Guwu's future pretending to slap the face system

Chapter 133 The Harvest of Ouyang's Fear

Chapter 133 The Harvest of Ouyang's Fear
After the elder Miao Zhiyi received the order from Ouyang Fear, he immediately mobilized all the gang members in the gang to inquire about Yang Xiaobao's whereabouts. news.

The first piece of news is that Yang Xiaobao is a disciple of Starry Sky Academy, not only a special alchemist, but also has a very high status in Starry Sky Academy, and is the youngest elder of Starry Sky Academy;
The second piece of news is that Yang Xiaobao's whereabouts are unknown now, and he has been missing for nearly half a year;
The third piece of news is that Yang Xiaobao has a villa in Dadou Village, and his family, that is, his mother and younger sister, all live in this villa.

After getting these three pieces of news, the great elder Miao Zhiyi immediately reported to the gang leader Ouyang Fear. After hearing the first piece of news, Ouyang Fear was immediately taken aback. He didn't expect that this little treasure had such a big background. Not to mention that he is a disciple of the Starry Sky Academy, but he still has the identity of an alchemist and an elder, which can't help but surprise him.

After all, with the power of the Starry Sky Academy, it is not something that a small spider gang like him can afford to provoke. Not to mention, but with the cultivation of Dean Ling of the Starry Sky Academy, as long as she blows her breath, she can blow him to death, Ouyang I'm afraid that when he thinks of this consequence, he immediately shudders. Although he kills people like hemp and doesn't take other people's lives seriously, he still cherishes his own life.

Ouyang is afraid to know that it is not as easy as he imagined to avenge his son, or there is no chance to seek revenge from Yang Xiaobao. He couldn't get it right.

Then after he heard the second news, he couldn't help being overjoyed. He didn't expect that Yang Xiaobao had disappeared for several months. It would be best if his enemy Yang Xiaobao could die outside, although he didn't kill him himself dead, but it is also a very happy thing to know the news of the death of the enemy.

When Ouyang feared to hear the news, he couldn't help but feel much better. The elder Miao Zhiyi saw that Ouyang feared that after hearing the first news just now, his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and even more gloomy like the rhythm of an approaching rainstorm. At that time, he was really startled. I was afraid that Ouyang would get angry on the spot and give him a slap. Fortunately, Ouyang was afraid that after hearing the second news about Yang Xiaobao's disappearance, the dark clouds covering his face would dissipate immediately. Open, and then it rained again.

This reassured the great elder Miao Zhiyi immediately, so he hurriedly delivered the third message. Ouyang was afraid that after hearing the third message, he would be silent for a while, and then his eyes began to shine, and an evil The thought of this is like a weed growing crazily in his heart, and the longer it grows, the more vigorous it becomes.

Ouyang was afraid that this thought would not calm down at all, so he immediately said to the elder Miao Zhiyi: "Come on, come with me to the villa where Xiaobao is raised in Dadou Village."

When Miao Zhiyi heard that Ouyang Afraid was going to take him out to do business in person, she trembled with excitement, quickly said yes, and followed Ouyang Afraid out of the headquarters of the Spider Gang. The special car I just bought is here, Ouyang Fear and Miao Zhiyi immediately got into the car, and Miao Zhiyi immediately said to the driver: "Younger, help the master to go to the villa where Xiaobao is raised in Dadou Village, you can drive there directly .”

The driver Yu Xiao quickly agreed, then lightly stepped on the accelerator, immediately pulled out of the yard, and then drove in the direction of Dadou Village.

After about half an hour, Ouyang Fear's special car drove to the gate of the villas in Dadou Village. Ouyang Fear immediately said: "Don't stop, just drive in."

The driver, Xiao Xiao, heard the order from the gang leader, quickly let go of the clutch, immediately kicked the accelerator to keep up, and then drove directly to the villas, and soon stopped at the entrance of the villa where Xiaobao was raised. The gate of the villa was also open. His mother, He Manyao, was watching at the door, not only today, He Manyao had been watching at the door almost every day in the past few months, because his son had not been back for several months to raise Xiaobao.

Although he already knew from the fat boy Jiang Yu that Yang Xiaobao had gone to a place called Lingyu Valley, and she would definitely not come back for a while, but she still looked around the door for a while every day, hoping for a miracle to happen. His son Yang Xiaobao returned victorious.

Now, she suddenly saw a high-end car suddenly parked in front of her house, and she immediately began to look forward to it. Could it be that the gods have seen that his son, Yang Xiaobao, has finally returned?
Then she saw two men in their fifties walking towards her, one of them had only one arm. Of course, these two were Ouyang Fear, the leader of the Spider Gang, and Miao Zhiyi, the elder. Miao Zhiyi saw He Manyao Standing at the door, he immediately stepped forward and asked, "You are the mother who raises Xiaobao, right?"

When He Manyao heard that this person knew his son Yang Xiaobao, she immediately said happily: "Yes, are you my son's friends?"

Ouyang was afraid that he would not wait for Miao Zhiyi to answer, so he hurriedly said: "We are the friends who raise Xiaobao, he can't come because of something, let us come and visit."

When He Manyao heard that Ouyang was afraid to admit that he was his son's friend, she immediately became extremely enthusiastic. She immediately let Ouyang and Miao Zhiyi into the house, and then went upstairs to tell her daughter Yang Xiangxiang that they were her brother's friends Here, let her come out to entertain guests.

Yang Xiangxiang was overjoyed when she heard that her brother's friend was here. She hadn't heard from her brother for a long time, so she just asked his friend, and she didn't have any doubts at all, because she knew that her brother was a capable person. There must be a wide range of friends. It is normal to have some good friends, so why would you doubt it?

As soon as Yang Xiangxiang walked downstairs, Ouyang was afraid that his eyes would be straightened immediately. After more than half a year of recuperation, Yang Xiangxiang is no longer the yellow-faced and thin yellow-haired girl. It can be said that she has completely changed. Now she has become a juicy girl, not only her skin has become much fairer, but her figure is also very plump, and she has the wild beauty of a country girl all over her body.

Yang Xiangxiang saw Ouyang looking at her in fear of lust, as if she was going to eat her, and immediately felt a thump in her heart, thinking how could her brother have such a friend, so she stopped her steps and stood there in a daze. There, I don't know what to do.

However, her appearance added a sense of shyness, and Ouyang was afraid that it would be even more itchy. After all, he came here today to make trouble. Since Yang Xiaobao killed his son, he is now missing That's it, just to insult his family, let's vent our anger.It's just that he didn't expect that the younger sister who raised Xiaobao was so beautiful, which made him overjoyed immediately, thinking it was really an unexpected harvest.

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