Chapter 298

The two masters of the Yao family knew the news and came several times without seeing Yao Yi. In the end, they went abroad without saying anything, completely ignoring Yao Yi's affairs.They also expected the result like today, so it is not a good result.

Yao Yi's brothers also came and persuaded Yao Yi, but it was useless.

Just when everyone thought he would continue to be so negative, he came out without incident.As if nothing happened, I went to work as usual, but it was more harsh than usual, which made everyone panic.

A few days later, the man in Yao's CEO's office was working hard, his already cold face became even colder now.

At this moment, the door opened and a man came in, without even looking at Yao Yi, he sat on the sofa.In less than a minute, another man came in, and the leading man looked at Yao Yi with a half-smile.Who is this Yu Zhengyi who is not Yao Yi's constant opponent?

Yao Yi didn't feel very surprised when he looked up and saw them, instead he felt as if they would come long ago. "If you have anything to say, sit down and talk."

Yu Zhengyi smiled and led his people to sit down beside Yao Wei. The two looked at each other and did not communicate.Yao Yi saw all their actions, but he knew it in his heart but didn't say anything.

"This seems to be the first time I've come to your office. It's not bad, it looks quite dignified." Yu Zhengyi said, if everyone knew the relationship between him and Yao Yi, they might think that they were friends who hadn't seen each other for many years .It's just that they are too aware of their relationship.

Yao Yi didn't answer him, he called the secretary and said a word, then walked to the sofa in front of them and sat down.

"You don't come here today just to reminisce about the old days. Tell me, what's the matter?"

His voice was a little hoarse but a bit colder than before. Yu Zhengyi guessed that leaving quietly probably had a big blow to him.Thinking of this, my heart ached for no reason.I don't know why every time he sees him suffering, he also feels uncomfortable in his heart.Maybe he really wasn't ruthless enough.

"I heard that your company is in a downturn recently, so I came to take a look." Yu Zhengyi said, people didn't know and thought he was here to care, but both he and Yao Yi knew that he was just here for a joke.

"You see, you can go." Yao Yi said impatiently.The last person he wants to see now is Yu Zhengyi. If it wasn't for him, he and Jingyu wouldn't be in the same mess as they are now.

"Hehe, Yao Yi, you really think that you are so great. If you let you grovel for a few more days, you will soon be nothing. No wonder Lin Jingju can't wait to leave you, but think about it, people like you People are not worthy of her at all." Yu Zhengyi laughed.

Yao Yi's face was very pale, these days he deliberately didn't think about Jing Yu, deliberately avoided all things related to her, he thought that he would deliberately let go of her with time.Unexpectedly, when someone mentioned it again, my heart hurt like bleeding.

It was his fault, but he didn't allow others to judge anything, because no one else had such qualifications, especially Yu Zhengyi.

"What qualifications do you have to say such a thing, if it weren't for you, would she leave?"

If it weren't for Yu Zhengyi's quietness, he wouldn't have left. Even though he was always the one who was wrong, it was because of Yu Zhengyi's tricks that they would have done so.

In the end, he felt that Yu Zhengyi was the problem between them, but he knew in his heart that all of this was just an excuse, so maybe he would feel better in his heart.

Yu Zhengyi was not annoyed, but felt that everything like this was funny. "Even if I don't take action, it will be a matter of time before the end between you. You have always been like this, so self-righteous. If you don't have anything, look at what capital you have."

As he spoke, he stood up and walked outside. After a few steps, he stopped and looked back at Yao Yi and said, "I'll see you at the shareholder meeting three days later. I have prepared a big gift for you then."

Yu Zhengyi was leaving, and Yao Wei naturally couldn't stay here, so he also got up and followed him out.Seeing this, Yao Yi quickly stopped him. "Awei, do you really want to do this for us brothers?"

Yao Wei didn't look back, without any expression on his face, he said coldly: "What kind of brothers are you and I?"

Everyone in the world knew that the Yao family had Yao Yi, so how did they know there was Yao Wei.Although Yao Si was kind to his father, they were not biological after all.

He has lived under the light of Yao Yi since he was a child, even if Yao Yi is only an illegitimate child, it is much better than him.People's ambitions are often unsatisfied, and he is just walking the path of ordinary people.

Yao Yi's face was a bit ugly, he pursed his lips and finally didn't say anything.He knew it was useless to say anything in the current situation.

Yu Zhengyi was most happy to see such a situation.Sure enough, he was right about the person, he knew that Yao Wei was really ambitious.Yao Yi was really screwed when I saw him once.From now on, no one will argue with him again.

Watching their backs, Yao Yi's eyes darkened, and after watching them leave, they returned to their original appearance, walked to the front of the office and continued to work.

At the general meeting of shareholders three days later, Yao Yi sat in the leader's position with a handsome face, and none of the people under him dared to speak, not even to breathe.At this moment, the door was opened, and several male characters came in. The leader was Yu Zhengyi, followed closely by Yao Wei, the second son of the Yao family.His face was a little serious and completely different from his usual look.

"I, Yao, are having a meeting here. It's probably inappropriate for you outsiders to appear here." Yao Yi said this completely for Yu Zhengyi and the others.Although Yao Wei has been ignoring the company's affairs, he is also a shareholder here, so he is not an outsider.

Yu Zhengyi didn't mind at all, found a seat and sat down.Then he took a document from the person next to him and placed it on the table. "This is 5.00% of Yao's shares, so now I'm not an outsider here."

"Since you're not an outsider, let's sit down and have a meeting together."

Before Yao Yi could speak, a stern voice sounded, Yao Yi raised his eyes and saw a man in his 40s.He knew that this man named Wu had been with Yao Si for many years, could it be that he was also bought by Yu Zhengyi?

"Since everyone is here, let's start now." At this time, an old man sitting beside Yao Yi said.It's as if you can't wait to start this meeting quickly.

Yao Yi glanced at him calmly, and understood it in his heart.These people are all old people who came here with his father. Although the company has made great achievements under his management these years, many people are very dissatisfied with him.

(End of this chapter)

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