Chapter 116 Fire Fish
"Hey, you have to enter the volcano. In the future, can the system's three-level protection function withstand it?" Yang Xiaobao's scalp immediately exploded when he heard that he was going to enter the depths of the volcano. The bottom is full of tumbling magma and soaring flames. It looks so scary from a distance, but you still want to go inside. If you say that you are not nervous or afraid at all, it must be a lie.

"Dear master, if you want to go down to the depths of the volcano, the third-level protection function of the system is still not enough, you must enable the second-level protection function." The beautiful voice of the future whispered in Yang Xiaobao's ear Come on.

"In the future, let's activate the secondary protection of the system." Yang Xiaobao immediately said expectantly.

"Okay, dear master, the system requires 4 experience points for one second to activate the secondary protection function, and 40 experience points for ten seconds, and so on. The longer the use time, the more experience points are required. If the experience points If it’s not enough, just use gold coins to deduct it, dear master, are you sure you want to activate it immediately?” Future’s nice voice said unhurriedly in Yang Xiaobao’s ear.

"Brother, I'm sure to activate it immediately. In the future, just use it. If you don't have enough experience, you can use gold coins to deduct it. The gold coins are all in the system space. Just use as much as you need." Yang Xiaobao quickly said in his heart, he is also right The overly cautious character of the future is a little speechless.

"Okay, dear master, this will allow the system to activate the secondary protection in the future." Future's pleasant voice still said calmly.

As soon as the voice of the future fell, Yang Xiaobao felt a strange feeling, and then saw three more blue light curtains around his body, Yang Xiaobao saw three more blue light curtains, and suddenly felt relieved, you know , One layer of light curtains is so powerful, and now three more are added, and there are four blue light curtains in total, which must be even more powerful.

Yang Xiaobao saw the blazing flames below, although his heart was still shaking, but now that he has the system's secondary protection function, he is not so nervous. So he bent his heart, gritted his teeth, and jumped into the magma of the volcano.

As soon as he entered the magma, two blue light curtains around Yang Xiaobao disappeared in an instant, and Yang Xiaobao was shocked immediately, but the system immediately replenished completely, seeing the blue light curtain again After recovering to the four paths, Yang Xiaobao finally settled down and looked at the magma carefully. The visual effect of being in contact with the fiery red magma at zero distance is quite astonishing. Throwing into the gossip furnace forging such a stimulating feeling.

Of course, Yang Xiaobao didn't come here looking for excitement, his purpose was to find the fire spirit, but so far, he hasn't felt any difference in these fiery red magma, so he has to go deeper into the magma Swimming, sure enough, just pushed inward for more than ten meters, and Yang Xiaobao discovered the abnormal situation ahead.

I saw something swimming in the magma not far in front, like a living thing. When Yang Xiaobao found out this situation, he was overjoyed and immediately accelerated to swim forward.As soon as he got close, Yang Xiaobao could see clearly, it turned out to be a few fiery little fishes all over.

Could it be that these little flaming fish are the spirit of fire?If this is the spirit of fire, how to collect it?Yang Xiaobao couldn't help asking in his heart, but it's better to ask the future, maybe she will know.So Yang Xiaobao immediately summoned the future in his heart: "In the future, are these little fish spirits of fire? If so, how can we refine them?"

"Dear master, these little fish are indeed fire spirits, but they are the lowest level. Of course, this is also the most suitable for you, master, because you haven't had any refining experience yet, so start refining with these little fish first." Transformation is the best. As for the method of refining, it is actually very simple. If you have the master's consciousness, it will be even simpler. But if you don't have the master's consciousness now, you can only use the most Soil, the most primitive method, that is to eat it first, and then use kung fu to refine it." Future's pleasant voice explained in Yang Xiaobao's ear unhurriedly.

eat it?When Yang Xiaobao heard that he wanted to eat these fiery little fish, he couldn't help feeling reckless, not to mention whether the fish was delicious or how it tasted, but the temperature on his body would definitely not be lower, probably hundreds of degrees It's high temperature, can you stand it if you eat it?
However, now that the arrow is on the string, I have to send it out, also, brother, why did I come here after all the hard work, isn't it just for the kindling?Now that the situation is imminent, how can we have the mentality to shrink back?Don't say it is a fire fish, even if it is a bomb brother, I will swallow it.

After Yang Xiaobao convinced himself and strengthened his confidence, he immediately rushed towards a small fish. Unexpectedly, when this little fish saw Yang Xiaobao rushing towards him, he immediately turned around and slipped away, "Hey, what a surprise! So clever, it really has some spirituality." Yang Xiaobao couldn't help saying in his heart, and at the same time he became more interested in these little fish.

Yang Xiaobao saw that he missed a pounce, and then he pounced on another small fish, and even increased his speed. He just came in front of this little fish in an instant, and then grabbed it casually, but Yang Xiaobao Bao hurriedly let go of his hand again, because the little fish was too hot, and the temperature was too high. As soon as Xiaobao's hand touched the little fish, it started to smoke, so he instinctively let go. opened hands.

However, as soon as he let go of his hand, Yang Xiaobao realized that he shouldn't have let go just now, he should have put it directly into his mouth. After all, this is a fire fish, the temperature is extremely high, that's of course normal, and he should restrain himself It's an instinctive reaction.

After Yang Xiaobao understood it, he wanted to catch this little fish again, but found that this guy slipped away again very quickly. Yang Xiaobao had to catch up with another little fish again, but before he could make a move, this The little fish jumped away suddenly, its speed more than doubled than before.

It seems that these little fish already know that Yang Xiaobao has bad intentions, and they are all guarding against him by coincidence, as soon as they see Yang Xiaobao approaching, they will run away quickly, and they will not attack Yang Xiaobao at all Opportunity.

Seeing this situation, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help feeling reckless. He really didn't expect these little guys to be so clever and slippery. However, even so, Yang Xiaobao still had the confidence to catch them. Theirs, after all, he still has many methods that he hasn't used yet.

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