peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 306 Tao Ye Missing [3]

Chapter 306 Tao Ye Missing [3]

Tao Hua left Yuhezhuang, thought for a while, and went to He Sanniang's place!

Tao Hua stayed with He Sanniang for one night, and returned to the county the next day!
The moment she saw Tao Anqing, Tao Hua rushed forward, hugged Tao Anqing and cried loudly, as if at this moment, she wanted to vent all her grievances and unhappiness!

Tao Hua burst into tears, but Tao Anqing was startled, he hugged Tao Hua, his face turned pale instantly, "Hua'er, you, you... did something happen at home, did you find Tao Ye? "

When Tao Hua cried like this, Tao Anqing wondered if Tao Ye had found... or the body!
He was scared to death, he hugged Tao Hua tightly, even though so many people were watching, everyone knew that they were brother and sister, seeing Tao Hua crying so badly, maybe something happened to her family!

"Woo~~" Tao Hua was still crying, crying until Tao Anqing couldn't calm down at all, he was so anxious, but Tao Hua kept crying, he was so upset that he almost ran away!
After finally waiting for Tao Hua to finish crying, Tao Anqing couldn't wait to ask: "Hua'er, what's the matter, why are you crying like this?"

Tao Hua wiped away her tears, tried to calm down, and then said softly, "Brother, I'm fine, and at home...Tao Ye ran away. I searched all over the house, but couldn't find it. Let's go to the county to look for it."

Tao Anqing frowned, "Can't find it?"

If you can't find it, it means you're missing. So, Tao Ye is missing?

Tao Anqing took a deep breath, "Where are the parents? Where are they looking for them? Hua'er, elder brother sees that you are tired, so go and rest. There are elder brothers in the county. Besides, Ningyang County is so big, don't worry. "

Tao Hua shook her head, "Brother, let's look for it together!"

In fact, Tao Hua doesn't really want to talk about Zou Shi and Tao Li'an. She understands Zou Shi, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't feel sad. Tao Hua's heart ached.

She is not a female King Kong, let alone a female man, she also needs to be cared for...

Tao Hua was extremely wronged, even though she understood Zou.

Tao Hua and Tao Anqing searched together in the county... Ningyang County is not big or small. Tao Hua and Tao Anqing searched all day long.

"Hua'er, where do you think she can go?" Tao Anqing pinched the soft flesh between his brows wearily, "We've searched almost all over the county, but we haven't found it yet. Could it be that he's still at home?"

"I've searched all over the neighborhood, but I can't find her... Brother, why don't we report to the government?" Tao Hua was also exhausted by Tao Ye's disappearance. I found it, it was in several towns near Yuhe Town, and my parents also went looking for it... Before I came, I hadn't heard the news, so why don't we report it to the authorities!"

Tao Anqing thought about it, what else could they do besides report to the officials?
"That's the only way!" Tao Anqing and Tao Hua dragged their tired bodies and headed home.

Tao Yuqin and Wusi heard the news of Tao Ye's disappearance, because they really couldn't leave, so they had to pay attention at all times. When Tao Anqing and Tao Hua came back, Tao Yuqin asked with concern: "Hua'er, how are you? Anqing, have you found him?" Is there no Tao Ye? What did the family say, when did she disappear?"

Tao Hua shook her head bitterly. Because of Tao Ye's matter, Zou's treatment of her... Thinking of this, her heart ached. Tao Anqing looked at her sister and felt very uncomfortable, "Sister, Hua and I I may not have time these days, so the shop can only rely on you!"

Tao Yuqin and Wusi's wedding date is set in August, and now it is May, and there are still three months left. Tao Yuqin still has a lot of things to do, and now she is pushing all the things to her because they really have nothing to do!
"An Qing, why are you being polite to my sister-in-law?"

"That's right, Anqing, don't worry, find Tao Ye as soon as possible, and hope she's okay!" Wusi hurriedly echoed Tao Yuqin's words.

Tao Ye is a girl, they haven't seen each other for so many days, now, they really can only hope that God will bless her, she is safe and sound!
Seeing that both Tao Anqing and Tao Hua were listless, he thought about it for a while, and said to Tao Anqing, "If you have searched all around, but you can't find Tao Ye, and it's been so many days, why don't to the authorities!"

"We happen to have this plan too!"

Tao Anqing looked frustrated, "There is no news from my parents, but Hua'er and I searched all over Ningyang County, but we didn't find Tao Ye, she might not be here... I don't know where she is now. Place, can't wait, we will report to the police tomorrow morning!"

"Alright!" Tao Yuqin lowered her head to look at Tao Anqing and Tao Hua, only to see that the clothes on both of them were crumpled, and Tao Hua's eyes were covered with bruises, as if she hadn't rested for several days. There is also Tao Anqing, who is covered in dust, "Anqing, I wonder if you and Hua'er should take a rest first? Wash and wash well, and we will report to the county government office tomorrow morning. There are still many things to do , you must not fall!"

Hearing what Tao Yuqin said, Tao Hua thought of Zou's answer. If Tao Yuqin talked to Zou like that that day, would she be angry?
This thought just passed by, and Tao Hua didn't go into it deeply. She looked down at her clothes and smiled wryly, "Brother, look at us now... let's wash up first. I haven't showered for many days. It's almost rotten!"

Tao Anqing also knew that it was best for them to take a good rest now. Tao Ye hadn't been found, and they didn't know how long they would have to work hard. However, whenever he thought of that girl Tao Ye, he was very worried, not to mention washing up, just resting. He doesn't want to either!

Because Tao Ye is not a boy, but a little girl, no matter what age, how could the family not worry about a little girl going out alone?
If they encounter any bad people, they will probably regret it for the rest of their lives in the future!

Tao Hua saw Tao Anqing's worry, thought for a while, and then said softly: "Brother, we really need to rest. We can't go to the county government office tomorrow. Besides, we can only continue looking for Tao Ye if we have enough energy. After a pause, she carefully stared at Tao Anqing's face, and then slowly said: "Besides, Tao very smart, she knows how to protect herself! Even if we worry about it now, it's useless. That's all, if you fall ill because of this, what can we do?"

Tao Hua's eyes were slightly wet. To be honest, Tao Anqing is the best big brother Tao Hua has ever met. He almost shoulders the responsibility of his younger siblings. He never thinks for himself whether he can bear it or not. afford it!
(End of this chapter)

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