Chapter 297 she left

He called several of Jingyu's friends, and they said that Jingyu was not with them.His heart became even more flustered, and he even regretted saying such things to her today.She must hate him now, isn't she very sad and hiding somewhere crying?

Before he had time to think about it, he picked up the car keys and walked outside without looking back.He doesn't want anything now, he just wants that woman back.Since he is nowhere, he should go back to the Lin family.He just held such a hope, believing that Jingyu would not leave.

It usually takes more than an hour to get to Lin's house, but today it took him more than half an hour.Hearing the car, he rushed into Lin's house without looking back.But after a while he walked out disappointed.At this time, a thunder sounded in the sky at the right time, and lightning flashed across the sky, as if to split the sky.From time to time, the sky began to rain cats and dogs, and he didn't hide from the rain to hit him wantonly. It seemed that only in this way could he wake up more clearly.

The bean-sized raindrops hit him painfully, but he didn't mind letting him fall at all.What the Lin family said to him just now is still echoing in his mind.

Knowing that his daughter was gone, Lin Wenzhong suddenly became much older. Looking at Yao Yi who came in anxiously, he didn't complain, but said meaningfully: "Maybe I really did something wrong. I really shouldn't have her in the first place." Married in the past. Perhaps this is the best result now, you go, we will have nothing to do with each other in the future. "

He sighed, feeling as if he had aged decades.After all, she is his biological daughter, and he still loves her from the bottom of his heart.Even if she did something wrong, he didn't have the heart to scold her any more. If he hadn't insisted on Jingzhu back then, he wouldn't have married Yao Yi.Thinking of this, he felt guilty in his heart. If it wasn't for his incompetence, he wouldn't have to ask his daughter to sacrifice her own happiness in exchange for a career.

Hearing his words, Yao Yi's heart also began to feel sour. If he blamed him, he still felt better, but he couldn't see Lin Wenzhong's blame for him at all, what was just a father's condemnation and guilt towards him .Only then did he realize that he might have really gone too far before, and when he thought of being with her, it seemed that he had to bear it every time, and she had to pay for it.

"Lin Jingju, where are you?" He yelled at the sky.Only when he found that he couldn't find her did he realize how terrible it would be to leave her.He felt as if he had lost something very important.

In the Lin family's villa, Jing Xun stood in front of the window and looked at the figure downstairs suddenly feeling distressed.She was really angry just when she found out that her sister had left.In the past, his sister loved him so much, but he knew how to cherish it at all. Now he said such things, so why should he go?Anger is anger, seeing him so sad makes her feel uncomfortable too.

Does love have to be like this?Knowing that that person doesn't love me, but still so desperate.Knowing it's impossible, but still can't help but want it.Why is it always so hard to love someone?If my sister knew this was the result, would she have chosen to marry Yao Yi?Speaking of Jingyu, I think of Jingzhu who is far away in City H, and then I think of myself, maybe this is all a trick of fate.

Yao Yi was drenched in the rain downstairs for a long time, he was immersed in sadness, and he didn't even know how he got back to Yao's house.The air was filled with the smell of Jingyu, and he kept telling himself that maybe she was angry and didn't know where to hide, and she would come back tomorrow when her anger subsided.He kept deceiving himself like this, and he didn't dare to send anyone to look for it.

When the servants came the next day, they were taken aback by the sight in front of them. Their young master had always been so honorable, but unexpectedly he slept on the sofa all night.But the surprise was the surprise, they still couldn't figure out why he slept here when he had a room and didn't come back.

"Young Master, why did you fall asleep here? It's easy to get sick?" The new butler stepped forward and said worriedly.

Yao Yi sat up, waved his hands and said, "It's okay." It's good not to speak, but when he opened his mouth, he realized that his voice was very hoarse, and immediately felt uncomfortable.Last night, he came out of Lin's house and fell asleep in the rain without even changing his clothes. He thought to himself that he must have caught a cold.

Immediately, he thought of something, and immediately asked, "Is the young mistress back?"

The butler was confused by his question, could it be that the young mistress really couldn't bear to leave the young master this time? "Is the young mistress not at home?"

Yao Yi pursed his lips and shook his head. Such an answer must mean that she has not come back.

Maybe this time he really left and never came back.

"Hey, young master, what is this?" The housekeeper saw a piece of paper on the table with "Divorce Agreement" written on it, and she was afraid that she might make a mistake, so she didn't dare to reach out to get it.

Yao Yi was thinking about something when the housekeeper spoke suddenly before he came back to his senses, his eyes darkened when he saw the contents of the piece of paper.Without even thinking about it, I picked it up and looked at it.

He was annoyed and sad when he saw the above content.Did she feel particularly wronged by his side, that's why she chose not to want anything, and would rather leave the house without leaving the house.

Only then did he realize how sad he was as a man, as a husband, that he couldn't even keep a woman.

In the past, he thought that he was omnipotent, so many women were thinking about him.Thinking about it now, everything is ridiculous. Those women were either for his money or for his power. Only Jingyu really cared about him, but he didn't cherish it.

"Master, are you alright?" Seeing his paler face as if he would faint in the next moment, the housekeeper asked worriedly.

As if he didn't hear it, he turned around and walked upstairs slowly.

Looking at his back, the housekeeper shook his head helplessly.The young mistress must be very sad to leave the young master, no one is to blame for all this, he found everything by himself.What's the use of regretting now that everyone is gone.Thinking of the always gentle female housekeeper felt sorry for her.

Not daring to think about anything else, he turned around and went to do his own thing.After all, she is just a servant, and some things are not her turn to take care of.

When Yao Yi reached the second floor, he didn't go to his room or study, but went directly to the house where Jingju lived before.This test is to shut himself down for three days. During these three days, he seemed to disappear from the world, and he did not answer anyone's phone call or meet anyone.Even the door was never opened.

The two masters of the Yao family knew the news and came several times without seeing Yao Yi. In the end, they went abroad without saying anything, completely ignoring Yao Yi's affairs.They also expected the result like today, so it is not a good result.

(End of this chapter)

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