peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 125 Mo Fuming [17]

Chapter 125 Mo Fuming [17]

Tao Yuqin frowned, and Lei Shi snatched the purse containing silver from Wu Shi's hand.Wu Shi licked his lips, and looked at the purse reluctantly... How good would it be if their family had this money!A total of 100 taels, how many years will it take for their family to find Lihe?Among them, it must not be known by the old man, otherwise, they will not be able to survive at all.

"If that's the case, then it's great!" After getting 50 taels more, and hearing that Yuqin's reputation could be restored, Lei Shi was naturally happy. "Master Fu, it's getting late now, why don't you stay and have a meal before going back. My daughters-in-law are already ready..."

Just as Lei Shi finished speaking, she saw Tao Shanming give her a wink, Lei Shi turned his head and his face changed "suddenly".She wanted to keep someone for dinner, but the two daughters-in-law were standing behind her solemnly.

Wu's gaze was always on the purse, and Luo's sneaked a few glances from time to time.Lei Shi stuffed the purse into his arms resentfully, turned around, and said to Luo Shi and Wu Shi: "What are you two still standing here for? Why don't you go offend and bring out the food?"

Luo Shi pursed his lips, it was rare for Lei Shi to say this wisely, if the food is not ready and they happen to be there, they should make it quickly.If Mrs. Zou is ready, bring it out.

"No need, no need... We've been out for a while, it's time to go back... Brother Tao, I'm really sorry, I will discipline my naughty son well when I go back!"

Mr. Fu waved his hands again and again, but Lei Shi didn't want to let him go, so he stood in front of Mr. Fu, "Master Fu, don't, we have already prepared this meal. You are a rare visitor, you come here once in a while, so you have to give me face at my house Have a meal before leaving."

If this person is what Lei Shi wants to keep, her skill at keeping him is absolutely top-notch.If she doesn't want to keep the person, she probably will directly ask them to go, which is also possible!

In the end, Mr. Fu was naturally left behind by Lei Shi.At this moment, Tao Hua searched around the village, but couldn't find Tao Ye.

When I went back, although Lizheng was in the yard in front of Lin Huaiyuan's house, I happened to see Lizheng's daughter Lin Suqin and her brother.

Tao Hua still remembered one thing, that Lin Huaiyuan, Li Zheng, had come to the Tao family to propose a marriage for their son some time ago, and the object was Tao Yuqin.It's just that Mrs. Lei doesn't like the Lin family. Mrs. Lei thinks that Tao Yuqin of their family is so beautiful, and what Mrs. Lei always wants is to marry her daughter to the town or county, and doesn't want her to stay in the countryside, facing the loess Turn your back to the sky.

Therefore, the marriage between the two families was not negotiated, and later the Lin family developed suspicions against the Tao family.

Seeing Tao Hua pass by the yard in front of their house, Lin Suqin snorted coldly, "Brother, close the door, the ugly monster is here!"

Then Tao Hua heard the door slam shut very loudly.

Tao Hua rubbed her nose. She had seen this kind of situation a lot, so naturally she didn't take it to heart.

Seeing that Tao Ye was about to arrive again, Tao Hua frowned slightly, this girl was not stupid, what could she do?
Passing in front of Mei's house, he didn't see Tao Ye either, but when he was about to pass by Mei's house, Tao Hua suddenly saw several familiar figures.

Behind Mei's house is a clump of bamboo, extending from behind Mei's house to under the yard in front of Tao's house.This clump of bamboo is huge, if you really want to hide a few people in it, it will definitely be able to hide it.It's just this season, and Tao Ye is wearing a pink dress today, which makes her look very conspicuous inside.

Yes, there are three figures in the bamboo forest, one of them is Tao Ye.However, she squatted cautiously. On the periphery of the bamboo forest, that is, behind the Mei family, at the edge of the bamboo forest, Fu Chengcai, the second child of the Fu family, was talking anxiously. A moon-white cloak... This was the first one in Yuhezhuang, and Tao Hua couldn't help being a little surprised.

Where would they use a cloak for country people?I can't use it, but Tao Hua in her previous life had a lot of cloaks, and the winter in Yangzhou is also very cold, so she is no stranger to such things!
Not to mention here, even in the town, or even in the county, there are only a few who can own such things.But Mei Hanyan has one thing...Mei Hanyan has always given Tao Hua the feeling that she is very fragile and fragile, but she has an outstanding temperament, and her frown and smile can attract people's attention tightly.But I don't know why, the first impression she gave Tao Hua was that she didn't like it, yes, she didn't like Mei Hanyan, there was no reason, no reason, she just didn't like it.

Tao Hua is wearing brown clothes that are resistant to dirt today, looking at it from a distance, it looks like withered grass.She hid quietly, Tao Ye's thoughts were all on them, but she didn't notice Tao Hua at all.

"...Yan'er, as long as you say a word, I'll send someone to propose marriage right away, okay?"

"Why do you have to pester me?"

"Yan'er, I, I, I like you, can't you see it? Yan'er, Yan'er, look, this is the bracelet I bought for you, do you like it? And this, I Mother said, this is for her future daughter-in-law, this is a family heirloom of my Fu family..."

Fu Chengcai didn't know what he took, so he directly put it on Mei Hanyan's hand, not allowing her to resist at all.Anyway, what Tao Hua saw was Mei Hanyan's half-push, and she let Fu Chengcai put it on her hand... Then he took out something and put it on Mei Hanyan's neck.

Why is it a half-push?What did Tao Hua do in her previous life? After studying for so many years, she half pushed and half said that this skill is much better than Mei Hanyan's.Therefore, she could tell at a glance that Mei Hanyan was not clever at all, with her thin body, what did she really want to do, did she think she could resist it?That being the case, she still appeared in this bamboo forest with Fu Chengcai, she did not believe that this girl was really innocent!

"Yan'er, do you like it? I think it suits you very well. Look, this brought back from the county by my sister. It is from Baolai County. It is matched with this bracelet and this necklace. Yan'er , you are really beautiful..."

"What are you doing? I can't take it, I can't take it... If my mother finds out, she will definitely kill me..." Mei Hanyan hurriedly took off the bracelet on her wrist, but she didn't know why, no matter how hard she tried , can't break free.

Tao Hua pursed her lips. To be honest, her acting skills are really not enough!
However, she didn't see Fu Chengcai, he was actually a person who was willing to die under the peony flower and be a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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