peasant girl ugly concubine

Chapter 307 Tao Ye Missing [4]

Chapter 307 Tao Ye Missing [4]

"That's right, Anqing, you should pay more attention to your body. If you fall ill, what will Tao Ye do?" Tao Yuqin spoke a little bluntly, "Besides, that girl Ye'er... hey, this is not the first time. Again, I don't know her...By the way, Hua'er, who did Tao Ye follow to the county last time?"

Tao Hua's eyes widened with a "snap", and those twinkling peach blossom eyes were full of light. That's right, the last time Tao Ye disappeared, didn't he follow Fu Chengcai to the county?

"Brother, the last time Tao Ye ran out alone, she followed the second young master of the Fu family. Tell me... this time, will she go to the second young master of the Fu family again?"

After hearing Tao Hua's words, Tao Anqing's eyes lit up instantly, "Hua'er, take a good rest, I'll hire a car to go back right away."

Tao Hua nodded. She rushed back from Qinheng County and was busy with Yuhe Village. She hasn't had a good sleep yet. Really, in her heart, that dead girl Tao Ye is very scheming. To be honest, she really I'm not too worried about her.

But Mrs.'s really sad!

Tao Anqing went back to Yuhe Town, Tao Hua simply boiled water to take a bath, and got a good night's sleep!
The next day, Tao Anqing came back, but there was no news she was waiting for. Tao Ye never went to find the second young master of the Fu family. Moreover, the second young master of the Fu family was about to get married. Shi and Tao Li'an came back, and then the whole family went to the county government office and reported to the officials!

Then the family spent their days slowly looking for Tao Ye and waiting for news from the Yamen. Tao Hua stayed in Ningyang County for a while, and the county urged him urgently. Wusan also said that many big families in the county were looking for She, Tao Hua had no choice but to go back!

Before leaving, Mrs. Zou didn't look good towards Tao Hua. Tao Hua was very helpless. After she left, Tao Anqing said to Mrs. Zou, "Mother, why are you treating Hua'er like this? She and Ye'er... After so many years, don't you know? Besides, what does Ye'er's disappearance have to do with Hua'er? She was busy looking for Tao Ye, and you just treated her like this. No wonder Hua'er always"

"I know, I know, but when I think of Ye'er, a dead girl... She actually, did such a bold thing, I get angry... What's more, her whereabouts are unknown now, I'm just impatient, you don't I know, Hua'er... I know that their sisters have never dealt with them since they were young, but Ye'er is her own sister anyway, look at her, how does she seem to care about her own sister?"

"How does she not seem to care about her own sister?" Tao Anqing also became angry. Although Tao Ye and Tao Hua are both his own sisters, he has to get along with Tao Hua more. Moreover, he knows Tao Hua very well. Not that kind of person, even if she doesn't like Tao Ye, but when it's time to find him, she will never shirk!
Besides, even this time, if he, the big brother, hadn't urged her to go back, she wouldn't have left!

"You don't even know what she said..." Mrs. Zou recalled what Tao Hua said that day, and the more she felt that Tao Hua didn't care about Tao Ye. Moreover, after they returned from Yuhezhuang, Tao Hua didn't talk to Mrs. Zou properly. Speaking, the mother and daughter separated immediately.

Tao Anqing glanced at Mrs. Zou, he wanted to hear what Tao Hua said, and Mrs. Zou remembered all of Tao Hua's good things until now, leaving only the bad things!
After Zou finished speaking, Tao Anqing didn't know what to say, just because Hua'er wanted her to rest, she actually remembered her till now.

Tao Anqing didn't speak, didn't express any opinion, stood up, turned around and left, Zou looked at his back with bitterness on his face, why didn't she know that she was venting her anger on Tao Hua?

But as time went by, Mrs. Zou became more and more upset and worried, and became more and more unkind to Tao Hua.

Five months passed in a flash, Tao Ye was still not found, and Tao Anqing also began to lose confidence. The business of the medicine store is getting better and better. Pull back the herbs row.

Zou was crying all day long, always looking for Tao Ye in the county, and Tao Li'an gradually gave up.

Everyone in the Tao family said that the second bedroom was not good this year. Because of Tao Ye, Zou now hated the rest of the Tao family. She blamed the Tao family for not taking good care of Tao Ye, so she let her run out alone. So no one found out.

After Tao Hua left, Tao Yuqin was busy embroidering the wedding dress again, so she had no choice but to find another accountant to help.

In mid-June, the Holy Majesty passed away, and there was a great mourning throughout the country.

All the shops in Qinheng County were closed for three days, Tao Hua closed the door and returned to Ningyang County.

Tao Yuqin and Wusi, who originally planned to get married in August, had a nationwide funeral. Their wedding date was postponed for half a year, and they would not get married until the twelfth lunar month. This way, Tao Hua also freed up some time.

Tao Hua went back to Ningyang County and didn't see Mrs. Zou for almost a month. She lost a lot of weight and returned all the meat she had raised with great difficulty. Not only that, she was very gloomy, and she gave off a lifeless feeling. When I saw Tao An City, it was a little bit better.

Tao Hua and Zou Shi separated immediately. Tao Hua didn't know how to face Zou Shi, and Zou Shi was the same. She knew she was making trouble for no reason, but Tao Ye disappeared, and she, a mother, couldn't find anything to vent her anger on. Besides, she couldn't find the steps, and the mother and daughter had nothing to say when they faced each other.

Even though they were far away in the remote Ningyang County and hadn't traveled far, they still heard some rumors that the emperor had passed away, several princes were fighting for power, and the political situation was unstable. For a while, people panicked.

Tao Hua and Tao An Qingyuan were in Ningyang County, and there was a faint worry on their brows. Wusan and Wusi both left. For some reason, Tao Hua always felt that something was wrong.

After Tao Anshu got married, he took Dafang to the county.

During this time, Zou saw Luo Shi from time to time, and saw a young woman beside her, and his heart moved, and he began to think about Tao Anqing's marriage.

Gradually, Zou's heart began to let go. Tao Hua and Tao Anqing did not give up on Tao Ye when they came back. The siblings often heard news, so they hurried away, although in the end they got nothing!

Luo Shi appeared in front of Zou Shi again, and said triumphantly: "Sisters and sisters, I heard that you are looking for a wife for your Anqing?" She rolled her eyes, "By the way, our An Yu is talking about marriage, It's about the cousin of his sister-in-law's aunt's house, oh, you don't know, their family runs a restaurant, tsk tsk... I heard that they can earn several taels of silver every day."

Mrs. Zou frowned slightly and didn't speak, but she hated in her heart. If it wasn't for Tao Anshu's marriage last time, how could Tao Ye disappear?
(End of this chapter)

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