Chapter 118 Fire Unicorn

After Yang Xiaobao knew that the fire lotus was the sky fire, he was very excited immediately, and secretly made up his mind to refine it, so, without caring about anything else, he immediately swam towards the fire lotus, and the speed was extremely fast, It took only a few breaths to come before it.

When Yang Xiaobao was about to reach out to pick something, he suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of danger, so he quickly withdrew his outstretched right hand and took a closer look, only to see a huge fire unicorn jumping out of nowhere. Come out, and once out, give Yang Xiaobao a while, if Yang Xiaobao hadn't seized the opportunity to take back his right hand in time, I'm afraid his hand would no longer exist.

And this fire unicorn is not simple, it turned out to be a fifth-level monster. Yang Xiaobao is not afraid of fifth-level monsters. After all, it is not like he has never fought a fifth-level monster. A five-level monstrous tiger was subdued by him, and it even became his mount.

The problem now is that Yang Xiaobao doesn't know if his Tai Chi gun can withstand the high temperature of the volcanic magma here. Then play big.

The reason why Yang Xiaobao was able to fight the fifth-level monsters was mainly due to the help of the Tai Chi gun, not because his level was high enough. In fact, his second-level martial arts level was completely lower than that of the fifth-level monsters. Therefore, the sky-defying skills of the Tai Chi Spear are the key to defeating the fifth-level monsters.

Based on this, Yang Xiaobao will not easily take out the Tai Chi gun to take risks unless it is absolutely necessary, and the current situation is that after Yang Xiaobao avoided Huo Qilin's slap, he stopped immediately. After he got down, he didn't dare to pick the fire lotus rashly again, and the fire unicorn saw that Yang Xiaobao didn't come to pick the fire lotus, so he didn't take the initiative to attack Yang Xiaobao.

In this way, one person and one monster immediately confronted each other, staring at each other, and no one made a move. The reason why Yang Xiaobao didn't make a move was because he hadn't thought of how to make a move. It wasn't that he didn't want to do it. Yang Xiaobao wished to pick the fire lotus immediately, but now that the fire unicorn was guarding him, his wish could not be fulfilled for a while.

As for the reason why the Fire Qilin didn't make a move, judging from its posture, it seemed that it really didn't want to make a move. For it, its duty was to guard the Fire Lotus. As long as others didn't move the Fire Lotus, it wouldn't move others. It's that simple, it's that crisp.

Of course, Fire Qilin doesn't need to do anything, but Yang Xiaobao has to do it, because if he doesn't do it, he won't be able to pick the fire lotus. This is obviously not the result he wants. After realizing his intentions, he decided to try to see how powerful it is, how high it is, and whether he can handle it.

Having made up his mind to raise Xiaobao, he immediately used the most powerful palm technique, Qiuyue's eight palms, and all eight palms together, and at the same time, he recited a poem very gracefully:
"When will the spring flowers and autumn moon come,

How much do you know about the past?

Xiaolou was windy last night,
The motherland can't bear to look back in the bright moon.

The carved columns and jade masonry should still be there,
Just Zhu Yanchang.

How can you worry about me?
Just like a river of spring water flowing eastward. "

For a moment, the palm force of vitality mixed with the sound of hot wind, covered Huo Qilin like an overwhelming sea, and Huo Qilin was immediately overwhelmed by this palm force of vitality. Yang Xiaobao was surprised and a little bit surprised when he saw the situation. It's unbelievable, could it be that this fifth-level monster fire unicorn is so vulnerable?Or, are my Qiuyue Eight Palms so powerful that I can easily kill a level five monster?

But the next moment, he was startled by the scene in front of him, even more unbelievable, even more unbelievable, because Yang Xiaobao suddenly saw that this fire unicorn was just standing there without moving at all, Not only that, but it also looked at Yang Xiaobao with a very humane look of contempt, as if to say, Xiao Mian, with your low skill, can you still hurt Master Huo?Dream it you!

When Yang Xiaobao saw Huo Qilin's contemptuous eyes, he couldn't help feeling reckless, and said to himself, what kind of monster is this, who looks down on people so much? Arrogant guy.

But how can we kill this nasty guy?Even if it can't be killed, it's okay to drive it away, after all, with this fire unicorn here, I can't pick fire lotus flowers at all.Yang Xiaobao also didn't expect that this fire unicorn would be so powerful, and he didn't even hurt a single hair of it when he used the most powerful palm technique Qiuyue Eight Palms. Could it be that this guy is Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death?
Fortunately, this fifth-level monster fire unicorn is only guarding the fire lotus, and does not take the initiative to attack people. Otherwise, it would not be so easy to raise Xiaobao. Maybe it has been injured by this fire unicorn. Not to mention the luck of raising Xiaobao, as long as the fire unicorn stands there, it will be beaten passively. One step, this undoubtedly gave Yang Xiaobao an advantage.

When Yang Xiaobao found out that he was not in danger, he decided to use all means, all methods, one and the same, and tried the same, but he did not believe that none of them could hurt this fire unicorn. , that can only accept fate.

Yang Xiaobao immediately thought, and a titanium alloy pistol appeared in his hand. This gun was seized from Ouyang He, the young leader of the Spider Gang. Up to now, it was the first time he took it out and used it. After Xiaobao took out the pistol, he immediately shot Fire Qilin in the head, and only heard a "boom", Yang Xiaobao's shot was like hitting a steel plate, and a bullet quickly disappeared. It bounced off the fire unicorn's head.

Seeing this situation, Yang Xiaobao was stunned immediately, could it be that the fire unicorn's head is made of steel?It can be so hard, Yang Xiaobao saw that this shot had no effect at all, so he immediately put away this alloy pistol, also, since it has no effect, then of course there is no need to waste bullets, originally this pistol There are not many bullets in the pistol, there are only ten rounds in total, now that one round is fired, there are only nine rounds left.

After Yang Xiaobao put away the titanium alloy pistol, he immediately took out the Xingyun dagger. After hesitating for a while, he picked up the dagger and pointed it at Huo Qilin's mouth and stabbed it out. Unexpectedly, when Yang Xiaobao's dagger was about to When it stabbed at its mouth, the fire unicorn actually moved a bit, and avoided it with a bent head.

Seeing this situation, Yang Xiaobao was overjoyed immediately. He was overjoyed that the fire unicorn finally moved, indicating that it was still afraid of being stabbed by the Xingyun dagger. Unexpectedly, this fire unicorn was not afraid of guns, but was afraid of daggers. This made Yang Xiaobao At the same time as the accident, it added a lot of confidence.The Erxi Nebula Dagger was used under the high temperature of volcanic magma, and nothing happened at all. Since the Nebula Dagger can withstand the high temperature here, then the Tai Chi Spear must also be able to withstand it. After all, the material of the Tai Chi Spear is better than the Nebula Dagger The material should be a few grades stronger.

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