Chapter 350 Encounter
Suddenly something warm and soft touched her hand, and she lowered her head to see her son's big innocent eyes looking at her, and his small hand touched her hand once and for all, as if silently comforting her Same.

"Mommy, my sister will be fine."

She wiped away her tears quickly, she is really worthless, she is the mother of the children, how could she shed tears so easily.

Yes, as long as she doesn't give up on the child, she will be fine, she believes it must be so.

"That's right. My sister will be fine. She just has a minor illness. She will recover soon and play with you."

Xiao Yu nodded, naively, he believed his mother's words the most.

From day to night, she asked the driver to take Xiaoyu to Lin's house, and stood by herself, the more time passed, the more restless she became.

The lights went out, and a doctor in a white coat came out, and she ran over without hesitation.

"Doctor, doctor, how is my daughter?"

The doctor's expression was a little serious, even though they had seen through life and death, it was still a little sad for him to see such a petite child leave in front of them.

"She already had leukemia, which was controlled by taking medicine before. I'm afraid it won't work now. The medicine is useless to her now. It is recommended that you find a matching bone marrow as soon as possible and perform surgery on her as soon as possible. Based on the fact that the child is RH negative blood type, and finding a matching bone marrow is not so easy."

"Okay, thank you doctor." Her body was already weak after hearing such words, but she still wanted to tell herself that she was relieved.

"It stands to reason that parents and siblings are the most likely matches. I suggest you call your husband for a checkup together."

"it is good."

Now she seems to have taken all the strength out of her body, at this moment she is so confused and so helpless.At this moment, she really misses Yao Yi, but yesterday he suddenly lost his temper so much, she didn't have time to ask what was going on.

And the person who was beaten was obviously her. She didn't think there was anything wrong with her. He actually left without an explanation, and now he didn't even call. Her heart slowly became cold. Like ice sculptures in the cold winter.

The next day, holding her inspection report, she finally couldn't help squatting in the corridor and crying.It doesn't match, she clearly knows that it doesn't match, but at the beginning she still can't help but want to try it, maybe there will be a miracle.

She wiped away her tears and saw a pair of brand new leather shoes appearing in her line of sight. She slowly looked up along the leather shoes, her eyes were hazy with tears, and for a moment she actually saw that familiar face.

She stood up and was about to throw herself into his arms, but when she was overjoyed, her heart suddenly fell.

"why you?"

Yu Zhengyi frowned, watching her hopeful eyes slowly cool down, his heart also slowly sank. "Is that why you don't want to see me?"

"How much I wish to see you, don't I really want to die?" What he has done to her has made it possible for her to be shocking until now. If she wants to see such a person, she will seek death.

Yu Zhengyi's face became very ugly, in fact, he didn't want to hurt her, who made her insist on being with Yao Yi.

"Don't tell me you really like being with Yao Yi so much, you are so humble because of him, where is all your self-confidence gone?"

In the past, Jing Yu was so noble and star-studded, but now she has become so servile because of Yao Yi, making herself like this.

He originally wanted to accompany his father to see a doctor, but he didn't expect to see Jingyu here by such a coincidence, and she was crying so miserably by herself.Didn't she mean how much affection she has for Yao Yi, why is that man not by her side at this time.

Oh, he almost forgot that the two of them had a quarrel, and he planned this matter behind the scenes, but when he saw her like this, he suddenly couldn't bear it.She suddenly didn't want to target anyone anymore, he just wanted the woman in front of him to live a good life.

"Zhengyi, what are you doing there?"

A calm and majestic voice came over at this time, Yu Zhengyi and Jing Yu subconsciously looked at the person who came, and saw that the person who came was a man in his 50s, with the corners of his eyes slightly raised.I don't know why Jing Yu felt very scared when she first saw him.

She lowered her head subconsciously, just wanting to leave this place quickly and get out of this man's sight.

The man stared at her, and Jing Yu knew that he was looking at another face through her, and it should be someone who looked very similar to her.

"Sure enough, it is from the blood of the Zhao family."

The man's voice sounded again, and Jingyu shook subconsciously, but she still pretended to be strong and proud, raised her head, and looked at the man.

Before she could speak, Yu Zhengyi took the lead and said, "Jing Yu, this is my father."

"Oh. Your father is your father. What does it have to do with me? I'll go first. I still have a lot to do."

She passed Yu Zhengyi and wanted to walk forward, but what she met was a familiar face.

"Auntie, why are you here?" Seeing the person coming, Jing Yu hurried over, holding her hand affectionately.

Yu Haisheng followed suit and looked over. It was fine if he didn't look at it, but he was stunned when he saw it.

"Ah Hui, is that you, Ah Hui?"

The person who came was none other than Zhao Mama Zhao Huiqing, Jingju's aunt.

Zhao Huiqing obviously didn't expect to see him here, she was taken aback for a moment, and then her face turned pale.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Jing Yu's brain was running fast, and she remembered many things at this time.

"What, Ah Hui, I don't know you at all, who are you?"

This man is a devil to her. If it weren't for this man, the Zhao family would not have become like this, and she would not have been living in self-blame for so many years.

At that time, she was still young, and she actually fell in love with this man, which led to the wolf entering the house.At that time, she was stubborn, and her family members had already warned her, but she just didn't listen and always thought it was because her family looked down on her.In fact, they saw clearly early on that that person was not a good person at all.

"Ah Hui, it's obviously you, why are you running away from me?" Yu Sheng stepped forward and grabbed her hand excitedly.

Yu Zhengyi had always grown up by Yu Sheng's side. This man had always been ruthless, calm, and scheming. He had never seen him so out of control like now.At this time, he had to look more at the woman in front of him, what kind of magical power did she have, and even the lingering voice was out of control for her.

Zhao Huiqing quickly shook off his hand. Ever since that happened, he vowed never to meet this man again, and even if he did, he would stay away from him.

"Let go of me, have you made enough trouble, I beg you not to appear in front of me again in the future."

She is afraid of this man, but more of it is hatred. If she can, she is willing to die with this devil-like man.

 It is a little troublesome to publish one chapter. From the beginning of this chapter, two chapters will become one chapter. It will be updated every day, and you can post as many codes as you can.

(End of this chapter)

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