Chapter 310
Yao Yu soon fell asleep, and Jing Yu felt that she was going to die of pain in her heart.When she remembered that there was someone else beside Yao Yi, she felt as if she was about to die.

If it weren't for the child Jingyu, she wouldn't want to come back at all.She hasn't come back these few years, but he knows a lot about Yao Yi.Well, the family has been saying good things about Yao Yi, saying that he already knew he was wrong, and those were all misunderstandings before.She is back now, but it is like this.

Now she is confused, and she doesn't know whether she should continue or not.

The next day, an unexpected visitor came to the house. This person was none other than Yao Yi.He just stood at the door like this, with bruises under his eye sockets from not sleeping well last night.

Jing Yu was startled, but also found it incredible, and she didn't come back to her senses for a while.

"How did you come here?"

Yao Yi seemed to only come back to his senses, and pulled Jingyu into his arms. "I miss you."

This kind of sentence confuses Jingyu, she misses her, misses her.Isn't this what lovers say, but can they still be together?But there are already other people around him, and they can't go back anymore.

But soon she realized that she should have come to see the child.After all, she never concealed the child's affairs, so it's not surprising that Yao Yi knew about it.

"Don't do that." She pushed Yao Yi away without hesitation, but she didn't see the disappointment in his eyes.

Lin Wan'er walked over at this moment, staring at Yao Yi with round eyes, full of timidity.

Yao Yi hooked his lips, revealing a smile that he thought was very gentle.He stretched out his hands and said, "Baby, come here, Dad."

Jing Yu was startled, she blocked Lin Wan'er, "This is not yours."

I don't know what happened, but Lin Wan'er ran over, and Yao Yi hugged her up.The child is only over one year old now, and it is fleshy and soft everywhere, which makes Yao Yi's heart begin to melt.

This is his child, the continuation of his life.For the first time, this was the first time in his life that he felt so warm, that he had a family, and finally he was not alone.

Jingyu wanted to say those words again, but after touching his eyes, she couldn't say anything.

Obviously the man was so pleasantly surprised, she knew that Yao Yi really loved this child.If she said that the child was not his now, he would probably leave him with such a temper.Not only that, but the man would be very disappointed in his heart. For some reason, she didn't want to see such a scene.

But don't talk about it, if he knows in the future, it will probably be even more uncomfortable.What to do, is it better to say it or not to say it.

Just when she was struggling, she suddenly felt the warmth of her thighs, and when she lowered her head, she saw Yao Yu's big clear eyes.So she smiled, "what's the matter with you, baby?"

He looked at Yao Yi, with a eager look on his face, he knew that he wanted Yao Yi to hug him too.

Yao Yi obviously knew it too, he freed his other hand to hug Yao Yu.

Xiao Yao Yu was obviously very curious about this father, and looked at him with curious eyes.For a while, he made a cute move, and for a while he beat him up to have a look, just like he usually looks in the mirror.

Jing Yu was also laughed at by him, hugged Yao Yu over, and said softly: "This is Dad, not a mirror."

"Bah, bah"

People say that father and son are of the same heart, which is really good. Yao Yu has a good impression of this father he met for the first time.

Yao Yu seems to be Yao Yi's smaller one, and I have to say that this gene is powerful, so that he can see that they are father and son at a glance when they go out.

"Xiao Yu is so obedient, she can call her father." Xiao Yu is already over one year old and can say a lot of things.In the past, I didn't have a father, so I didn't know that he could bark. Jing Ju was a little moved by this bark.

(End of this chapter)

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