Chapter 347 Escape
Hearing these words, Yao Yi's mind was in a mess. He really wanted to believe in Jingju, but the child's time was not right.

Jingyu told him before that Waner is now one year and seven months old. If it is counted after Jingyu leaves, if Jingyu leaves and becomes pregnant, the child will come out after twelve months of pregnancy, so it is impossible, so It was obvious that the child was not hers at all.

His mind was blank. He didn't know how Chen Xier left. He returned home in a daze and saw Jingzhu teasing the child. Before seeing such a picture, he felt warm in his heart, but now he saw such a picture. strange.

Seeing him coming back, Jingyu trotted to his side, holding his arm, "Are you back?"

Yao Yi looked at it, and the hand on his arm pushed her away calmly, "Well, did the child behave well today?"

Jing Yu looked at her free hand, feeling a little lost in her heart, didn't he like her very much before, why is it a bit weird today, there is an indescribable feeling.


When the two children saw him coming back, they immediately put down the toys in their hands and ran over, stretching out their arms to be hugged by him.

He hesitated for a while and picked up the children. It would be great if these were his children. If they were his children, he would love them very much, but why not.

When she first accepted him, he felt that he was the luckiest person. With him, he felt really happy to have such a lovely pair of children.

While hugging one, he said softly: "Are you obediently listening to Mommy today?"

The two nodded at the same time, and Yao Yi kissed them on the cheeks, "Well, this is a good baby."

"By the way, wife. On the children's birthdays, I want to make them public. I want to make them bigger so that everyone knows that they are my children."

"Whatever you say, it's still more than two months away, and this matter can't be rushed, let's talk about it later." Jing Yu didn't know what he was thinking, and said to him.

Hearing this, Yao Yi's heart hurt a bit, as he guessed, the time was not right at all.

He put down the two children, trying to suppress the psychological feeling. "I'll go up and change clothes first. I still have things to do later. I may sleep in the company tonight."

His back was facing her, so he couldn't see his face at all, so he didn't know what he was thinking at all.

She only knew that the man was a little strange today, but she couldn't tell why it was so strange.

Before she could say anything, he went upstairs, changed clothes and came down after a while.

"What's the matter with you, are you uncomfortable?"

Just when he was about to go out, Jing Yu stopped him, Yao Yi paused, then turned around and hugged her in his arms, "I might be a little tired because there are a lot of documents, I have to go to social meetings in a while, recently there is a case that compares It's tricky, and I may not be able to be with you and the children for a while."

Wan'er also came over at this time, "Daddy, give me a hug."

Yao Yi let go of Jingyu, squatted down and hugged Wan'er for a while, "Dad has to go to work, you and your brother are obediently listening to Mom at home."

After he finished speaking, he kissed Wan'er and Jingyu and left.With his back to them, he stretched out his hand, and there were two slender black hairs on his palm.

Jing Yu looked at his back, feeling a little strange in her heart, but she didn't think about it, she just thought he was really tired.

After leaving the door, he picked up his mobile phone and made a call, then drove towards the "Golden Zun" bar.In fact, he didn't have any entertainment, he just made an excuse for not daring to face Jingyu.

He found a bar and planned to go in for a drink or two, but he didn't expect to see his brothers as soon as he entered.

(End of this chapter)

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