Chapter 349 Quarrel
When she was distracted, Yao Yi had already entered, different from the gentleness in the past, this time it was really rough, just like the first time he was with him.

She thought that such a man would feel sorry for her, but no, the man was even crazier.

The pain was quickly replaced by pleasure, and she slowly sank into it and couldn't extricate herself.

After the passion, she was lying on the bed tiredly, while Yao Yi was smoking a cigarette.

Shizuo narrowed his eyes.Normally, men must be very gentle, but suddenly she had to doubt something.

"What the hell happened?"

After Yao Yi paused, he knew that she was so smart that she would definitely notice something, and he didn't intend to hide it.

Originally, he was going to question her when he came back, but seeing her face, he couldn't help but do such a thing.

He pinched out the cigarette, and asked lightly: "Jingyu, do you have something to hide from me?"

Jing Yu blinked her eyes in puzzlement. She seemed to have told him everything.It seems that only her daughter is not her own, she didn't say it, but she thinks it's not a big deal, he will definitely accept her after getting along with her for a long time.

"No, didn't I tell you everything about me? That's it."

Before she finished speaking, his eyes were fixed on her, and before she could react, he slapped her on the face.

"If you don't love me, you don't have to come back, even if you come back, don't appear in front of me, even if you appear in front of me, don't accept my heart. Why did you give me hope and then it will be broken. I didn't believe those words at first , why did you lie to me?"

Jingyu was said to be in the clouds, and she was blinded by a slap.It's been a long time since she saw a man look so terrifying, his eyes were scarlet, and she really didn't know what she did wrong to make him so angry.

It took her a while to react, and by the time she did, he had already dressed and left.She didn't care too much, picked up the clothes on the ground, put them on indiscriminately, and chased them out.

She chased him all the way to the living room, and she managed to catch up with him. Seeing that he was about to leave, she yelled at his back: "Yao Yi, stop for me."

His body paused, but he didn't stop, watching him leave like this.She became even more anxious.

She was about to speed up her pace to catch up, when the servant following the two children ran out in a hurry, "Young Madam, Miss, is not well."

When she heard that Wan'er was not well, she subconsciously stopped, turned around and ran upstairs in a hurry.

When she got to the room, she saw Wan'er lying on the ground with blood all over her face, she was shocked.

"Quick, tell the driver to prepare a car and go to the hospital."

The little girl was also taken aback, she froze for a moment and hurriedly did what Jing Ju ordered her to do.

Wan'er was pushed into the first aid, and Jing Yu hugged Xiao Yu, watching the door of the operating room sank little by little.

Wan'er's health has improved a lot before, and she has been taking medicine all the time, her condition has been brought under control, why did such a thing happen all of a sudden.

Tears began to fall uncontrollably. Although the child was not her own, she already regarded the child as her own in her mind.She really didn't want this child to leave her, she was still so young and so cute, she still had a lot of things that she hadn't enjoyed, and she had seen a lot of things, why would God have the heart to let her just leave like this.

Suddenly something warm and soft touched her hand, and she lowered her head to see her son's big innocent eyes looking at her, and his small hand touched her hand once and for all, as if silently comforting her Same.

(End of this chapter)

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