Chapter 309 Mommy, I Want Baba
Yeah?Zhang Feifei looked disbelieving, and Paul quickly said, "It's true, I really have nothing to do with her."

"You don't need to rush to explain. Besides, what's wrong with us, are you like a flood beast?"

Zhang Feifei frowned and said, Jingyu thought she was so cute.She didn't intend to hide it from her, so she beat her up and whispered something in her ear.Zhang Feifei looked at the man in front of her in disbelief.She thought to herself, how could this one look so good-looking, what a waste. She thought that Jingyu could finally forget about escaping, but she didn't expect this man to like the same gender, and she didn't say a word after that.

When Jingyu came home, the two children were still crying, and she couldn't let her aunt coax her.She walked over and hugged Wan'er first, "What's the matter, you forgot what Mommy said before, are you not good?"

Perhaps it was because Jing Yu often taught Yao Yu boys to be strong and not to cry casually, but he didn't cry, but he looked very aggrieved.Compared to Lin Wan'er, she was crying hard.

Seeing Jingyu came back and hugged her, he fell into her arms and cried, with his arms still around Jingyu's neck, as if he was afraid that Jingyu would run away.

Jingyu was very helpless, and smiled, "These two children love to cling to me, so I will trouble you today."

The aunt just waved her hand, "It's nothing, since you're back, I'll go back first."

"Okay then, you go slowly."

"Okay, then call me if you need anything." The aunt smiled and left.

"Did you listen to Auntie well today? How about my sister, are you obedient?" She touched Lin Wan'er's head, her eyes were full of spoiling.

Because after crying, Yao Wan'er's eyes still had a few crystals, which made her eyes clearer.

She blinked vigorously, then nodded gently, "I miss Mom."

Lin Wan'er has been in poor health since she was born, and she always looks insecure.She seldom follows people, and always clings to Jingyu when she has nothing to do.Jing Yu is also very helpless, but she loves her even more, no less than Yao Yu.

Yao Yu also nodded, then yawned as if wanting to go to bed soon.

Jingju just smiled, these children usually go to bed at nine o'clock, but now it's almost ten o'clock, thinking about it, they are too sleepy to bear.And Lin Wan'er was already squinting in her arms and was about to fall asleep.

"Okay, okay, let's go to bed, we're exhausting our baby."

Back in the room, Lin Wan'er had already fallen asleep. Although Yao Yu could barely open his eyes, he still pretended.

"Mommy, I want papa." Now Yao Yu is one and a half years old, and he can say a lot of things.Everyone talked about Yao Yi in front of him before, but he actually listened to it.Sometimes he also finds it very strange why everyone has parents and why he only has a mother and no father.

Jing Yu was taken aback, she didn't expect Yao Yu to say such a thing now, at least not now, she thought he would ask when he grew up.She was silent, not knowing how to answer.But seeing his son's longing eyes began to become overwhelmed.

"Xiao Yuguai, of course you also have a papa. Your papa is a great person, and papa wants you to be such a person, so now he is testing you, and he will return to you soon."

Yao Yu nodded with half-belief, as long as his mother said, he would definitely believe it.

Yao Yu soon fell asleep, and Jing Yu felt that she was going to die of pain in her heart.When she remembered that there was someone else beside Yao Yi, she felt as if she was about to die.

(End of this chapter)

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