldness.

(End of this chapter)

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