Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 126 Gathering at Lingyu Spring

Chapter 126 Gathering at Lingyu Spring

Yang Xiaobao walked straight forward from the river for about ten minutes and came out of the canyon. According to the signs on the map of Lingyu Valley, he should arrive at Lingyu Spring soon. Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but look forward to it. Yuquan will have some good treasures.

After Yang Xiaobao walked for another ten minutes, he suddenly heard voices coming from the corner in front of him. There seemed to be more than one voice. There should be about ten people. According to the map, Ling Yuquan was just at the corner in front of him. Now, since someone is talking there, it seems that someone is one step ahead of him, and he got there first. Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobao hastily quickened his pace.

After just a few breaths, Yang Xiaobao rushed to Lingyu Spring. He first noticed a small pool of one meter square. The pool was scooping up and steaming. Could this pool be Lingyu Spring?I guess it should be.

Because besides seeing this pool, Yang Xiaobao also saw ten people arguing with each other, so Yang Xiaobao took a look and found that these ten people were all disciples of the top ten sects of the Huayang Empire, and they were Every sect has one, even Xie Yixiang is here.

The sects and names of these ten people were all displayed on the electronic light screen during the martial arts competition in the central square of the Huayang Empire, and Yang Xiaobao had an amazing memory, so he knew who these people were, and he knew who they were. Know which sect they belong to.

Needless to say, Xie Yixiang, because they are now friends in need, they naturally know that she is an inner disciple of Shuangxuezong, and the other nine are:

"The inner disciple of the Orthodox School—Gong Liangxin,

The inner disciple of the Unfeeling Sect——Lu Tianyan,

An inner disciple of the Sacred Painting School——Su Yi,

An inner disciple of Mount Liutai——Jiang Jingqiu,

The inner disciple of Hanyu Valley - Zhuohou,
An inner disciple of Yueshan Sect——Yue Zhencai,

The inner disciple of Guangming Temple—the enlightened monk,
Xu Jinzong's inner disciple - Lao Wentai,

Canglang Sect inner disciple - Yi Zhihe. "

When these ten people saw Yang Xiaobao coming here, they all had different expressions, some were shocked, some were disdainful, and some were indifferent... Only Xie Yixiang had a look of surprise. When she saw Yang Xiaobao coming here, she immediately He came up to greet him, and said with a look of surprise: "Xiaobao, I didn't expect you to come too!"

Yang Xiaobao was also overjoyed when he saw Xie Yixiang. Since she disappeared in the ancient temple in the desert, he had been worried about what happened to her, but he didn't expect her to appear here, so he almost met Xie Yixiang. At the same time, he said, "Yi Xiang, I didn't expect you to come too!"

Yang Xiaobao and Xie Yixiang spoke at the same time, and they said almost exactly the same words. After hearing each other's words, the two smiled at the same time. Also, these words are indeed too tacit, which shows that each has something in each other's heart. Certain servings.

And the other nine people, no matter men or women, count as one. When they saw Xie Yixiang and Yang Xiaobao being so close, they were really surprised. You know, this Xie Yixiang is a famous cold beauty Ah, I have always been honest with men. I didn't expect to treat Yang Xiaobao, an ordinary person with no vitality, so differently. Moreover, the way they talk is so intimate that they are definitely not like ordinary friends. Simple, this makes them such a group of rising stars of various sects who claim to be geniuses, how embarrassing.

However, Yang Xiaobao doesn't care about what they think. In his heart now, apart from the joy of reuniting with Yi Xiang after the reunion, he is concerned about Lingyuquan, but he still doesn't know anything about Lingyuquan. , so he immediately said to Xie Yixiang: "Yixiang, is this pond Lingyuquan?"

Seeing Xiaobao asking such a simple question, Xie Yixiang was stunned for a moment, but she quickly replied: "Yes, Xiaobao, this is Lingyuquan." Originally, Xie Yixiang wanted to ask why he didn't even have Lingyuquan I know, but with so many people here, she didn't ask.

"Then what's in this Lingyu Spring? Why is it still smoking?" Yang Xiaobao continued to ask.

"Hahaha, I'm so ridiculous. Where did the bumpkin come from? He doesn't even know the vitality spring in Lingyu Spring." The few people next to him were surprised when they heard Yang Xiaobao ask such a childish question. He even laughed loudly.

Xie Yixiang couldn't help feeling disgusted and blushing when she heard the laughing sound of the male duck's throat. She also couldn't understand why Yang Xiaobao asked such a simple question, but she still replied: "Xiaobao, this Lingyuquan It’s filled with organic spring water.”

"Oh, then what were you all arguing about just now?" Yang Xiaobao continued to ask, originally he wanted to ask what is the use of this vitality spring water, but seeing these people all looked like aliens Looking at him, think about it or forget it.

"Friend, we are discussing how to allocate this pool of vitality spring water. My friend may not know the use of this vitality spring water. This vitality spring water, as the name suggests, is a spring water that increases vitality. It has beauty and skin care, and delays aging. , nourishing vitality and other effects, to put it bluntly, just drinking a sip of vitality spring water can make people look younger than ten years." Before Xie Yixiang could speak, Gong Liangxin, an inner disciple of the orthodox sect, immediately spoke.

"Thank you, my friend." Yang Xiaobao clasped his fists at Gong Liangxin slightly. He still had a good impression of this Gong Liangxin, because the tone and expression of this person treated him equally, and he didn't seem to be a little Like a human being, aloof and condescending.

Moreover, Yang Xiaobao also secretly admires his current cultivation level when he sees his current cultivation base. He thought that the speed at which he can transform his internal energy from the Shaolin Yijinjing exercise into vitality cultivation is unmatched. Unexpectedly, this Gong Liangxin is also In just a few months, he raised his cultivation level to the mid-level of Wuli Level [-], which is already at the same level as him. You must know that before entering Lingyu Valley, everyone's cultivation base cannot exceed the fifth level of Wuyuan. It means that he has also broken through two major levels in a row this month, and he is indeed a rising star of one of the top ten sects.

"Hey, boy, what about you? You are the last to come. You don't have your share in this spring of vitality. You should be more sensible, step back and stand aside." Said arrogantly.

"Lu Tianyan, who are you? Since when did you give the order, and you only arrived ten minutes earlier than Xiaobao. Why do you have a share and Xiaobao doesn't? This spring of vitality It's something that has no owner, so naturally those who see it will have a share." Xie Yixiang retorted imposingly as soon as Lu Tianyan finished speaking in the male duck's voice.

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