The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 351 Women are inherently weak, but mothers are strong

Chapter 351 Women are inherently weak, but mothers are strong

She is afraid of this man, but more of it is hatred. If she can, she is willing to die with this devil-like man.

She suddenly turned to Yu Zhengyi, who had a face that was very similar to Yao Yi, and then looked at Yu Sheng, she suddenly seemed to understand something.

It turned out that he was the one who had been scheming against Jingyu and Yao Yi. Before that, she only vaguely knew about it, because her sister deliberately concealed it, so she was not very clear about these things.

But she knew that Yu Zhengyi had been targeting Yao Yi all the time, and she finally understood when she heard Yu Zhengyi calling Yu Sheng's father just now.

"Is he your son?" She pointed at Yu Zhengyi and asked knowingly.

"Yes." Yu Sheng said reluctantly: "But don't get me wrong, there is a reason for this, the person I love has always been you, and it is now"

She raised her hand to interrupt his words, she was no longer that young girl, these words were already immune to people in her grade.

Yu Sheng wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, because he was hurt by her indifferent eyes.The two of them used to be so good, and they were so happy together.In the past, the way she looked at him was always full of love, but now she is so indifferent.

I don't know when that slim girl turned into a woman who still has charm.He has done so much just to make himself better, so that he can match her. Is it true that everything can't go back?
Zhao Huiqing didn't want to stay here any longer at all, and gave the thermos pot in her hand to Jing Yu, "This is what your mother asked me to bring to you, I'll go back first."

Jing Yu took it, but she saw the panic in her eyes, she frowned, and asked worriedly: "Auntie, why don't I take you back."

She also saw that this man was really crazy, and she was really afraid that he would do something to her aunt if he suddenly went crazy, so she had to follow him to feel at ease.

"No need, your mommy arranged a bodyguard for me outside, don't worry." She gently patted the back of Jingyu's hand, signaling her to feel relieved.

Looking at Zhao Huiqing's leaving back, Jing Yu looked at Yu Sheng worriedly, afraid that he would do something suddenly.But he didn't follow, but went in another direction, which was to the consulting room, so she was relieved.

She turned the corner and went back to the ward. She was worried that the child was alone when there was no one in the ward. It felt like you walked back to the room faster when you got relieved.

While looking for the right bone marrow, Jing Yu took care of Wan'er, not to mention Wan'er had lost a lot of weight, even she herself had lost a lot of weight.

It has been more than a week since the last incident. She is here to take care of the child, but Yao Yi has become what he used to be. All major news have appeared about him. For a while, many women are looking forward to being able to be with this The golden bachelor hooks up with a relationship.

Jingyu knew these things from the mouths of the nurses, and she still pretended that nothing happened on the surface, but in fact, she was already numb from the pain.

But she can't fall, if she falls now, no one will come to save Wan'er for a long time.That child is so pitiful, her biological parents have abandoned her, what should she do if she doesn't want her, so she will not give up this child no matter what.


Wan'er Nuo Nuo's voice sounded, although she is fine now, she is still in poor health, with all those instruments stuck in her body.Every time Jingyu sees her like this, her eyes are red, but Ha Ai dare not shed tears.

Women are inherently weak, but mothers are strong.Maybe it's a woman like Jingyu who gritted her teeth and endured it for the sake of her child even if she couldn't bear it herself.

"What's the matter, baby, is it uncomfortable?"

Xiao Wan'er shook her head, touched her face with her small hand, "Mommy doesn't cry."

Hearing such a sentence made her feel even more uncomfortable. Although the child is still young, she actually understands many things, but she just doesn't know how to express it.Just like she always talked about her father, Jing Yu told her that her father was very busy and now she really stopped calling.

She suppressed tears, touched her head, and said with a smile: "Mommy didn't cry, Mommy is the strongest. Mommy must protect my sister and brother, and let you grow up happily."

Wan'er nodded without hesitation. At this time, the child is very wary of everything, but the mother believes in it 100%, without any doubts.

Although Wan'er is still young, she actually understands many things psychologically. She knows that she is sick now. Mommy has been taking care of her hard these days. Mommy has worked so hard for her to get better soon. Can.

Jingyu didn't know that her daughter had such thoughts. If she had such thoughts, she would definitely feel distressed. This child is so sensible at such a young age.

She wanted to say something, but the door opened with a click, and the new housekeeper, He Ma, walked in with a smile, "Young Madam, Miss."

"Grandma He." Wan'er called out sweetly. During the time at Yao's house, Mummy didn't accompany her much. On the contrary, Granny He took care of her all the time, so she and Granny He became very close. got close.

"Mother He, are you here?" There have been many people coming these days, people from the Lin family, and the Yao family because Yao Yi's parents are abroad, so only servants come here.

"The old lady called last night. I have told her everything about the past few days. It is estimated that they are all on their way back now."

After a quiet pause, she didn't specifically call to tell the two elders that she didn't want them to know these things.But she can't hide it, anyway, they will know about it sooner or later.

She nodded in agreement, and fell asleep for a few sips of soup for Wan'er.In the past few days, her body is really weak, and she really doesn't have much strength.

"How's Miss's condition these past few days? Is it still very bad?" Just now when the child was in He's mother, she was afraid to say this, and she didn't dare to speak until now that the child had fallen asleep.

"The doctor said that her condition is getting worse. If she can't find a suitable bone marrow, it won't be long." As she spoke, tears began to well up in her eyes.

Mother He couldn't bear to see her like this. She has become a mother. As a mother, of course, she doesn't want her children to have anything.

"Young Madam, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Just tell me what you want. It's thanks to you for taking care of our mother and daughter these days, otherwise I don't know what to do." She said very sincerely.

"Actually, what's the use of you as a woman looking for it like this, you don't even know where it is, and it will only be a single incident if it goes on like this. You might as well ask the young master, he is such a capable person, he will definitely be there soon found."

She lowered her head and pondered for a while, "It's not that you don't know about it recently, he is living so chicly now, he probably doesn't want to see me at all now."

(End of this chapter)

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