Chapter 357 The Incident
The next day, Yao Yi took Jingju and Xiao Yu to the Lin's house. He said, this is the first time to visit the Lin's house after Jingju came back. Yao Yi had already made preparations before coming, and bought a lot of supplements. of.Because he treated Jingyu so badly before, he has decided to coax the people of the Lin family well.

Seeing him like this, Jingyu found it very funny, why hadn't seen him so nervous before, and now he was so nervous that he felt like he had just met his parents.But she didn't point it out, because she was still very happy. For someone as conceited as Yao Yi, he was very lucky to bow his head for her.

But the Lin family who came to the Lin family were very kind to him, and they were very happy to see them coming.As soon as Lin Wenzhong entered the door, he only said one sentence, "It's good to be back." Although it was just a simple sentence, it contained a lot.

"Sister, brother-in-law." Jingzhu led her son down from the second floor, and saw that Jingzhu's face was full of smiles.

Jing Yu chuckled, she hadn't seen Jing Zhu for a long time, and now that she was married, she was even more beautiful.

"Why did you come back alone, where is your family?" She asked knowingly, she had already called her mother a few days ago, and she already knew that Jingzhu had quarreled with her family, so she went back to her mother's house live.

"Let's not talk about her, there is no quarrel between husband and wife, what is it like to run away from home for a little thing?" said Mrs. Lin who was sitting on the sofa.

Jing Yu looked at the three women on the sofa, the years did not bring them much harm, but added a lot of charm.

"Auntie, according to what you said, it seems that we are not welcome back to my mother's house." She turned to Yao Yi and said coquettishly: "You can't bully me in the future, it seems that even my mother's house does not welcome us back, and I will be angry in the future I can only take my children to wander."

Yao Yi smiled, and said with a light smile, "I won't do it anymore." As if no one else was around, he smoothed Jingju's hair and silently comforted the woman. Before letting her go like this, he will never let such a thing happen in the future. happened.

The people of the Lin family are naturally happy to see the sweetness of the two, and the relationship between the two will definitely get better after so many experiences.These two people no longer need them to worry.

"If all the people who come back are happy couples, we will welcome them back." The eldest lady Zhao Huihua said with a smile.

Jingzhu pouted, "It is said that the married woman poured water, so you don't want me?"

"Why do you marry like a child? Naturally, you think about your husband when you get married. What's the matter with you?" The second lady said angrily. She is a traditional woman and behaves in every way. Yes, the children I taught were all lively and tight, and none of them were similar to her, only the seventh child was more like her.

Jingzhu is not happy to hear such things, now it is really that father does not love mother and does not love her, why is she so pitiful.

Jingyu just chuckled, she knew that mothers were just talking.If one of the sisters is wronged, they will definitely feel very uncomfortable. Now it's just talking.

Yao Yi just laughed along, every time he came to Lin's house, he felt very warm, as if his whole body was surrounded by sunshine, which made him even more greedy.

The previous life was gloomy, but Jingyu was the sunshine that God gave him, warming his heart.In the past, he didn't cherish it, but now he finally understands that he will feel warm only when he is with this woman, and if he loses her, he will really have nothing to do.

The family chatted happily for a while. Yao Si and his wife also came over. They came back the day before Wan'er's operation. The two couples were very worried about these children when they were abroad, so they came back in a hurry.Hearing that Wan'er was fine now, the big stone in their hearts was relieved.

"You are finally here. I don't know how much time we still have to meet." Lin Wenzhong's health gradually deteriorated, and he was very emotional about many things. Maybe it's just like getting old.

"What are you talking about, old boy? We still have a lot of time in the future, and we still have to watch our grandson marry a wife. What nonsense are you talking about?" Yao Si said, not knowing why he felt that this time Lin Wenzhong's mentality seems to be much older.

Lin Wenzhong's mentality is indeed a lot older. After experiencing these things in Jingyu, he suddenly seemed to understand something. Emotional matters really cannot be forced.If it weren't for the fact that there was nothing he could do about it, he really didn't want to see these daughters all married for profit.If he could choose, he also hoped that they could all marry whoever he liked.

Jing Yu looked at her father with distress, and said angrily: "That's right, you will have to watch Xiao Yu and the others marry their wives and have children. Dad will live a long life."

"It's brother-in-law." Zhao Huiqing also said when she heard him say this just after she came in from the door.

Hearing the voice, Jing Yu turned around and looked at Zhao Huiqing. She was holding the hand of a middle-aged man, followed by a boy and a girl, who looked about ten years old.

There is no doubt that it must be her husband and children. The middle-aged man is quite handsome and seems to be very honest. No wonder the aunt likes him.These two children are easy to recognize, their appearance is very similar to Jingyu Jingxun, it is not difficult to distinguish them at all.

"Ah, Auntie, this is your daughter. You can tell it at a glance. She looks so much like Jing Xun. She is a beautiful woman." Jing Zhu said with a smile.

It was the first time for the two children to come here, and they were still very nervous at first. They grew up in ordinary families. Before coming here, they were worried for a long time, deeply afraid that they would do something embarrassing. .Unexpectedly, the members of the Lin family were all so enthusiastic, and they felt a little more relaxed.

"This child is still so good at talking. Our daughters have their own characteristics, and they are all beautiful." Zhao Huihua said with a smile, and said to the girl next to Zhao Huiqing, "Yangyang, you should come over more often with your sisters." Play, they are very kind, you just come here."

"I will, Auntie." The girl smiled shyly and said submissively.

Zhao Huihua looked at his younger sister, and said strangely: "You must have said something to the children, and you must have made them restrained. Children's nature is to play and play, it's better to follow the temper, don't be too restrained .”

Zhao Huiqing glanced at the child beside her and smiled.Where did she say anything, her children are just too sensible, they should be enjoying the blessings, if it weren't for her, they wouldn't be like this, she is really a disaster.

Today was originally a family gathering, and soon these unhappy things will pass.They didn't go home until evening, halfway through Yao Yi answered the phone with a gloomy face, put her child down, told her a few words, and left.

(End of this chapter)

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