Chapter 127 Slap in the face
"Hey, Xiaobao, Xiaobao's barking is so affectionate, is it possible that this boy is your man?" Hearing Xie Yixiang's words, the male duck's throat was not only confident, but also impeccable, and he couldn't find any rebuttal for a while, so He had no choice but to say in a strange way.

"Lu Tianyan, what nonsense are you talking about?" Xie Yixiang blushed immediately when she heard the voice of the male duck. Although she looked very angry, she did not object to his words. Not only did she not object, but she was also a little shy However, I was still very annoyed at Lu Tianyan saying such shameless words in public, so I said angrily.

"Pa", Xie Yixiang hadn't finished speaking when Drake's throat was slapped on the face, and then a voice full of warning said: "I can't spit ivory out of a dog's mouth. If you dare to talk nonsense again, brother, I will definitely give you a piece of cake!" Knock out all your teeth."

Yang Xiaobao was about to get angry when the male duck talked to him with a very arrogant voice. Later, he realized that Yi Xiang had already stood up for him, so he endured it for a while. Unexpectedly, this guy went so far as to make things worse. , so he immediately slapped the drake on the throat.

The slap sounded, and everyone present was startled. No one thought that Yang Xiaobao would make a sudden move, and no one thought that Yang Xiaobao would dare to make a move. Leaving aside the disparity in status between the two, it was Yang Xiaobao himself is just an ordinary person with no vigor all over his body, how dare he make a bold move? Could it be that he is relying on Xie Yixiang to support him?But in terms of the status of the sect, Xie Yixiang's Shuangxue Sect is still inferior to Lu Tianyan's Unfeeling Sect.

And Lu Tianyan was slapped suddenly, and was almost stunned. It took a while to react, and then he jumped up, pointed at Yang Xiaobao and said: "You kid is fucking After eating the guts of a leopard, he dared to attack the master."

"Pa", just as Lu Tianyan finished speaking, she received another slap on the face. Not only that, after this slap, Lu Tianyan's mouth was already full of blood, and all her front teeth fell out. Yandeng was so painful that she screamed "Yi Yi Ya Ya Ya Ya", but she didn't dare to yell again, obviously she was scared by Yang Xiaobao's slap.

Ding, the system prompts: "Congratulations to the master 'Yang Xiaobao' for successfully face-to-face slapping. The special reward is 2000 points of pretense, 2000 points of experience, and 2000 points of system points." At the same time, the system light screen interface appeared in the mind:
"The master raises the little treasure,

Boundary: Level [-] of martial arts

Experience Points: 2000 points

Points: 5132 points

Force value: 9800 point

Occupation: None

"Hey, I really didn't expect, brother, I just slapped this arrogant guy twice, and I didn't deliberately pretend to be aggressive, so I succeeded in face-to-face slapping? The system actually gave a lot of rewards, which is not bad, really Very good." After Yang Xiaobao heard the system prompt, he immediately became very excited and YYed in his heart.

At this moment, everyone has quieted down, everyone has a look of recklessness and disbelief, not only amazed at Yang Xiaobao's boldness, but also amazed at his super kung fu and combat power, you know, Lu Tianyan is now a martial artist of the first level of martial arts, and Yang Xiaobao looks like an ordinary person, how did he do it?If it is said that the first time he slapped him because Lu Tianyan was caught off guard, then the second slap, Lu Tianyan was obviously fully prepared, but still didn't Being able to escape Yang Xiaobao's outrageous blow, and saying that he knocked out his teeth, really knocked out his teeth.

As a result, everyone became jealous of raising Xiaobao, and now they also understood that raising Xiaobao was not based on someone's power, but that he himself had this strength.

They all thought about it in their hearts. If they were fighting alone, no one would be a match for Yang Xiaobao, because they all knew in their hearts that although they are now at the level of martial arts, they still don't have the ability to do it with just two slaps. Lu Tianyan was so beaten that he had no power to fight back, even the enlightened monk who had reached the third level of martial arts could not, but Yang Xiaobao did it easily.

Therefore, for a while, the whole group became silent, no one spoke, and everyone was thinking about their own thoughts.

Xie Yixiang knew that Xiaobao had the ability to raise Xiaobao, and knew that his combat power was very strong, but she didn't expect it to be so strong. Apart from being excited, she was also a little worried, because Lu Tianyan was The inner disciple of the Unfeeling Sect was slapped in the face by Yang Xiaobao in public this time. I am afraid that after leaving the Lingyu Valley, it will be difficult for her to be kind. Therefore, she became a little worried, but the worry was nothing to worry about. I still like the momentum very much, and it was obvious that Yang Xiaobao acted just because of her. If Yang Xiaobao really encountered a lot of trouble and life crisis in the future, he might have to ask the master to take action.

As for Yang Xiaobao, he didn't think so much, and it was also because this guy was too arrogant and his words were too harsh. If he didn't teach him a lesson, if he just tolerated it, it would definitely affect his Dao heart. Po wants.

Besides, now is the critical moment for distributing vitality spring water. If you don't show some real skills, if it's just about status, I'm afraid I'm just a member of the Kunyu royal family now compared with these proud sons of the great sect. , I really have to stand aside, and if I talk about fighting, I will fight. There is nothing to worry about. Even if there are any troubles in the future, he will not be afraid. Back then, when he first came to this world, even the young leader of the Spider Gang was killed. , is not still alive and well.

Everyone else has their own ideas now, but they have the same idea, that is, Yang Xiaobao's strength has been recognized by everyone, so Yang Xiaobao is of course also qualified to participate in the distribution of vitality spring water. No one dares to doubt this.

After everyone was silent for a while, the orthodox Gong Liangxin spoke first, and he cupped his fists slightly at Yang Xiaobao and said, "Friend, now let's discuss the distribution plan for this vitality spring together."

"Okay, I'd better listen to your opinions first." Yang Xiaobao also clasped his fists at Gong Liangxin. He still has a good impression of this Gong Liangxin. They are all very fair, and the second is because he is a disciple of the Orthodox Sect. After all, Yang Xiaobao is very grateful to the head of the Orthodox Sect, Zhan Feiyi. He was the one who tested it himself at the competition stage in the central square of the Huayang Empire. And with a final decision, everyone's doubts were suppressed. Therefore, Yang Xiaobao was qualified to enter Lingyu Valley.

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