The wealthy marriage plan: ex-wife, don't try to escape

Chapter 355 Wan'er's Biological Mother

Chapter 355 Wan'er's Biological Mother

The child in her belly must be the same. No matter how good she is as a mother, she can't make up for her father's share. Forget it, things should not be too extreme. Take one step at a time .He was wrong this time, and she was right. If she had made everything clear earlier, perhaps such a thing would not have happened.

"Yao Yi, you." She was faintly worried. Now that he knew Wan'er was not his child, would he still treat her as his own child? Would he drive her away? go out.

"This is our child, we will protect her well in the future." He knew what he was going to say, it was to her, and it was also a promise to her.

She knew early on that this child's identity could take care of her so well, and treat her as her own child, and he could do it too.She is still so young, and her body is so bad, if they don't want her anymore, what will she do with her hungry life.Since Jingyu likes this child so much, she stays. Anyway, she is raising another child, and they have developed feelings during the time they get along.

When she heard such words, her eyes suddenly turned red. In the past, she was afraid that Yao Yi would dislike Wan'er, and she was afraid that he would not want her, so she didn't dare to be passionate and really wanted to tell him. She was deeply afraid that he would drive Wan'er out.

In fact, after all, she didn't trust Yao Yi that much. She was afraid that he would dislike Wan'er, but she never thought about what he was thinking.

Suddenly at such a moment, all her grievances were gone, and all that was left was emotion.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Wan'er thought she was unhappy, so she opened her hands and said sweetly, "Hug, Mommy."

Jingyu hesitated for a moment and wanted to reach out, Yao Yi quickly said: "Honey, there is a baby in Mommy's stomach, she can't hold you now. If you make Mommy tired, then the little brothers and sisters will come out later." I won't play with you anymore."

Jing Yu looked at He Ma who was standing beside her, her face blushed, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

She had never seen Yao Yi so gentle, so patient, and he coaxed the child so softly.

For some reason, her psychology was a bit irritating, he had rarely been so gentle to her.Realizing this, she despised herself very much. It's really embarrassing for this grown-up person to still be jealous of the child.

The family is finally reconciled and everyone is happy.

Jing Yu stayed in the hospital for two days, during which Yao Yi took good care of her, because she had not had a good rest before, she was malnourished, and the fetal image was unstable, which made Yao Yi nervous like something.

During this period, he had to ask someone to find a suitable bone marrow, and he had to deal with the documents sent by the secretary whenever he had time.Jingzhu could see his hard work, but she still thought not to forgive him so easily.The two of them have nothing to do in front of the child, but once they are alone, they have almost nothing to say, usually Yao Yi is talking, and Jing Yu occasionally answers.

The most troublesome thing now is the matter of Wan'er's bone marrow. After searching for two days, I couldn't find a clue. It wasn't until the third day that the good news finally came.

On the third day, a call finally came, Yao Yi answered the call and hurried out.

When he went out, he went directly to a restaurant near the hospital, and that person had already arrived when he arrived.It's a woman in her 20s. She wears a pair of big sunglasses so that he can't see what she looks like.

"Are you the one who wants to see me?"

The woman nodded, and said with a slightly vicissitudes of life: "It's me, I am willing to donate the bone marrow to your child, but I need a sum of money."

He frowned, "Why should I trust you, and I don't have to you."

When it came to money, he didn't have any affection for this woman at all. If Wan'er's bone marrow wasn't really hard to find, he wouldn't appear here.It's really ugly to pretend to be very noble even if you are asking for money.

"You must be me, but can the child wait so long? I'm afraid I'm the only one who is suitable for me now. I've already asked the doctor, how long can she wait now that she is in such poor health?"

"Tell me, I'll give you as much as you want." At this moment, a woman's voice came over, which seemed very abrupt.

Yao Yi was taken aback when he heard this voice, and then he fixed his eyes to see if it was Jingju or who it was.

"My wife, why are you here?" He quickly stood up and went to support her, fearing that she would bump into her.She didn't shirk, and sat down where Yao Yi was sitting just now.

It was unnatural for the woman to see Jing's face on her face. If the sunglasses hadn't blocked her, she would have been exposed in front of her eyes.

"Lin Jingyu, I know you."

Jing Yu looked at the woman in front of her firmly, and looked at her carefully, "Who the hell are you? Is what you just said true? Just tell me how much you want."

The woman sighed, as if she had decided something, took off her sunglasses, and a face that looked exactly like Jing Yu appeared in front of their eyes, especially those eyes were exactly the same as Jing Yu.

A bold question appeared in Jingyu's head, she was right and it should be like this.

She looked at Yao Yi who was sitting next to her, and the two looked at each other, and they both saw each other's thoughts in each other's eyes.

"I think you should have guessed my identity. You are all right that I am Wan'er's biological mother. I know that Ms. Lin adopted my child, and I have always been very grateful to you. But I am not I don't want her because of her health, and I have no choice. I was kept in captivity by a man with power. If I hadn't accidentally found out about Wan'er's condition this time, I wouldn't have escaped. I'm about to leave, I finally come out and die and don't go back to that man's side, I beg you, I need a sum of money to escape, don't worry I won't come back after I leave, let alone appear by Wan'er's side gone."

The more the woman talked, the more excited she became, tears fell down, and she was even more pitiful without makeup.At first, Jing Yu looked down on this woman a little bit, but later she just felt that this woman was very pitiful.

It seems that all mothers in the world love their children very much. She doesn't want to delay her child because she has difficulties, not because of her body.Looking at her current clothes, although she is a little embarrassed, everything on her body is famous brand, so she shouldn't have no money to see a doctor for her child.

She believed her words subconsciously, and now she felt very sympathetic to this woman, "Money is not a problem, as long as it can be saved until the end of the day."

The woman suddenly smiled, "I'm really glad that the child has a mother like you. It's her blessing. I really appreciate you taking care of the child these years. If it is possible, I ask you not to tell the child about me for the rest of your life. It is best for her I can treat you as their parents for the rest of my life. My mother is useless, and I don't want her to know that his father is such a person. "

(End of this chapter)

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