peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 127 Mo Fuming [19]

Chapter 127 Mo Fuming [19]

"Sister-in-law, in many cases, it is often when you are in the game that you can't see clearly, and outsiders can see clearly. I am young, but I am not stupid... Sister-in-law, after crying, this matter should be treated as a Let go with the wind, don't think about it anymore." Tao Hua gently held Tao Yuqin's hand, "In the future, you will meet someone who really cares about you, who really cares about you, and who won't take other people's words to heart Take care of you and spend your whole life with you."

For some reason, Tao Hua couldn't help but moisten her eyes when she said this sentence.At the beginning, he also said so, but in the end?In the end it turned out to be... Although she didn't die at his hands, she really had something to do with him.

Tao Yuqin thought carefully about Tao Hua's words, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that she was right. Indeed, if someone really cared about you, it was not because of other things, then it would not be because of other people's words, or the fact that she was divorced But he was hesitant.

After saying what she had to say, Tao Hua didn't stay with Tao Yuqin any longer, so she took Tao Ancheng back.

Early the next morning, Tao Yuqin deliberately brought some of her worn clothes and a few eggs to their second room.

Tao Yuqin didn't go out often, and she was like a rich lady at home. She didn't leave the door without leaving the house, and she rarely went to their room.This time, he took so many things and knocked on the door of Tao Hua's house early.

Tao Hua and Tao Ye slept together, these two days, Tao Ye was a little distracted, Tao Hua didn't want to get to the bottom of it, so she didn't care about her.Anyway, as long as she doesn't pester her, she will be thankful, who cares what she does?

It was Tao Hua who opened the door. She had a good night's sleep last night and didn't dream of any shadow of her previous life, which made her tense nerves relax a little.

Tao Yuqin stood outside the house. Although her eyes were still a little swollen, she looked much better.She held a few old clothes in her hand... she said they were old clothes, but they hadn't been patched. If it wasn't for the fear of being noticed by Lei Shi and the others, Tao Hua was fully capable of improving the clothes on them now.

Therefore, these old clothes are definitely a great favor to Tao Hua.

Tao Yuqin held a few eggs in her other hand.Eggs are also very precious things in Tao's house. Anyway, Tao Hua grew up so big that she never ate eggs even on her birthday.

"Hua'er, are you up?" Tao Yuqin was a little worried about being seen. As soon as Tao Hua opened the door, she entered the room immediately.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here?" Tao Hua's eyes were sleepy. Tao Yuqin was about to come in, but she hurriedly stepped aside.

Tao Ye in the room woke up and saw the clothes and eggs in Tao Yuqin's hands...

"It's nothing, I just packed up last night and found some clothes that I can't wear...they are all old clothes, flowers, if you don't mind, you can wear them." Tao Yuqin was a little embarrassed, Lei's favorite at home She, she wears very nice clothes.

"How could I dislike what little sister said?" Tao Hua took the clothes from her hand.

Although they were all old clothes, they were not patched. Compared with her patched clothes, they were not a little bit better.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Tao Hua took a rough look at it, and there were about three pieces of clothes, all of which were thick clothes, which were just right for this time.

"It's good that you don't dislike it!" Tao Yuqin smiled, "By the way, these are the eggs I gave you, not many, you each have one. Okay, I'm going back." Tao Yuqin stuffed an egg into the Tao Hua was in a hurry to go back.

Tao Hua opened the door, and she hurried away.Tao Hua noticed that when she went out, she carefully glanced at the doors of the first room and the third room... After thinking about it for a while, Tao Hua understood what Tao Yuqin meant.

Neither the eldest nor the third room get along well, not to mention that the first room has two girls, and although the girl in the third room is still young, Tao Yuqin favors one and treats the other more favorably. Say.In this way, things will become big.

Tao Yuqin left, but Tao Ye's eyes were fixed on the clothes that Tao Hua put on the edge of the bed.Tao Hua closed the door, and saw Tao Ye's expression when she turned her head.

"Sister, can I take a look?" Tao Hua was still under the quilt, propping her head up with her hands, deliberately pretending to be very envious, but the jealousy in her eyes made Tao Hua unhappy.

Tao Hua threw the clothes directly on her head, "Look slowly, I'll go to the kitchen to boil water." Tao Hua put the eggs on the bedside, put on the clothes, and before leaving, said to Tao Ye: "It's been a few days! An egg, one for each of us, when Ancheng wakes up, you put the clothes on him."

Mrs. Zou got up early, and there were only Tao Hua, Tao Ye and Tao Ancheng in the room.Tao Li'an and Tao Anqing outside also got up early.The room was quiet, Tao Hua took the door to go out, Tao Ye sat up suddenly, then tore off the clothes on his head vigorously, and threw them on the ground viciously...

Her eyes were ruthless, staring at the old clothes on the ground... After a while, she got out of bed to pick up the clothes, and looked at them carefully one by one.

When Tao Hua came back from fetching water, Tao Ye held a light blue dress in his hand. After making gestures on his body a few times, he said to Tao Hua with a smile, "Sister, what do you think of me wearing this dress? I just tried it on." Yes, I'm wearing it just right."

Tao Hua put down the wooden basin, raised her head and glanced lightly.This light blue dress is the brightest among the three, and of course, it is also the prettiest.The other two rooms are dark in color and don't look very lively when worn.

Tao Ye held the dress in front of her, the hem was below her buttocks, but she still said that she was wearing it properly.Tao Hua didn't know what to say, and she wasn't short of money. When they were able to separate, she would be able to buy materials to make new clothes generously.

The other two clothes are indeed not very good-looking, but she doesn't ask for so much now, as long as they are similar.

"Since it fits, you can wear it." After Tao Hua finished speaking lightly, she went to see Tao Ancheng who was asleep on the bed.She bent down and patted Tao Ancheng's small face lightly, "Ancheng, Ancheng, wake up, the sun is drying your butt..."

The more Tao Hua didn't care, the angrier Tao Ye became. She tugged at her clothes tightly, staring at Tao Hua who was bending over with her eyes full of resentment.She really couldn't understand why the good Tao Yuqin would give Tao Hua the clothes.

Although their sister-in-law was born in the countryside, she lived the life of a wealthy lady from a rich family.I don't have much contact with them usually, but this time, why did she come and bring Tao Hua so many things?

(End of this chapter)

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