Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 115 Pretending to be just an appetizer

Chapter 115 Pretending to be just an appetizer
Yang Xiaobao stepped on the soft sand and couldn't help smiling. He thought it would take at least an hour to fly out of the swamp, but he didn't expect to come out in just half an hour. Looking at the yellow sand again, Yang Xiaobao Little Treasure couldn't help but think of the big desert that he and Xie Yixiang walked together that time, as well as the magical ancient temple, and the underground palace and the treasure house that were swept underground by the tornado.

Yang Xiaobao is still very excited when he thinks of the treasure house. It is the biggest harvest since he entered Lingyu Valley, and he also experienced the magic of the teleportation array. Although he has learned how to form an array now, he wants to It is still impossible to arrange a teleportation array, at least a ninth-level array mage can arrange it.

Yang Xiaobao put aside these wild thoughts and continued to walk forward. According to the route marked on the map of Lingyu Valley, as long as you walk out of this small piece of sand, you will reach the crater. Sure enough, Yang Xiaobao didn't walk for long. To the fire that soared into the sky not far ahead.

Is this the crater?When Yang Xiaobao saw the flames soaring into the sky, he asked himself silently, and then walked towards the flames, but before he got close, he saw a strong heat wave blowing towards his face when he was hundreds of meters away. Yang Xiaobao was sweating all over at the time, it was so hot, it's not here yet!It's so hot, how can people get close to it!
The temperature was too high, Yang Xiaobao had to stop, if he proceeded rashly like this, he might be cooked, what should we do?It's impossible to get close, and you still want to collect fire, isn't that a joke?

Yang Xiaobao stood there thinking for a while, feeling that he couldn't do anything, so he had to sigh helplessly, but after he sighed, he suddenly remembered that he had a system, maybe the system had a way, and he didn't know what to do, so he hurriedly Calling the future in my heart: "In the future, my brother, I want to go to this crater to find a kindling, as a pill fire for alchemy, but now I can't even get close, so how can I collect the kindling? In the future, do you have any ideas?"

"Dear master, please don't worry. It's not difficult for the system to get you close to the crater. Even if you let master go deep into the volcanic magma, it can be done." The beautiful voice in the future is Yang Xiaobao whispered in his ear.

"Wow, the system is really awesome. Brother, I thought this system was just for show." When Yang Xiaobao heard that the future said that the system not only allowed him to get close to the crater, but also let him go deep into the volcanic magma, he immediately I was so happy that I almost jumped up, so I was very excited and said to the future in my heart.

"Dear master, you are underestimating the 'Guwu Future Pretending to Slap Your Face System' too much. Don't think that the system will only pretend to be coercive. You must know that pretense is just an appetizer. The real hard dish is Guwu!" The pleasant voice of the future said unhurriedly in Yang Xiaobao's ear.

"No, in the future, brother, I don't mean to underestimate the system. Now you let the system help me enter the crater first." Yang Xiaobao explained in his heart when he heard that the future seemed a little unhappy. , It’s also because he doesn’t know much about this system. He thought it was a pretentious system, but he didn’t expect that it wasn’t completely true. From Mirai’s tone, this “Gu Wu Mirai” is the root of this system.

"Okay, dear master, in the future, this will allow the system to activate the third-level protection function. The system needs one experience point for one second to activate the third-level protection function, ten seconds for ten experience points, and so on. The more experience you have, master, you now have 4250 experience points, which can be used for 4250 seconds. After the experience is used up, if it is not enough, you can get gold coins to deduct it. Dear master, are you sure the system enables this function?" The voice said calmly in Yang Xiaobao's ear.

"Use it, make sure to use it, in the future." Yang Xiaobao replied in his heart without thinking about it.

And I heard from the future that the system actually has a protection function, and it is only a third-level protection function. Wouldn't the second-level and first-level protection functions be more powerful!Yang Xiaobao was very excited at the time, this system is really not so strong, not up to it, I thought that the experience value is useless at all, but unexpectedly, it will be used here, and it is still very useful.

When Yang Xiaobao was in a turbulent mood, he suddenly saw a layer of blue light curtain around him. So this is the third-level protection function?I just don't know how effective it is, but of course it's not difficult to know how effective the three-level protection function is, just walk into the crater and try it out.

As soon as Yang Xiaobao thought about this, he immediately walked towards the crater. He didn't expect that the three-level protection function was really effective. He felt unbearably hot just now, but now with the protection of this layer of blue light curtain, he couldn't feel the heat at all. It's like staying in an air-conditioned room at 26 degrees.

With little effort, Yang Xiaobao quickly approached the crater, but as soon as he got close to the crater, the blue light curtain on Yang Xiaobao's body began to become thinner, and Yang Xiaobao immediately felt a wave of heat hitting his face Coming here, Yang Xiaobao was shocked when he saw this situation, so he immediately summoned the future in his heart: "Future, what's going on here, is it because the system's third-level protection function has failed?"

"Dear master, please don't panic. The blue light curtain around you will not disappear completely. Don't worry, there will be no problems." He whispered in his ear.

As soon as the voice of the future fell, the blue light curtain around Yang Xiaobao's body was fully replenished, and Yang Xiaobao has already seen it now. As long as the blue light curtain is thinned to a certain level, the system will immediately replenish it completely, understand After this point, Yang Xiaobao felt at ease immediately.

However, he was still terrified when he saw the surging flames and tumbling magma in the crater. Fortunately, there was a system of protection, otherwise he would not have been able to watch such a thrilling scene so closely.

However, he stood on the top of the crater and looked in for a long time. Apart from seeing the tumbling magma, he didn't see anything.

But the future should know, so it’s better to ask the future, so Yang Xiaobao quickly summoned the future in his heart: "Future, do you know what the fire looks like? How can you see the fire?"

"Dear master, the so-called fire seed you mentioned should be called the fire spirit. This fire spirit must be different, but master, if you stand on it, you will definitely not be able to see it. You have to go deep into it. You can only do it in the magma." Future's pleasant voice still said calmly.

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(End of this chapter)

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