Chapter 119 The Way of Survival (Part [-])
After Yang Xiaobao knew that the Tai Chi Spear could be used in this volcanic magma, he immediately felt determined. As long as he could use the Tai Chi Spear technique, he would not be afraid that he would not be able to defeat this fire unicorn. For this, Yang Xiaobao has a lot of experience Confidence, self-confidence firstly comes from the fact that the fire unicorn dodged when he used the nebula dagger just now, which means that it felt threatened, that's why it made such a move.

The second point of confidence, of course, comes from the sky-defying power of the Tai Chi gun technique. You must know that when he used the Tai Chi gun technique to deal with Duhu, he only used three shots. Qilin is stronger than Dumb, but it's not too much stronger. After all, they are all five-level monsters, so the difference is naturally not very big.

Yang Xiaobao made up his mind, and as soon as he moved his mind, the Tai Chi gun appeared in his hand. Yang Xiaobao raised the Tai Chi gun, and without hesitation, he fired a shot at Huo Qilin's head. It was just a test, so I didn't use the Tai Chi Spear move, it was just a very ordinary shot.

However, even with such an ordinary shot, Huo Qilin also hurriedly jumped up to avoid it, so it can be seen that Huo Qilin is quite afraid of Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun, and Yang Xiaobao saw that he was just doing it casually. After firing a shot, Huo Qilin became nervous, couldn't help but smiled knowingly, and his confidence increased a lot.

After Huo Qilin saw Yang Xiaobao took out the Tai Chi gun, he obviously paid more attention to it. His two fire eyes stared blankly at Yang Xiaobao, and he no longer had such a dismissive expression, but it still Standing where he was, without taking a step away from the fire lotus, he still voluntarily acted as a living target for raising Xiaobao.

Of course Yang Xiaobao will not be polite. First, after running the Tai Chi and Tai Chu magical skills twice in the body, he immediately picked up the Tai Chi gun and performed the first move: the sun, the moon and the universe. After this period of actual combat exercises, Yang Xiaobao now I also have a considerable understanding of the first move, the sun, the moon, and the universe, and I have mastered its habits to the maximum extent, so it is more handy to perform, and the momentum is more majestic.

And Huo Qilin obviously felt that Yang Xiaobao's spear came from a bad person, so he let out a roar for the first time, and violently resisted the spear with all his cultivation base, but he was still shot by Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun. Forced to take a step back.

Yang Xiaobao saw that he had only used the first move to force the invincible Huo Qilin back a step, and immediately shouted excitedly, and said loudly to Huo Qilin: "Hey, big guy, you know how powerful it is, brother!" I haven't zoomed in yet!"

Huo Qilin obviously understood Yang Xiaobao's words, and he gave a low growl in disdain. That's not counting. He stretched out his front paw and gestured to Yang Xiaobao with his middle finger. Yang Xiaobao saw Huo Qilin's movements and expressions , not only didn’t get angry, but laughed instead. I didn’t expect that this fire unicorn is interesting, but it’s quite human, and I really don’t want to kill it. This guy won't give in.

Therefore, Yang Xiaobao decided to give it a hard time, and immediately raised his Taiji gun, and used three moves in a row: the first move is the sun, the moon and the universe, the second move is the impermanence of the world, the third move is the rivers and rivers, and the three moves are done in one go. After using it continuously, the shadow of the spear was heavy for a while, mixed with strong vitality, and it stabbed at the Huo Qilin in an instant.

This time, Huo Qilin didn't dare to be too big at all. The moment Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun pierced it, it jumped three feet high from the ground, and stretched out its front paws, waving it incomparably fast, obviously it was too big. He did it, but he still lost to Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi Spear, and he was thrown off the ground immediately. Although he jumped quite high, he fell very hard, causing Huo Qilin to roar in pain.

Yang Xiaobao saw that after he used three moves in a row, although the effect was remarkable, but it did not cause substantial damage to the fire unicorn, he couldn't help admiring it. It seems that this fire unicorn is stronger than the big tiger It's still stronger, but it's also limited. It's no problem to deal with it with the Tai Chi sharp spear method.

After Yang Xiaobao brewed his emotions for a while, he brought up the Tai Chi gun again, and used five moves in a row: the first move is the sun, the moon and the universe, the second move is the impermanence of the world, the third move is to change the position of the river, the fourth move is to recruit dead line, and the fifth move Dilemma, and still five moves in a row, the big move released this time, the momentum is obviously much stronger than the last time, in a short time, countless spear shadows burst out like thunder, and they shot at the whole body of Huo Qilin in an instant. Greeted over.

And Huo Qilin was immediately shocked by this shocking momentum, but this time it didn't jump up, maybe it was afraid of falling just now, but it didn't stand still and was beaten, but stood up , raised his two front paws and waved it quickly, the speed was much faster than last time, but even so, he still lost to Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi Spear. The five moves in a row were only a few breaths , Huo Qilin was hit several times.

But the strange thing is that although Huo Qilin's body was pierced with a few big holes by Yang Xiaobao's Tai Chi gun, not a drop of blood flowed out, but his body gradually became smaller, from the size of a calf at the beginning, to gradually becoming smaller. As big as a goat, Yang Xiaobao's eyes widened in shock when he saw this situation.

This fire unicorn is really weird, not to mention that it didn't bleed from the gunshot wound, but it actually shrunk a lot. This is indeed amazing, but it seems to be much weaker than before. The momentum was not as strong as before, and the look in Yang Xiaobao's eyes was no longer so dismissive, but showing deep fear.

Raising Xiaobao to see it like this, I don't want to continue to kill it. After all, this fire unicorn is just guarding the fire lotus, which is also its duty, so there is no need to kill it, it is better to persuade it to surrender, so, Yang Xiaobao immediately said loudly to Fire Qilin: "Hey, little guy, it seems that you are no match for my brother and me, don't hold on anymore, let's surrender, as long as you step aside, you won't hinder my brother from picking fire lotus flowers, I will let you go!" I promise not to embarrass you, you can still continue to practice."

After Huo Qilin heard Yang Xiaobao's words, he immediately roared a few times. The roar was a little helpless, but also full of unyielding. Not only that, it also held its head high and stood there without moving, which showed that it was determined to guard the fire. The firm attitude of Lotus.

Although Yang Xiaobao admired this fire unicorn for its dedication to duty, he would not show any mercy. Since it has become a stumbling block to his progress in the martial arts, he can only kill it or move it away Well, whether it is a human or a monster, there is no right or wrong, because this is the way of survival for warriors in this world.


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