Chapter 348 Drunkenness
Because he was really in a bad mood, he went in and sat in the corner drinking, no matter how much others tried to persuade him, it was useless.During this period, only one of his men came down, otherwise they would have been drinking all the time.

When he woke up the next day, he was already in the presidential suite of the hotel. He moved a bit and found that his hands were sore and limp. When he opened his eyes, he saw a strange face.

At this moment, the woman stared at him with big eyes wide open, and he pushed the woman away with a cold face.

"Who are you?"

"I just let Xiaomei, Mr. Yao, have you forgotten, you were the one who held me back last night and refused to let me leave. What happened to me later happened naturally."

After hearing these words, Yao Yi's face became even colder. Seeing that he didn't say anything, the woman beat Yao Yi up, "Mr. Yao, I don't need you to take responsibility. People with status like you don't look down on people like us." , as long as I can stay by your side, I will be very happy." Yao Yi looked at her, pinched her chin, and shook her hard, and the woman fell off the bed, "Get lost."

The woman was startled by his cold tone, grabbed her clothes and put them on in a hurry, and hurried to the door.

Knowing that Yao Yi is a flirtatious person before, there are countless women around him. She thought that with her beauty, Yao Yi would definitely like her, but she didn't expect him to be so ruthless.

But the goal has been achieved, she also has nothing to stay, and she still has more opportunities in the future.

After the woman left, Yao Yi went to take a shower, thinking of the woman just now, she curled her lips coldly.

How dare you plot against him, that's really cool.

A week later, in the same presidential suite, the bodyguard handed over a document to him, and saw that his face turned pale after reading it.

"President, are you okay?" the bodyguard asked worriedly.

"It's okay, you can go back to work first."

The bodyguard glanced at him, a little worried about her, and finally left obediently.

Yao Yi looked at the sign saying that he and Wan'er were not related by blood, so the couple were not his children at all.

My heart turned cold in an instant, why did Jingyu want to deceive, if she had explained everything clearly, she might try to accept this pair of children.

If he had made it clear at the beginning, he would not be so uncomfortable now, because there would be no disappointment without hope.When he got home, Jing Yu was watching TV in the living room, and when she saw Yao Yi coming back, she hurried to his side.

"Didn't you say you were on a business trip and came back so soon?" Yao Yi didn't speak but just looked at her in a daze. If he didn't know about the child, he would be happy to see such a smile. What a sarcasm.

I really don't know if she can pretend, or if she treats him like a fool at all.

Revenge was burning in his heart, he picked her up and walked straight to the bedroom without saying a word.

Throwing her on the bed before she could react, he pressed down on her, wet and hot kisses fell on her neck thinly, and his hands kept tearing at her clothes.

"Yao Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Today's man is a bit crazy. Although he was crazy in the past, he was very rational, but now he is completely irrational.

"I miss you, I want you."

There is not much explanation, a simple sentence.

She didn't think much about it either. They didn't see each other for a week and it was considered Xiao Biesheng's newly married. To be honest, she missed him very much when he was not around.

(End of this chapter)

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