Chapter 356 Surgery
The woman suddenly smiled, "I'm really glad that the child has a mother like you. It's her blessing. I really appreciate you taking care of the child these years. If it is possible, I ask you not to tell the child about me for the rest of your life. It is best for her I can treat you as their parents for the rest of my life. My mother is useless, and I don't want her to know that his father is such a person. "

The woman said that her eyes slowly became very sad, and women can understand women even more. Jingyu suddenly felt very heartbroken when she looked at the woman. What kind of experience made a woman so sad and gave up on herself? child.

"It's easy to talk about other things, and the matter of the evening is more important." Yao Yi has not spoken, but she is still vigilant towards this woman.He doesn't care if these are true or not, anyway, things that can be solved by money are nothing, as long as they can be saved until the end of the day.

"Let's see when you have time. Is there any trouble for you to come out this time? Is there anything we can help with?"

The woman hesitated for a moment, glanced at Yao Yi, lowered her head and said, "I escaped, I didn't bring anything with me, and now I don't even have a place to live, can you arrange a place for me, as long as the operation is over tonight. I'm afraid that that man will come to me and delay you."

Yao Yi pondered for a while and felt that this was the reason. Anyway, other things are not important anymore. The important thing is that the child's operation can be successful.He wasn't sure if what the woman said was true, but if what she said was true, the operation that night might be delayed. Anyway, these were just minor problems for her, so what if she agreed.

"You can rest assured about this, I will arrange it. I will definitely protect your photos." This is Yao Yi's promise to her, the woman's brows slightly stretched, and she will definitely follow what Yao Yi said. believable.

"Thank you. I will definitely repay your great kindness when I have the opportunity in the future. Even if I don't have the opportunity to be a cow or a horse in the next life in this life, I will repay you." The woman's eyes were full of tears, and anyone who saw it would be moved.

Yao Yi looked at Jing Yu, he was able to do this only because of her, I hope she understands all this psychologically.She cared so much about Wan'er that he already regarded her as his own child in his mind. He didn't want to disappoint Jingyu, let alone make her sad.

Without eating, Yao Yi took the woman to the hospital for an examination. As the woman said, she and Wan'er were compatible.Even so, he still kept his mind and quietly went to give them a personal appraisal.

Discuss with the doctor, Wan'er's operation is scheduled for three days later, Yao Yi asked people to settle the woman in a villa in the suburbs, and arranged for someone to protect him, which is considered to have fulfilled his promise to her.

Three days later, Wan'er's operation was very successful, and a big stone in Jingyu's mind was finally lifted.She was about to see that woman, but Yao Yi told her that the woman had left.

"She just left, what about the money, doesn't she want it?" Jing Yu's first worry was whether she was safe, and she should completely believe what the woman said before.She needed money so much before, don't she want it now?

"She only wanted 100 million, and then she left. I want her to recover and then leave, but if she insists on leaving, there is nothing I can do." Yao Yi replied, hugging her.

After these few days, Jingyu has also begun to accept him slowly, not to mention being as close as before, but sometimes she still doesn't resist reporting it.

"Hey, she looks really pitiful. She obviously loves the child but has to let the child be given to others." Jing Yu frowned, feeling very sad.Ever since she knew she was pregnant, she has become sentimental, and she is very sad at every turn.

"If you want me to say that she was really cruel, she didn't even look at the child, she just asked if she was safe and then left." He gently patted her on the back, silently comforting her.

"What are you talking about," she said angrily, "she must be very concerned about the child in her heart, and if she doesn't go to see it, she is just afraid that she will be more reluctant. Now she must be feeling very uncomfortable."

As a mother, how could she not know that way of thinking, and by looking at that person's eyes, she could tell that she was not lying.

He stroked her hair and chuckled, "You are so stupid, always so kind, but this is how cute you are."

She slapped his hand away with one hand, "You are the only one who can talk, if you want to say that I am stupid, just say so, and you always come to bully me."

Yao Yi is helpless, why does he always bully her, isn't that the only thing?It is said that women are very vengeful, which is true. He must pay attention not to make her angry again in the future.

"It's okay if I'm wrong, it really won't happen again in the future."

Jing Ju pouted, "I will barely forgive you this time. But did you really say nothing to those women? If you are with other women, I won't want you."

Yao Yi really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "No really, I just did it to make you angry. How can those women compare to you, I have no interest in them at all."

This is the truth, although those who tried their best wanted to be with him, but he really had no interest at all.Psychologically, all he thinks about is this little woman. With her in his world, there is no place for others to come in.

Jingyu yawned tiredly. Seeing her like this, he pulled the quilt carefully, "Be tired, sleep for a while when you're tired, and we'll go watch Wanwan when we wake up."

She hasn't rested since she came back this morning, and she is probably exhausted after a busy morning.Coupled with the fact that her mind has been tense these days, she must be even more tired now.

She nestled in his arms, her eyelids became heavier and heavier, "I'm really tired."

She fell asleep as soon as she finished talking, she was really exhausted, and she was even more lethargic now that she was pregnant.He hugged her, and slightly hooked his lips, as long as he was with her, he was really happy.And soon they will have a child, think about it and feel very happy.

Wan'er's operation was successful but she still needs to be hospitalized for a while. Jingyu was very tired because of pregnancy, so she just went to Meituan to play with her child.And Xiao Yu has been in the Lin family for a while, Lin Jingzhu came back with her child, Xiao Yu and her son had a great time, and he would go there almost every day.

She is also happy to be at ease, so that she has more time to rest.And Yao Yi wished that the two children would be away, so that the couple would have more time to be alone.There is still some estrangement between their husband and wife now, and he wants to coax his queen well during this time.

The next day, Yao Yi took Jingju and Xiao Yu to the Lin's house. He said, this is the first time to visit the Lin's house after Jingju came back. Yao Yi had already made preparations before coming, and bought a lot of supplements. of.Because he treated Jingyu so badly before, he has decided to coax the people of the Lin family well.

(End of this chapter)

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