Chapter 299 Brothers confrontation
Yao Yi glanced at him calmly, and understood it in his heart.These people are all old people who came here with his father. Although the company has made great achievements under his management these years, many people are very dissatisfied with him.

That's how people's hearts don't know contentment at all.

"The most important thing today is Mr. Yao's. The influence you have had on the company these days is indeed not good."

As soon as everyone was seated, someone's voice sounded, Yao Yi was very familiar with these people and could know who it was without looking up.

"This is Mr. Yao's usual style, isn't it?" Yu Zhengyi said, the meaning behind his words could not be more clear to everyone.

"So, he is not qualified to sit in this position at all." The man who attacked Yao Yi said.

"Oh?" Yao Yi raised his eyebrows, "Then who is the most suitable choice based on Mr. Zhao's intention?"

Although he was talking to that old Zhao, he looked in Yu Zhengyi's direction.He was smiling as if he had nothing to do with himself, but Yao Yi knew that he must be thinking of some bad idea.

"Of course he's the right person." Yao Wei who hadn't spoken for a long time suddenly spoke.With a smile that is not a smile, it seems to be plotting some kind of conspiracy.

Yao Yi's sharp eyes swept over him, as if he didn't know him, he pursed his lips and didn't speak again.

"Although the Yao Corporation has made a lot of profits in your hands over the years, your behavior has also had a lot of impact on the company. Can you give us an explanation for these things these days?" It's this old Zhao again, At this moment, he wished that Yao Yi would step down as soon as possible.

"Yes, yes, you have to explain to us."

"If this continues, the company will close down sooner or later."

As soon as Mr. Zhao spoke, the others echoed, Yao Yi glanced at them and remembered them all in his heart.These people are probably bought by others.After managing for so many years, I didn't expect him to raise so many white-eyed wolves.

"My explanation is no explanation."

He has been busy these days, and he was the one who supported the company when it was most difficult.Now they say they want to replace him, if they have this ability, they can replace him, he doesn't believe that without him, Yao shi will be better than before.

As soon as such words came out, the faces of the people present were all different, they never thought that Yao Yi would say such words.Could it be that he doesn't care about this position at all?Or is it that he is so arrogant that he doesn't pay attention to anything.

They guessed it right, Yao Yi was such a person in the first place, he was so arrogant, because he just had the capital.

Without waiting for everyone to say anything, he continued: "I have 30.00% of the shares in my hand, do you guys have more than me?"

The Yao family was established by Yao Yi's grandfather's generation, so their family is naturally the eldest.Although Yao Yi only has [-]/[-] of the shares, Yao Si still has [-]/[-] of the shares.

"Really? Are you so sure no one has more than you?"

At this moment, a voice sounded, and everyone followed the voice to see that it was Yao Wei who had been silent all this time.At this time, his dark eyes were fixed on Yao Yi, he had long since lost his usual appearance, and now his eyes had long been possessed by desire.

Yao Yi frowned, showing dissatisfaction with his behavior.Yes, any brother will feel dissatisfied with him like this.What's more, he has always treated Yao Wei as his own younger brother.

Before everyone could say anything, he took a briefcase from his hand and put it on the table, "This is 25% of Yao's shares that I own."

What grandpa handed over to his father was only ten-half of the shares, and he bought the rest from other shareholders himself.It can be seen that his current ambition is not small.

Yao Yi curled his lips calmly, and said lightly: "So what, then you are still not enough for me, what qualifications do you have."

"If I transfer mine to him, then I'll be eligible."

Suddenly a voice sounded like thunder, which can be described as a big reversal.Everyone here watched all this silently, and no one dared to speak. Everyone didn't know the secret of the Yao family. At most, it was just a fight between two brothers.

In the eyes of outsiders, the arrangement of the Yao family is indeed somewhat unfair. They are also the descendants of the Yao family. Yao Si gets 20.00%, Yao Yi 30.00%, their family gets half, while Yao Wei's family only gets [-]%. Ten.Yao Yi is the top decision-maker of the Yao family, while Yao Wei is just the vice president, not even the general manager.

What Yu Zhengyi said was not just talk, he wrote a share transfer letter to Yao Wei on the spot.In this way, Yao Yi and Yao Wei have the same amount of shares.

"Then let's vote now." Yao Yi said calmly, the corner of his eyes glanced at Yu Zhengyi, but his brows were tightly frowned, as if he was worried about something.

worried?Isn't he very sure?Are you worried now?He thought he had a lot of tricks, but it was just because of this, it was not enough to be afraid of.

"Yao Wei, are you sure you want to do this? Why are we brothers too? Do you know the consequences if you do this?"

Facing Yao Yi's sincerity, Yao Wei chose to turn a blind eye, and instead sarcastically said, "Brother? Are you sure you treat me as your brother? No matter how hard I try, no one else can see me. I will always live in the Under your light." The originally handsome face was stained with a trace of haze at this time, looking a bit embarrassing.

Yao Yi pursed his lips and didn't speak any more. Seeing that his face was livid, everyone guessed that he must be very angry.

"Then vote now, raise your hand in support of the Second Young Master." An older voice said.

Everyone has voted on their attitudes. Apart from Yao Yi and Yao Wei, there are only twelve shareholders present, and half of them have already raised their hands.

Yao Yi glanced at them roughly and unexpectedly found that Mr. Wu didn't raise his hand at all, which meant that he was not bribed by Yu Zhengyi.

Such a result was undoubtedly what Yu Zhengyi wanted to see the most. He had been waiting for this day for a long time, and he just wanted to see him with nothing.If Yao Yi really has nothing, let's see who can treat him so well.

Especially Lin Jingju, that woman always looked cold every time she saw him, thinking that she wanted Yao Yi.

I love it, but I don't know whether I love Yao Yi or the people behind Yao Yi.If she knew that Yao Yi had nothing left, would she still be like this?Maybe not, otherwise she wouldn't have left like this.

"Then it will be Mr. Yao's next." It was still the same old voice.

The result is the same, both sides draw.Yu Zhengyi pursed his lips and smiled complacently.

Support the work of my friend Yao Xiaojing (Su Hand Healing Heart: Miracle Doctor Wang Ye Killer Concubine) Everyone must support a lot, it is a very beautiful article

(End of this chapter)

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