Chapter 358 Ending 1
Today was originally a family gathering, and soon these unhappy things will pass.They didn't go home until evening, halfway through Yao Yi answered the phone with a gloomy face, put her child down, told her a few words, and left.

She is very clear about what kind of person Yao Yi is, she doesn't have to ask about his affairs, as long as he is safe and sound, she will be at ease.But she is still very worried every time this happens, but she knows that he will have a sense of proportion in his heart. If he really cares about her and the children, he will definitely protect himself.

After taking a bath, she lay drowsy on the bed, Xiao Yu, who had just been bathed by the servant, jumped up to her side, and then nestled in her arms.

"Mommy, I want to sleep with you."

She stretched out her arms to hold him, confining him in her arms.Thinking about it, it seems that it has been a long time since I slept with Xiaoyu, and it seems that I haven't been with the children since I came back to be with Yao Yi.Anyway, I don't know when Yao Yi will come back, since there are only two of them, I must treat my son well.

Probably because she played too crazy during the day, Yao Yu quickly fell asleep, and she changed to a comfortable position and then fell into a deep sleep.

Just as the clock struck twelve o'clock at midnight, Yao Yi came back from the outside and just got out of the car when he heard Xiao Yu crying. When he hurried in, he saw He Ma hugging Xiao Yu and comforting her softly.But Xiaoyu couldn't hear him at all, and kept shouting to find Mommy.

"What's going on?" Without hesitation, he subconsciously wondered if something happened to Jingyu. She still has a baby in her stomach, and the fetal image is still unstable. Where else can she go at such a late hour.If she was in this house, the child would cry so sad that she would not come out, so he concluded that something happened.

"We don't know either. The young mistress asked us to go to rest first. She and the young master were sleeping in the room. Later we heard the young master crying and we got up, but we didn't see the young mistress. We don't know what happened." He Ma said very respectfully, she was afraid that Yao Yi would be angry.

Yao Yi's face was dark and deep, and he didn't need to think on his toes to know who had kidnapped Jing Ju.Things are over, why is Yu Zhengyi still unwilling to let him go.In the final analysis, there is really no grievance between them, and there are those left by the elders.

But what kind of resentment does he have for these things? Isn't he the one who should have resentment? At least Yu Zhengyi can grow up safely in front of his father, but as for him, his mother died very early, and his father didn't know about him at the time. Existence, if he hadn't had the perseverance to rely on his own ability to survive on the edge of the knife's edge, he didn't know how many times he would have died.

In the past, he still cared that he was his half-brother so that he would not be cruel to him, but this time he will not soften his heart.Jingyu is his Nilin, now that he has touched his Nilin, he will never let him go.

"Little Yu Mommy is just playing hide-and-seek with us late, you go to bed first, Daddy will bring Mommy back soon." Although there was a lot of anger in his heart, he still tried his best to restrain himself, using the fastest The gentle voice spoke to Xiaoyu.After all, he is just a child, and he can't be angry with him, right?

I don't know if Xiao Yu really understands, anyway, the crying is quieter, just sobbing lightly, it seems that he still understands in his heart.

Yao Yi took the opportunity to wink at He's mother, and He's mother hugged Xiaoyu softly and walked towards the second floor knowingly.

As soon as He's mother left, Yao Yi's face immediately changed back to that cold look, "You can do whatever you want, if anyone leaks anything about tonight, don't blame me for being rude. Young Mistress has nothing wrong with her, but she is not feeling well. It’s just inconvenient to go out.”

"Yes." The rest of the people replied submissively, who would dare to say it out, the young master would be terrified if he didn't do anything to them, wouldn't it be even more horrifying if he did something to them.

Yao Yi didn't stop long, picked up his mobile phone and walked out while making a call.

When Jingju woke up, she looked around the house and saw a room that she was not familiar with. With the experience of the kidnapping last time, her heart rang loudly, and she subconsciously felt that she seemed to be in some danger.

The door opened at this moment, a man walked in, and that familiar face appeared in front of her again.

She frowned, and her disgusted expression was revealed without any concealment, "I knew it was you, what exactly are you trying to do, what conspiracy do you have?"

Thinking about how many times she and Yu Zhengyi met, she didn't think she was so beautiful, so why did this man keep pestering her.She just lives a more ordinary life with Yao Yi, why can't she.If it weren't for this man, their family would definitely be very happy together.

"Aren't you very clear about my purpose?"

Yu Zhengyi's face remained unchanged, but his eyes were filled with deep sadness. He knew that Jingyu didn't like him, or even hated him, but he never hurt her.

But she still followed Yao Yi carefully, but since a man treated her so badly and always hurt him like that, why did she still follow him so wholeheartedly, and still love that man.What's wrong with him, why she would rather choose Yao Yi than him, could he really be inferior to that person.

If it was before, Jingyu would definitely not be afraid, but now there is a baby in her stomach, she is really afraid of what this man will do to her, she doesn't care, but the child can't do anything, he still It was unfair to him not to see the beauty of this world.

"You don't want to use me to hurt Yao Yi, you will die." If Yao Yi is not around, then she has no meaning in this world, and she doesn't want to live in guilt for the rest of her life.If she wasn't there, he would be strong for the children, for sure.

"Why do you do this? With your conditions, even if you have a few children, there are still many choices. Why do you do this. And he doesn't love you at all. He treats you just like other women. "

Jing Yu shook her head, she believed in Yao Yi, even though there were so many rumors about Yao Yi in the news during this time, he still believed that Yao Yi was sincere to her.On the contrary, she didn't believe the man in front of her at all, such a vicious and cunning man was so terrifying.

"Who I choose, who I like is none of your business, what is this place, I want to go home."

"Not now, this is not where you can come and leave whenever you want." An old voice came over, and as the voice fell, a tall figure walked in.

She wasn't so scared when she saw Yu Zhengyi just now, but now when she saw this man, she suddenly felt her body tremble.

 It’s too late to finish writing, and there will be another chapter later, if it’s too late, read it tomorrow, and update tomorrow night tomorrow.We are at the finale, thank you for your support all the way, I love you guys, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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