Chapter 131
Yang Xiaobao felt that these portraits were not simple, and after looking at them for a while, the rest of the people also had different perceptions of these portraits, so everyone was immersed in the perception of these portraits. Inner quieted down instantly.

Yang Xiaobao first looked at the first painting on the left side of the cave wall. This painting showed a man who made three movements in a row. The first movement was that the man punched the sky. At first glance, it seems very simple, but as long as you settle down and look at the model carefully, you can immediately see the extraordinary things in it.

The second movement of this person is actually no movement, I saw him standing between the sky and the earth like a pine tree, gazing into the distance, like a clay sculpture and wood carving, Yang Xiaobao looked at it carefully for a while, but did not see any clues, so I had no choice but to let it go temporarily, and then observed the third movement of this person. I saw that this person was sitting cross-legged on the ground, and jumped more than one meter high, but he still maintained this sitting state.

When Yang Xiaobao saw the three movements of the people in this painting, he immediately felt a very special meaning that was always haunting his mind, as if he suddenly forgot something important and couldn’t remember it for a while. Yang Xiaobao immediately closed his eyes, The three movements I saw just now flashed in my mind, and gradually changed from clear to blurred, and then from blurred to clear. After doing this several times, Yang Xiaobao suddenly realized that this is not exactly his powerful palm technique Qiuyue The first form of the Eight Palms: Is it the artistic conception in "When is the Spring Flower and Autumn Moon"?

Through the enlightenment just now, Yang Xiaobao immediately has a brand-new awareness of the first move of Qiuyue Eight Palms. If he uses this awareness, it will not consume too much energy at all, and the power It will be strengthened a lot. After Yang Xiaobao realized this, he was overjoyed immediately, and then he watched the second painting.

This second painting is still a person, but this person does not make the slightest movement, but stands on the field, gazing at the villages and the rising smoke that are faintly visible in the distance, Yang Xiaobao stands in front of this painting, After watching carefully for a while, I naturally connected with the second move of Qiuyue Eight Palms: "How much do you know about the past?" Yes, it is the sublimation of the artistic conception of this move. Here comes the third painting.

In the third painting, there is no one, only an antique small building standing outside the bustling, and the wind blows, wrinkling the pool of clear water in front of the small building.Yang Xiaobao's comprehension of this painting is quicker, because this painting is more vivid, so Yang Xiaobao understood it almost immediately. " mood.

Yang Xiaobao then looked at the fourth painting, this painting is a round of bright moon hanging high on a city, with infinite desolation in the posthumous silence, Yang Xiaobao stayed in front of this painting for a long time After that, I woke up from this desolate feeling, and then closed my eyes and fell into thinking. It was only in an instant that I connected with the fourth move in Qiuyue's Eight Palms: "The homeland is unbearable to look back at the moonlight". I realized that when I used this trick, I had to have the bright moon in my heart, and only with the help of the bright moon's power would I be able to offset the consumption of vitality.

After Yang Xiaobao understood this, he immediately had a new understanding of Qiuyue Eight Palms, and then Yang Xiaobao continued to look at the fifth portrait, which was a beautiful woman in ancient costume standing in a very imposing gate On the bed, leaning against the white marble railing and looking into the distance, with affectionate brows, as if looking forward to the return of his beloved husband from afar.

Yang Xiaobao stared at this painting, the first impression was that this beauty felt so beautiful, and the second impression was that she had a feeling of deja vu to this beauty, which made Yang Xiaobao feel very strange, how could he have What about this feeling?Besides, he didn't know this beautiful woman at all, and it was impossible for him to know her, but why did this feeling of familiarity become stronger and stronger?
Yang Xiaobao quickly shook his head, immediately put aside this thought, forced himself to calm down, and comprehend the artistic conception of this painting, so Yang Xiaobao's eyes were moved away from this beautiful woman, and he was fixed on this gate tower. When I came to the white marble railing, my mind was refreshed, and I got in touch with the fifth movement of Qiuyue's Eight Palms: "The carving of the railing and the jade should still be there", and a new way of thinking filled it instantly. It was an unprecedented feeling. Yang Xiaobao immediately calmed down and realized it carefully. He immediately had another artistic conception, adding another layer of changes to this move, which undoubtedly added a lot of power.

Yang Xiaobao then looked at the sixth painting. This painting is still a beautiful woman, but it is not the beauty just now, and this beauty Yang Xiaobao does not feel familiar. The most strange thing for Yang Xiaobao is that this The beauty didn't wear ancient clothes, but a pink uniform, which was very modern and attractive, especially the eyes of this beauty had a very special wildness.

Yang Xiaobao stayed in front of this painting, looked at it for a while, and suddenly felt a little confused. Looking at these paintings, they should be very old. How could there be such a modern girl?Could it be that the world was modernized a long time ago?

Yang Xiaobao shook his head immediately when he thought of this, instead of continuing to dwell on this problem, he put aside all distracting thoughts and began to comprehend this portrait carefully. Unexpectedly, after his mind calmed down, he looked at this beautiful woman again, and suddenly felt The beauty has changed, the beauty is still the same beauty, but the pink uniform on her body is gone, she stands naked on the wall, and those eyes are looking forward to make love, lusting for love.

Yang Xiaobao was caught off guard when he saw such a sudden change in the painting, his eyes blurred involuntarily, but at this moment, the future coughed in Yang Xiaobao's ear in time, Yang Xiaobao Immediately woke up from the confusion of consciousness, quickly rubbed his eyes with his hands, and then looked at the painting, only to find that the beauty in the painting has changed again, this beauty is no longer naked as before, but She was dressed in an ancient white dress like snow, and she looked extremely pure, with a feeling of celestial being, just like a fairy in the legend.

After Yang Xiaobao found out this change, he was stunned immediately, thinking what's going on?Could it be that the woman in this painting is a changing girl?
Yang Xiaobao was just stunned for a moment, then looked at the painting again, and found that the beauty in the painting had returned to the appearance of the pink uniform just now, Yang Xiaobao was not surprised because he was mentally prepared this time , then closed his eyes, recalled the several changes of the beauty in this painting, and gradually a kind of enlightened consciousness immediately came to mind.

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(End of this chapter)

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