Chapter 296
Before he could say anything, Jing Yu looked at him in pain and asked, "Is what you just said true?"

When she saw that the one inside was Yao Yi, she actually wanted to leave.It was only when he turned around that he heard such words.That day she thought he was just talking, but she didn't expect that he would really fall in love with someone else in a few days.It turned out that she was always too stupid, Yao Yi was Yao Yi, how could he be easily attracted to a woman.In the past, she was really too naive to hold such a shred of hope in him.

Facing the pain on her face, Yao Yi turned a blind eye, and asked coldly, "Why are you here?" It's hard to see that he was very displeased with Jing Yu's sudden appearance.

Jingyu completely ignored his displeasure, and continued to ask: "I ask you, is what you said just now true?" She hoped that it was false, everything was false, as long as Yao Yi said she would will believe it.It's just that the next sentence the man said disappointed her very much.No, it was complete despair, and the slightest hope that had been kindled in my heart was gone.

"When did I tell a lie?"

"Okay, okay, very good." She said a few times in a row, and then shouted with all her strength: "Then what are we? Did you tell me that you lied to me?" It's not a lie to believe that he just changed his mind too quickly, but seeing such a scene now, she still has no reason to deceive herself.

"You are just the same as them, what do you think?" Facing her questioning, he felt very irritable. Last night, he and his brothers drank together until dawn, and the smell of alcohol was still there.Now thinking that Lin Jingju was probably sentenced to him, he was very angry, and he didn't care if he hurt her or not when he spoke.

Hearing such words, Jing Yu couldn't help taking a few steps back, and couldn't believe that Yao Yi would say such words.I don't know if it's heartache or anger, my whole body is shaking, and my eyes are full of despair. "Okay, Yao Yi, remember what you said, I hope you won't regret it in the future." Her voice was trembling, she turned around and walked outside after saying this to him.Even though her footsteps were very flimsy, she still insisted on making her walk more perfect.

Seeing her leaving back, and the resoluteness when she left, Yao Yi felt an inexplicable emotion in his heart.There is a feeling that he can say it himself, he seems to feel that as long as she leaves once, she will never come back again.Thinking of this made his heart ache, he really didn't want her to leave, but he couldn't let go of his own face.He just couldn't bear the thought that she had someone else in her heart.If you fall in love, you will fall in love. As long as she says it, he will let her go.Why cheating What he hates the most is when others cheat him.He would rather hurt him than allow himself to be hurt at all.

The people beside him were a little scared with a cold face, and she also felt very uncomfortable when Yao Yi said those words just now.Just now she really thought that she could fly on a branch and become a phoenix, but now she realized that she was too naive.Even if that woman was so beautiful just now, he could be so ruthless, so how could he be.While Yao Yi was still thinking about something, she quietly picked up her bag and walked outside.When I walked to the door, I suddenly thought of something and turned to Yao Yi and said, "If you love someone, you must love with all your strength, instead of choosing to torture each other, or you will be the one who will regret it."

After she finished speaking, she left without looking back. She used to love her too, but she didn't cherish it at that time, and now it's a pity when she thinks about it.If time can be turned back, she would rather give up everything she has now, and go back to the original time.It's a pity that the past is past and can never go back. That's why she persuaded Yao Yi to cherish the person in front of her. Why did they act like enemies even though they were in love? Although she didn't know them well, she couldn't bear to see Torturing each other like a bunch of lovers.But that's their business, and it's hard for an outsider like her to say anything, that's what good people do.

She was thinking about her own affairs, completely oblivious to the figure of a woman watching her silently at the corner not far from her body.Holding the mobile phone in her hand and showing a triumphant smile, this woman is none other than Chen Xi'er who informed Jingyu to come here.

Yao Yi just sat on the bed like this, and after an unknown amount of time, the sky gradually darkened, and the street was covered with colorful neon lights. The light refracted from the window hit his side face with a kind of Unspeakable sadness. It took him a long time to pick up his coat and go outside.

In fact, he wanted to be quiet, and he didn't know what happened to that woman now.Sometimes he also hates himself like this, as if he was poisoned, obviously she hurt him like this, but he still couldn't help but want to get closer.Because I was very eager in my heart, the speed of driving was obviously accelerated, and I didn't care about running a few red lights.

When the car stopped at Yao's house, it strode inside.Today's Yao family seemed quiet, even the inside of the room was dark.She is usually having dinner or watching TV at this time, she shouldn't be so quiet.Suddenly he had a bad premonition in his heart, and he quickened his pace and walked inside.

Open the door and go in, first turn on the light, the room is empty, the little woman who usually watches TV on the sofa is not here at all, and a certain place in my heart is also emptied.He didn't give up and ran upstairs, but when he opened the bedroom, there was still no one there, and he still didn't see the room before her.

After getting married, he separated from Jingyu, and he has never been to this room.He was still a little shocked when he opened the door, only to see his photos were posted on the walls of the entire room.He guessed that these should all be screenshots from the Internet, and some of them were taken a long time ago, maybe even he himself didn't know when it was.

Her room is very tidy and simple, there is only one desk, and on the desk are a few thick things that seem to be photo albums.He walked over and turned a few pages helplessly, and all he saw was his figure.Some things were photographed secretly, and some were screenshots.He didn't know that he had so many photos.It turns out that I have been cared about like this before, and my heart is full of touch.

He really wanted to take a good look, but the most important thing now was the woman.I turned around and went out the door to look for her from house to house, but there was still no sign of her.I screamed in my heart that it was not good, did she really just leave like this?I was suddenly very scared in my heart, afraid that Jingyu would really leave like this and never come back.

He called several of Jingyu's friends, and they said that Jingyu was not with them.His heart became even more flustered, and he even regretted saying such things to her today.She must hate him now, isn't she very sad and hiding somewhere crying?

(End of this chapter)

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