peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 126 Mo Fuming [18]

Chapter 126 Mo Fuming [18]

Tao Ye watched with relish, his eyes were fixed on Mei Hanyan's cloak and the necklace around her neck.

It was a necklace inlaid with rubies. Although the rubies were very small, they were already considered very valuable and remarkable in their small place.There is nothing wrong with making this a family heirloom.

Tao Hua saw that it was Fu Chengcai who was talking later, and Mei Hanyan would say a few words from time to time, but it was nothing important.Besides, even this kind of thing, she is not willing to take care of it... She quietly walked behind Tao Ye, patted her shoulder lightly, she turned her head suddenly, and she immediately covered her mouth.

"What are you still doing here? It's time for dinner, and if you don't go back, don't you worry about your mother worrying?" Tao Hua said angrily, thinking that he had traveled all over the village to find this girl, and he was very angry.

Tao Ye was shocked, panicked, and a little scared at first, but after hearing Tao Hua's words, she calmed down instead and didn't speak. A pair of eyes somewhat similar to Tao Hua fixedly looked at Tao Hua.

Tao Hua frowned slightly, stood up, and walked out of the bamboo forest unhurriedly.

Tao Hua didn't know, even the act of frowning, in Tao Ye's eyes, was enough to make her dazed.Tao Hua's every move, every frown and every smile has been practiced for many years in her previous life. Therefore, the movements she sometimes makes have almost been integrated into her soul, and they are revealed inadvertently.

She is obviously so ugly, why was she dazed again for a moment just now?Yes, the Tao Hua just now was so beautiful, so...she couldn't believe it, is this still her ugly sister?

Tao Ye didn't think much of it, she shook her head to get rid of the thought, then stood up, followed Tao Hua, and left quietly.

Back at Tao's house, Luo Shi and the others are helping to prepare meals.Seeing Tao Hua and Tao Ye walking in from the yard, Mrs. Lei pointed at Tao Hua and Tao Ye and scolded: "You two little bastards, where did you go to waste this afternoon? I was just a little distracted, one by one Yes, I don't know which corner I went to..."

Tao Hua stared at the sky speechlessly, but Lei Shi knew very well that she and her mother did all the cooking.This will make people say that she has gone out to prostitute, but... To be honest, Tao Hua's own grandmother said this, so I really can't believe it.

When Mrs. Zou heard this, she was still holding the rice cooker in her hand, and immediately retorted: "Mother, Hua'er and I cooked all the meals today. She went out for a while, what about the rest of you? What did you go out for? "

This remark confused Lei Shi, Luo Shi and Wu Shi followed behind her, Tao Wanhong and Tao Yueyue... no one was seen, besides, judging from so many years of experience, Tao Wanhong and Tao Yueyue would definitely not be in the kitchen either. .

After finishing speaking, Mrs. Zou entered the main room with the steamer in her arms.When he came out, he said to Tao Hua and Tao Ye, "You two sisters are really serious. Go wash your hands and prepare to eat. We are not allowed to eat anything made by ourselves, let alone those made by others."

There are still outsiders in their house today, Zou Shi didn't care about this at all, seeing Lei Shi's face getting darker, Zou Shi still didn't change his expression.

It has to be said that Mrs. Zou is getting bolder now. Perhaps it is because of years of depression that she has finally found a vent, or it may be something else. No matter what the reason is, it is a fact that Mrs. Zou is becoming bolder now.

Tao Hua suppressed her smile, and even Tao Ye didn't bother to suppress her smile once, but there was something else in her eyes, such as surprise or fear.

The one who was surprised was Zou's change, and the one who was afraid was naturally Lei's.Lei's prestige has been accumulated for a long time, and it cannot be changed overnight.

"Mother, I know!" Tao Hua pulled Tao Ye and quickly pulled her away.

Looking at the backs of Tao Hua and Tao Ye, Mrs. Lei was so angry that her chest heaved violently. She pointed at Mrs. Zou's nose in a daze, and said, "It's just cooking. Do you think you've gone to carry the mountain? Hmph, do it. Don't you eat?"

"I ate it, so I did it!" Zou replied solemnly, and Lei Shi was furious with his unchanging expression. "Okay mother, the guests are still here, I'll serve the dishes."

Mrs. Zou walked a few steps, then suddenly turned her head and said to Mrs. Lei: "By the way, mother, I think everyone is idle now, why don't you ask your brothers and sisters to help? Hua'er and I are ready, let them help Bring it out, it shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Lei Shi was so annoyed by her words that he fell back even more, pointing at her back, "You, you, you..." You were stunned for a long time, but didn't say a complete sentence.

It was only after Tao Hua came back that she heard about Tao Yuqin's heroic feat, so she couldn't help giving her a thumbs up in her heart.Regardless of whether it is the self in the previous life or the self in this life, when it comes to this courage, it is far inferior to her sister-in-law Tao Yuqin.

After dinner, Tao Hua took Tao Ancheng to see Tao Yuqin.Everyone took her recent mood into consideration, so Tao Yuqin's room was very quiet, and no one came.

Tao Yuqin closed the door, Tao Hua knocked on the door, Tao Yuqin asked in the room, "Who is it?"

Her voice was muffled, as if she had been crying.

"Sister-in-law, it's me, Tao Hua."

Tao Yuqin walked a few steps around the room, and opened the door after a while.When she opened the door, she turned her back to the light and did not face Tao Hua and Tao Ancheng directly.

Tao Hua told Tao Ancheng a few words, and Tao Ancheng ran to play by himself.Tao Hua sneaked a few glances at Tao Yuqin. She must have cried, and she cried very badly. Otherwise, her eyes would not be red and swollen, and she would not be able to open her eyes.

"Sister-in-law, are you okay?" Tao Hua couldn't bear it. A woman's life is always like this.Wouldn't it be great if women were as chic as men?But the world is like this, she can only think about this idea.

"It's okay!" Tao Yuqin sat on the stool with Tao Hua on her back, "It's so late, why don't you go to bed?" After a pause, she continued, "Hua'er, a few days ago... thank you very much."

Tao Hua knew what she meant after thinking about it for a while, it must be to thank her for those words a few days ago.She shook her head, "Sister-in-law, what are you talking about? We are a family. Sister-in-law, now that you have withdrawn, you should stop thinking about many things. It's useless to think too much, why bother yourself?"

Tao Yuqin took a deep breath, and then slowly turned around, "You are still young, there are many don't understand, Hua'er, you are still young, I hope you can... well, let's talk about it later. Okay It's getting late, you guys go to bed first."

Tao Hua raised her eyebrows slightly, she never expected Tao Yuqin to say such a thing tonight.Last time, she didn't say that. It seems that she has recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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