Chapter 132 Entry
Following this kind of awareness, Yang Xiaobao immediately felt the sixth move of Qiuyue's eight palms: "It's just the change of Zhu Yan", and immediately understood the subtle changes of this move, and then practiced it in his heart After a while, I feel that I am much stronger than before Mingwu.

Yang Xiaobao then came to the seventh painting. This painting is a human emperor with a crown on his head and a dragon robe on his body. This person looks very young, about [-] years old, Staring in front of a huge map of mountains and rivers, his face is full of memory and nostalgia, and his brows are tightly knit, with a sense of melancholy filling the brows, so thick that it can't be melted away.

When Yang Xiaobao saw this sad-faced emperor on earth, he suddenly thought of Emperor Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty, and recalled that Emperor Chongzhen was always sad all day long under internal and external troubles. In the end, after all, it still can't stop the wheel of history from rolling forward.

Thinking of this, Yang Xiaobao couldn't help but shook his head, then took another look at the sad-faced emperor in the world, then closed his eyes, and the seventh form of Qiuyue's eight palms immediately appeared in his mind: "I ask you how much you can be sad." ", a brand-new artistic conception came to my heart immediately, and I realized immediately that the essence of this move is all in the word "sorrow". No wonder when I used this move, I always felt something was wrong.

Then, Yang Xiaobao went to the eighth painting. This eighth painting is about a river. The water on the river looks very clear, not muddy at all. There is a wind blowing to the reeds on the bank. Something suddenly startled a group of egrets, lined up in the air, flapped their wings and flew into the distance.

Yang Xiaobao stayed in front of this painting for a while, and then felt the eighth form of Qiuyue's eight palms: "It's like a river of spring water flowing eastward", but this feeling is fleeting, and has not yet Before he had time to realize it, he suddenly disappeared.

Yang Xiaobao had no choice but to stand in front of the painting again, observe the model carefully, and gradually sank into it. When he saw the river of spring water again, he immediately felt again. He didn't rush to comprehend, but continued to focus on this river of spring water. After about ten minutes of touching, there was a feeling of sudden enlightenment, as if a door had been reopened. Therefore, just for a moment, raising Xiaobao Then I realized the artistic conception of "like a river of spring water flowing eastward" in the last move of Qiuyue's eight palms.

After reading these eight paintings, Yang Xiaobao feels that he has really benefited a lot. Now he has fully understood his powerful palm technique, Qiuyue Eight Palms. It turns out that he just learned a set of moves, and many important links are also Without asking for a deep understanding, it is only now that we have mastered it.

Yang Xiaobao closed his eyes, reconnected these eight pictures and recalled them again, and felt that there was nothing wrong with them. Then he rearranged the feelings just now and kept them in his heart. So far, Qiuyue's eight palms finally succeeded. Big success.

Yang Xiaobao didn't continue to watch other murals, because there was a person in front of each set of paintings who was comprehending, and he didn't want to disturb other people's comprehension just like this. He didn't even bother to do such things, and he just looked at them After a while, he immediately discovered a problem, that is, even if he tried to comprehend other murals, it would not be very effective, because he had no feeling, that is to say, in this fairy cave, each person can only comprehend one set of pictures at most. .

Yang Xiaobao saw that Xie Yixiang was still in the process of understanding, so naturally he would not disturb her. He immediately walked out of the cave and thought about it secretly. Now he has been to the main places in Lingyu Valley, and he has also gained a lot. , Going to other insignificant places is obviously of little significance. It is better to use the remaining one month or so to find a place to practice.

Yang Xiaobao made up his mind, and then ran towards a valley in front of him. In just a few minutes, Yang Xiaobao found a cliff. Yang Xiaobao is now practicing exercises, and he is especially interested in places with cliffs, because he When practicing, the energy of heaven and earth absorbed is too ferocious and shocking. Of course, it is better to find a place where there are no people to practice, so as not to shock others, and not to easily expose your own details.

Yang Xiaobao came to the edge of the cliff, and then he used the wind riding technique, and fell down like a gust of wind. After touching it for a few minutes, Yang Xiaobao felt that it was almost done, and then he used the wind riding technique "steady" "Zi Jue, after stabilizing his figure, immediately with a thought, the Nebula Dagger appeared in his hand, and then he began to dig a hole.

Yang Xiaobao is already familiar with digging holes with the Nebula dagger. With a little effort, he dug out a cave for two people to hide in. Yang Xiaobao immediately got into it, then sat down cross-legged, and performed the Tai Chi and Tai Chu magic skills. After a few weeks, the vitality of the surrounding heaven and earth rushed towards him like a tide, and quickly formed layers of vitality mist around his body. Yang Xiaobao was also under the continuous operation of Tai Chi, Enter a state of deep meditation.


That day, after the leader of the Spider Gang, Ouyang Afraid, took over the entire Ax Gang at the headquarters of the Ax Gang, he immediately reorganized the Ax Gang with all his strength, and announced on the spot that the title of the Ax Gang was officially cancelled, and all members of the Ax Gang belonged to the Spider Gang , Since then, the Ax Gang has officially changed its appearance and completely turned into the Spider Gang, and the Spider Gang is even more dominant among all the gang forces in Shanshui City.

Ouyang feared that he then integrated all the elders of the Spider Gang and re-ranked them. Miao Zhiyi, the former third elder of the Spider Gang, was promoted to the first elder, Zuo Hui, the original second elder of the Spider Gang, was still the second elder, and the former second elder of the Ax Gang The second elder Xiang Donglin retired as the third elder, and the third elder of the former Axe Gang retired as the fourth elder.

Because of his loyalty to the leader of the gang, Miao Zhiyi, Miao Zhiyi finally climbed a rank. Apart from Ouyang Fear, he has the highest power in the gang, so he is even more loyal to Ouyang Fear. Ouyang Afraid is always looking ahead, everything Ouyang Afraid has said, he will obey, everything Ouyang Afraid has confessed, he has done it himself, and he has not compromised in the implementation.

And Ouyang was afraid of re-establishing the Spider Gang. After he took power, he became more energetic and in a really good mood. Even his temper was not as irritable as before. However, there was one more thing that made him think of In the throat, he couldn't even eat, that was to avenge his son.

So Ouyang was afraid to immediately issue a death order in the gang, asking people to look around for a man named Yang Xiaobao, and as soon as there was news of this person, they had to report to him immediately, because he wanted to catch Yang Xiaobao with his own hands. Then use all cruel methods to torture him to death in order to eliminate the monstrous hatred in his heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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