Chapter 354
He was also in a hurry, and quickly pressed her into his arms, and said repeatedly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. It's because I don't believe you. It's because I think too much. Don't be angry, why are you scolding me? , You can hit me however you want, don’t make yourself angry.”

Jingyu was really sad, thinking of her grievances in the past week, tears fell down, crying and scolding: "You scoundrel, how could you treat me like this, and why did you say that you are with me?" For the rest of my life, I hugged you left and right in a blink of an eye, and I will never forgive you again, never again."

Hearing her crying so sadly, Yao Yi frowned even more tightly, "Okay, don't forgive me again, don't cry, the doctor said you can't be too excited or it will be bad for the child."

Jingyu wiped away her tears and was a little confused, child?What kind of child, aren't Wan'er and Xiaoyu pretty good? Besides, she is crying and the children can't see her, so she is not good for the child. "I cry for mine, but they can't see it. Can I cry for a while when I'm wronged?" She pouted like a child, and she was going to fight Yao Yi to the end. Who told him not to ask clearly? If she misunderstood her like this, she would never forgive him so easily.

Seeing this, Yao Yi felt helpless and also found it funny. When did his Jing'er become so childish and unreasonable, but he liked this appearance very much.

This time he really shouldn't have misunderstood him like this.He believed Chen Xi'er's words, and he clearly knew that the woman had some other purpose or he believed her nonsense.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have listened to other people's words and didn't check the situation clearly. You must know that I really care about you too much. I don't want others to get a little bit of your beauty. I'm sorry, I will never do this in the future Yes. You can do whatever you want, but don’t get excited, you still have a child in your stomach.”

Hearing such news, Jingyu was also taken aback, no wonder Yao Yi had been talking about the child just now, so it wasn't like Wan'er and Xiaoyu were in the stomach.

He was stunned for a while before he realized that she was pregnant again.It's been a long time since she came back.

Even if he hates Yao Yi very much now, the child is innocent no matter what.No matter whether she wants to be with Yao Yi now or not, she will give birth to the child.Anyway, there is not much more, just work harder on your own.

On the contrary, Yao Yi is still very happy. When he had a son before, he didn't stay by her side properly. Sometimes he thinks it is a pity when he thinks about it.

I heard that pregnancy is a very difficult process for a woman, and there will be various reactions in it.If it wasn't for him before, Jing Yu wouldn't just walk away, but now thinking about it, he wants to beat himself up.

When she regained her senses, Jing Yu quickly looked away, and said coquettishly: "You stayed to take care of me because I had a child? If I really had a child with someone else, would you just leave me alone?"

"No." When she fainted, he really figured it out. At that moment, he felt that nothing was important. The important thing was that the two of them could be together. As long as the whole family could be together Just be happy.

Jingyu was still very sad mentally, but she held back when she thought of the child in her stomach, but she made up her mind that she would not forgive Yao Yi so easily.

Judging by her expression, he could probably guess what was going on in her heart.This time, he did something wrong. He found those women on purpose. He made such a show just to let Jing Yu see and stimulate her.Unexpectedly, after a week, she didn't respond at all. In fact, he was still a little bit disappointed.

He has thought about countless assumptions, if she comes, he will reconcile with her, but no, not even a phone call, he will inevitably feel a little resentful.

But when all this was a misunderstanding of his, he felt very guilty. If he knew it was like this, he should have listened to her explain it carefully, so that he wouldn't cause so many things.After all, it was all his fault.He was just too suspicious and never believed her properly.

He still wanted to say something, but when he heard the children's laughter coming from afar, he immediately closed his mouth and said nothing more.Anyway, the days are still long, at worst, just work harder, anyway, he won't let her leave so easily.

After a while, Wan'er brought Yao Yu over, the two were smiling and didn't know what they were talking about so happily, but seeing the smiles of the children, the dignified atmosphere between the two melted away.

"Mommy, brother is here."

Jing Yu smiled and went down to hug her. Seeing this, Yao Yi quickly hugged the two children in his arms, and kissed both of their faces. "Baby, have you missed Daddy these days?"

Both of them nodded, and Xiao Yu Nai said childishly: "Yes, but Mommy said Dad is busy, so we have to be obedient."

Wan'er nodded, expressing her agreement with what her brother said.Although they are not very expressive, they still know that their parents are hardworking, so they must be obedient.

Yao Yi looked at Jing Ju in surprise, he never expected that she would say this to the children.She said this because of him. She didn't want him to have a little complaint in the children's mind, and she didn't want the children to think that their father was bad.In fact, even if parents quarrel and have conflicts, don't bring emotions to their children.

No wonder the children are so obedient and sensible, they are all well educated by Jingyu, he is very lucky to have such a wife.If he came to teach, it might not be so good, she is such a good mother.

Jing Yu turned her face away from him, "I didn't do this for you, I just didn't want the children to have a psychological shadow."

He understands that she is just quarreling and refusing to admit it.I don't know why he thinks Jingyu is extremely cute today, it seems that she can always bring him countless surprises, and it makes him unable to call himself.

"Okay, now that you are the boss, you can do whatever you say, my lord queen, and I will listen to you in the future, even if you beat me and scold me."

She rolled her eyes, and he turned into this all of a sudden, he was really not used to it.She still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She didn't know whether his change was because he really figured it out or because of the child in his stomach.If it was really because of the child in her belly, then she really didn't want to just forgive him like that.

But thinking of the child without a father is also very pitiful. Although Wang Xiaoyu and Wan'er don't complain much, they still yearn for their father's love.

The child in her belly must be the same. No matter how good she is as a mother, she can't make up for her father's share. Forget it, things should not be too extreme. Take one step at a time .He was wrong this time, and she was right. If she had made everything clear earlier, perhaps such a thing would not have happened.

(End of this chapter)

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